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Everything posted by drakesdoom

  1. The issue I think with missile with that much energy on delivery is payload cost. A bullet costs the same no matter how fast you launch it from a magnetic accelerator cannon. To achieve the same kind of energy as a .04c round with an explosive or accelerate a projectile to that speed with even a fusion drive to allow mid flight course corrections is prohibitive. Also their is minimum distance to consider, if your opponent appears in high orbit as they do in the halo series close range engagement become a reality, only a cannon can deliver that 0 distance hit without damaging itself. As for projectile breakup it really has little effect at those speeds you are firing a kinetic slug. If the slug is not intact you have bits of the ship flying out the back at either a higher speed or more likely a higher mass. At those speeds terminal ballistics break down, you are not shooting them per see, but delivering a blow of kinetic energy that their ship cannot sustain. Any energy after initial impact is maintained in some form either high mass or high speed. For lasers being better just look at current military projects. The navy is developing rail gun upgrades for their main cannons and the air force is working on anti missile lasers. The navy is almost done but the air force cannot make a laser with enough power without using chemical based lasers that need their chemical components reloaded after a few shots. Whops their goes the whole laser system if you have to fire multiple times. Recoil in space has no backstop like on earth. A massive station would be able to correct course over a greater time perhaps even entirely after the battle however the energy requirements are the same. It may actually require less energy to keep a lighter station in orbit if you could deliver the thrust fast enough as you are accelerating a smaller mass after a few shots than a large station where the mass change is unnoticeable. Even a light station firing 600 ton projectiles I would imagine would weigh in at 4000 tons or more given only 50 rounds aboard.
  2. drakesdoom


