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Everything posted by tygoo7

  1. I probably won't do a pressurized trunk, but the Rodan command pod should have small inventories that kerbals have. The Cargo Dragon will have pressurized cargo in the pod though.
  2. Version 0.5.1 is available on KerbalStuff! -Fixed issue with the trunk Very nice base!
  3. It shouldn't affect it at all, but just to be safe make a backup. Ah, I know what's causing it. Yeah that bug happened last version too. It's something with the colliders, I'll try to get an update out ASAP.
  4. Is it only with the included craft file or does it happen if you try to build one yourself? Strange, the craft file is only parts from this mod and stock, could it be something about different KSP versions? Also isn't that a stock bug where the launchpad is sticky or something, I could probably move the thrustTransforms up a bit if that fixes it. EDIT: Tried out the craft file included in the .zip and I got the error MeCripp is describing, I do not get it with one built from scratch though.
  5. Hmm, I can't seem to reproduce what is happening...could you try and see if it happens on a stock install? I suspect it's another mod causing it or something.
  6. Thanks! First question: I am not really sure actually since all my landing attempts failed because I am not that good at efficient burns. I would say about less than 1/4 of the tank or something like that. Second question: It is classified at the moment because some of the planned probes might not be included, so I don't want to get your hopes up. Third question: Perhaps, after I get everything done on my to-do list.
  7. Version 0.5 is available on KerbalStuff! -Added Ghidorah 9 parts (Falcon 9)
  8. Some pics I took from another test flight, kind of messed up the landing though...
  9. I am currently developing a stockalike falcon 9 for my mod and the first stage engine uses the RAPIER module to have 2 engine modes. One is all engines and the other is one center engine. To do this I had them have different transforms but I can't figure out how to add the Launch smoke FX. When I try to add it, it just plays automatically and doesn't stop. Is it possible to have launch smoke for something like this?
  10. They are a separate part you can use on other craft.
  11. That blank space on the top of your capsule could easily have a mission flag like where it says SpaceX in the picture! (And one on the back, too?) Anyway, that Falcon looks awesome! I'm really excited to see how it turned out, but I'm more curious to see how it flies (and lands!). Did you get the togglable engine working yet, or is that to come? EDIT: I saw this picture of the internals, so... once you get around to the IVA, here's a reference. http://cdn.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Elon-Musk-Dragon-V2.jpg But, personally, I'm not too big on IVAs myself. I'd rather see the Falcon finished, and then the Cargo Dragon. I might add a mission flag after I get the F9 finished. Toggleable engines do work, just forgot to show it in the screenshots but there is the 9 and 1 engine modes.
  12. When it's a bit more playable, balanced, and has custom titles and descriptions.
  13. Thanks! It looks like Tantares somewhat because Beale taught me a few things on stockalike texturing and I kind of like the style of his parts. http://i.imgur.com/20o0mBQ.png http://i.imgur.com/4A1LMQr.png http://i.imgur.com/hqdBhOR.png http://i.imgur.com/2lhYiwT.png http://i.imgur.com/1gr8HTt.png It costs 64k from wich 52k is recovered. Very cool! Glad to see people using my mod in their saves!
  14. Time for the config stuff... Thanks! Also I am excited to see even more detailed images tomorrow! That one image of it is incredible!
  15. Texturing almost done, just need to finish up the decoupler, grid fins, and landing legs. You can see the decoupler right below the engine. I decided not to do a probe core and just use the stock 2.5m one. All my texturing attempts and modeling attempts ending up looking like the stock one. And besides, I think it'll fit nicely.
  16. Second stage tank complete. To-do -Texture interstage fairing -Texture Second stage engine -Texture landing legs -Texture grid fins -Texture first stage engines, right now they are just pure black just so it looked good for now. -Texture probe core -Texture decoupler -Move to Unity The external mesh is completely different than what the old IVA was designed for so the windows would not line up and stuff.
  17. I too am really hyped to see this thing finished. About the engines, the size may be an illusion due to the pics being taken in Orthographic mode. Do these pics look any better?
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