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Everything posted by Cesrate

  1. Kim,你愿æ„Â帮忙建设中文KSP Wikiå—? http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page/zh-cn
  2. As is shown in title, is the character of unit "Newton" the 13th Greek character "ÃŽÂ" instead of the English "N"? How do western students pronounce this?
  3. If you really want to use Chinese, the correct translation is "é™Âè½在针上"…
  4. That's… that's… "Land Selling Rover Stations" = =
  5. WTF? The Chinese sentence is totally a mess= =
  6. It's surely odd when thinking relativistic effect on only space or only time.
  7. Well, one the most common tools in real case… now sitting in VAB Grand Powerful Reaction Wheels did it. Although they caused the wobbling problem on large stations… Maybe it's because all of my ships weren't very massive. Back to the point: •Will the reaction wheels consume electricity? •Will the big torques be moderated?
  8. I know this, I would like to see possible detailed methods. I mean, in cellular biology.
  9. All right… Back to the most important question 1 please…
  10. Muti-sexual doesn't necessarily to be like this…
  11. One biology teacher said this question is still covered with mystery. So how much do we know about this part of evolution? And why are there only asexual and bisexual creatures, not trisexual or others?
  12. To tell the truth, I'm going to write an abstract analysis about the communication form of KSP Forum for other forums / talk places to refer.
  13. Edit: Have I said what did "we" refer to? Oh, that's not in this Forum, and we are playing just for fun for the upcoming Summer Holiday. Imagine two neighbor and relatively small countries on Kerbin fighting, and we, as the munitions merchants provide them military instruments... I won't say what's the neta... Now it has been heated, and heavy cruiser tanks, bombers and missiles accepted...
  14. Error 403 We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for / on this server. An invalid request was received from your browser. This may be caused by a malfunctioning proxy server or browser privacy software. Your technical support key is: 2a02-caa5-1756-6707 You can use this key to fix this problem yourself. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact james at squad.com.mx and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.
  15. The Earth's satellite space is big. And satellites are very small, very fast and very numerous objects.
  16. What do you mean, Hinanawi? Earth's optical satellites aren't so much and aren't so powerful.
  17. I mean, if someone break the peaceful use of space secretly and launch a ion cannon satellite while make it public as an ordinary (maybe a little big) communication satellite, can others know it's actually a weapon? What's more, if it's an EMP bomb? Space nuke? Or other fatal things?
  18. How did this picture come out? The Grey Skybox?
  19. If you give me a DC or DSLR, I'll choose DSLR; if considering the protability, I'll choose ILDC. Although DC is the most portable, it's less useful.
  20. My suggestion to devs is to add an alarm clock to remind player in order not to miss any maneuver point when executing multiple missions…
  21. They are very very far... And in multiverse...
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