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Everything posted by tygoo7

  1. So I made a separate KSP install to try to play RO and RSS. I used CKAN since that seemed easier. I booted up the game, crash. Forced opengl mode and half res textures, HOLY CRAP! 824 mb!!! Is this even possible? I'm not even using ATM and I have most of the mods it recommended, even RVE! Not sure where I should put this thread but I just needed to share this. Is this normal btw?
  2. Crossing my fingers that this will be stable!
  3. Find the output_log in KSP_Data in the root folder, the place where your KSP.exe is, and put it on dropbox or something. It'll really help out to find what is causing the lag for you.
  4. Make sure you install the Kopernicus dll from the references or something from the zip.
  5. Hey guys, sorry for no update in a while. I've been extremely busy with work, but I will try my best to get you guys that Cargo Dragon as soon as I can! Don't know yet. It will probably have a unique name of it's own. That is a known issue, I still have yet to figure out how to fix it. So, the capsule is causing lag for you? Can you post your output_log please? Indeed, I don't really see a need for it since back then the docking port was attached to the pod in one part.
  6. Welcome back Sido! I've always enjoyed using this planet pack! I don't see why since it doesn't affect anything. I kind of like the current names TBH.
  7. Here's some screenshots of it. It's really great actually. Now to get back on topic. http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/gallery_preview.html
  8. I think it might be too, thanks for the help. Hopefully this can get working so I can explore some of these places in career!
  9. No they load, it's just my ships are orbiting or landed on random bodies. Like my minmus satellites are orbiting Inaccessable and my Eve rover is on Moho for example. Luckily I always make backups before installing mods like this.
  10. Sorry to ask this again, but does anyone know what's going on? Or how to fix it? It would be really cool to use Ablate and Inaccessable in my save. I have OPM installed btw. Does this have something to do with the things in the config that says "removePQSMods = ect." for minmus as a template?
  11. This is in Add-on development, there's usually not a download yet because the addon is in development. And addon makers usually don't like when people ask for a download.
  12. When you work in a grocery store and you see this and read it as "Kerbal Tea".
  13. Oh sweet! I took this thing to Mars once in Orbiter 2010 and I think it's awesome to have this in KSP! For the IVA, have you thought of using the inside in the new Orbiter 2015 BETA? That one looks much nicer IMO.
  14. I can't seem to get this to work with my current save. Some ships change what planet they are landed on or orbiting after installing this mod but they go back to normal if I uninstall it?
  15. Texture Replacer has an option to make all girls into males to have custom textures and stuff. So that must be it.
  16. So it seems as if the Cargo Dragon is winning the pole so far, so I am going to be working on that unless something changes with the poll.
  17. Oooo I just saw my mod is supported, gotta try this out. EDIT: Why...why have I not tried this mod yet? The effects are fantastic!
  18. Not in this pack. EDIT: Nvm I see it, I was taking a quick glance at the zip.
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