    You have lost the game.
  3. drakesdoom


    For the good of all of us.
  4. If one was aware of all dimensions that one exists in you could not be alive as you would never change. Life is a form of 1 dimensional space travel and to be aware on the conscious level of all points in time that align with you would make you a 4d statue. HOYE SITE WE ARE ALL A STATUE GARDEN Some 6d alien has created the earth as a installation piece in an art museum. You are post dimensional impressionism.
  5. This whole time paradox thing is looking mighty sketchy these days. Even nasa is funding research into controlled gravity fields assisting acceleration to allow ftl travel, which allows a light form of time travel. Saying you can't do something because logic only shows you do not yet fully understand how to do something.
  6. All that orbital information is nice, but how is someone supposed to get that reading from an unselectable untouchable object? That is to assume also that it follows a true orbit.
  7. I have had side booster detach and fly past the main body, terminated launch shutting down main stack and ejecting capsule, and then one of the boosters smashed the capsule as it was descending on chutes...
  8. On the discussion of escape systems I think a little background on escape systems that have been used might be in order. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_crew_capsule I think the B-58 pods are the best of those for simplicity in use. In addition they had controls inside their shell leading to the possibility having them closed during launch so even in an instantaneous breakup crew would survive. The SR-71 used semi sealed pressure suits and a more traditional ejection chair. I believe it used straps that pulled in the limbs but I do not have a source for that. I think a shuttle launch would exceed the capability of such a system though as a space launch failure would be an immediately more hostile environment, you know the whole riding a slow bomb bit.
  9. I have seen rovers that use ion engines and plane landing gear reach orbital velocity on the minmus flats. On the mun you would have to go twice that speed and there is no where so flat but still keep in mind there is a hard speed limit where you stop driving and start orbiting.
  10. The only issue I see is keeping it in orbit, best case of ion thrusters of immense size powered by microwave relay still does not look good.
  11. You have found the source of the chaos taint that brings the warp storm cutting us off from the light of they holy emperor? CALL THE INQUISITION, EXTERMINATUS MUST BE DECLARED.
  12. I find that their butthurt lotion makes my hands feel much better after a long day of being a BOSS.
  13. From some basic ground tests on KSC grounds, they are slightly slower, but more resistant to impacts. They should be better for heavier rovers or rovers that land on their wheels. As mentioned above they also do not turn as tight, this could help reduce flips since you cannot turn as hard. You would have to take them to a mountain range to test the grip even the other medium wheels can crawl up the steep side of the launch pad.
  14. 1. This is an alpha test there will be bugs. 2. The opt-in ability was your ability to not buy the pre-release. No one told you this was a finished bug free game, in fact they specifically said this was an alpha with many features missing and barley playable. 3. You could have waited for full release and gotten a stable bug free version. Also causing grief implies intent, and squad has no intent on ruining your fun. 4. See above for why that doesn't matter.
  15. All glory unto the EMPEROR! Forward, for the Imperium of kerbal.
  16. Canards at the top will give you more control but will also make your rocket inherently unstable and tumble. The trade off is advantageous for a computer controlled missile to deliver a payload onto a fast moving target. However if you want to hand fly a large rocket into space you will find that fins further back make you stable but with less control even to the point where straight is the only option. Where you want your fins is up too you just be aware of the tradeoff you are engaged in.
  17. Well I took a nap and now the update is out so this may be on hold. Oddly the stock engine does not list those values at all so my first step will be removing them and seeing what happens.
  18. I was interested in why some mod engines seem to wobble on their nodes. KSPX engines do not seem to wobble any more than stock, yet KW and Nova pack engines act like they are attached with rubber bands. Even though I have limited mod experience I thought a good place to start would be too compare the part config files. Below are all the differences I found between two similar engines the stock LV-T30 and the KW Rocketry WildCat-V. LV-T30 // --- node definitions --- node_stack_top = 0.0, 7.21461, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -7.27403, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 Wildcat-V // --- node definitions --- node_stack_top = 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -9.56, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 My understanding is this is the location of nodes relative to model center, I don't think this is the issue but it might be. If there is a clipping issue with the collider mesh this might be involved but that is a bit of a side issue. There is a a difference in that the stock engine is nearly centered on it's nodes I have no idea if that matters. Under editor parameters the category is different, I think this is just ongoing changes with the file sorting and does not matter. This is a bit of extra lines under the wildcat engines, I think this is the main issue though I already said I have no experience. // --- standard part parameters --- snip breakingForce = 2400 breakingTorque = 2400 LV-T30 MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = fairing bottomNodeName = bottom isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1 jettisonForce = 5 jettisonDirection = 0 0 1 } Wildcat-V MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform gimbalRange = 0.5 } As We can see here there are also some differences in the Module section. The Wildcat has gimbal action but we already knew the LV-T30 did not so it is the lack of everything else that is odd. Or not really since all of that pertains to the inbuilt engine fairing which KW has yet to implement. It is also worth noting that the stock engine has several additional files in more meshes, models, and a DAE file. I started to look at this because it annoys me that these engines wobble. I would imagine this annoys others as well and it also affects other mods. I have limited experience but I will begin testing to see if changing these values will stop the wobble. Please discuss and comment with any insight.
  19. I do not know of a better way than a second by second calculation of the vehicle state, like launching the ship in the game for instance. There may be a better way but I don't know of a way to mathematically account for decreasing drag and mass with constant thrust over time with a single equation.
  20. I don't know why I didn't mention this earlier but at one time I was in college to become a mechanical engineer but dropped out. One of the major reasons for dropping out was current copyright law and how it was applied in employment contracts. Basically to be hired as an ME anywhere part of the contract was anything you worked on belonged only to the company, not just on company time, and not just with company resources. Anything you even so much as considered during your employment became the companies property. Even if you quit and invented a device and made good money off it the company would come back and sue you with a claim that you started the idea while still working for them, and standing case law left the burden of proof on you to refute that claim, a nearly impossible task. This was in America for reference.
  21. On the GSO topic, I used to interface with these satellites by dish. There are already on orbit spares up there, maybe not for the whole life of the satellite but it's replacement is in place well before it is scheduled to fail or be decommissioned. GSO is indeed crowded however only the Longitude is rented and even in any given segment you can fit in several satellites. Parking orbits are generally slightly further in or out. The main reason for distance is not collision but frequency overlap. Depending on the band used you might need 5 degrees or more clearance either side from anyone else using that frequency for a good clean signal.
  22. It sounds to me that we could all mostly agree on two changes, 1 corporations are not people and cannot hold copyright, and 2 trivial items need to be removed from the copyright system.
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