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Everything posted by tygoo7

  1. Sad to see you go Frizzank but this is just an outstanding mod. Thank you for making this mod. I love to play with this on a separate install if I want to pretend I'm doing a real mission or even mix it up a bit since it's KSP. Best of luck with your Bachelors and other real life stuff!
  2. If I were you, I would not do that. Instead you should either weld stock parts or make your own models TBH.
  3. RealPlume uses Smokescreen so it has in-game settings menu where you can turn down the maximum particles.
  4. Wait are you talking about smoke effects from the engines or the dust effects that were added in 1.0? For the smoke effects, I suggest downloading RealPlume because that adds some amazing engine effects for the parts.
  5. I didn't get any luck putting those effects on the engines, so I don't know about that. The windows, perhaps in the future.
  6. I have to idea on how to fix the orientation thing, but the gear changes color because of the ablation.
  7. It's a probe design called the Hedgehog probe. It's pretty cool so I felt like making it. Also, not too sure on those at the moment. Perhaps in the future though.
  8. The probe above. Rosetta and Philae and some other ones that I don't know yet.
  9. Streams over but I did manage to make this thing. I could do something like that in the next update.
  10. I will be streaming in about 10 minutes development of the new probe parts! http://www.twitch.tv/tygoo7 I could check that out. Ah, yes I know how you feel. At least you'll be able to play with it later! Thanks! Eh, not too keen on putting landing legs in the tank, the legs are suppose to be a separate part.
  11. Version 0.7 is available on KerbalStuff! -Added Rodan IVA
  12. It should still work without RPM, just less props. The actual Dragon V2 is mostly computer screens and stuff so I thought that RPM would be appropriate. - - - Updated - - - I'm just going to leave this here...
  13. Stream is finished, a lot got done today. I have thought of it, but I just can't fit a 6th crew member.
  14. I will be streaming development in about 10 minutes at http://www.twitch.tv/tygoo7 Still no mic yet.
  15. Sometime in the future. I did indeed have those modeled but I couldn't find a way to animate them properly. EDIT: Also 10,000+ downloads!
  16. I have no idea. I've only done missions as far as HKO in the Rodan. It might be able to get into orbit if you refuel on the surface or something, just guessing.
  17. Well, practice makes perfect, everyone has to start somewhere. I started modding knowing absolutely nothing about Blender or even 3D programs in general. Once you get the hang of it, Blender is pretty easy to use IMO. If not, try Wings 3D, Beale has a fantastic tutorial on making parts in that.
  18. Gotcha, I'll change it a bit so it's not a huge difference like in that picture. Thanks! Yeah Enceladus is one of my favorite moons so that is one of the reasons why I added it to the plans.
  19. I'm extremely new to Twitch so I am unsure on how to do past broadcasts.
  20. Why not learn? You can download Blender and start messing around in that or look up tutorials on how to use it. You can also download GIMP for texturing your parts. If you need any help getting started you can ask anyone on the forum or send me a PM.
  21. How about this texture? I may have accidentally deleted the original texture btw...
  22. I'm streaming at http://www.twitch.tv/tygoo7 development of the IVA. No mic since mine broke. Feel free to join in! EDIT: Stream's over.
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