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Everything posted by tygoo7

  1. I will have to check this out to see if I experience it too. I have yet to test the released version on the new kopernicus.
  2. Oh wow, amazing work! Do you mind if I add this to the op? There is a link to it in the op.
  3. Some progress...just need to finish the hexagon thing and a normal map then I can get this thing ported into game. Not long folks!
  4. Hmm, I will have to check this plume issue out. That patch was for an older version, but the next release will include patches for various mods.
  5. So progress is going pretty good on NH...too lazy to post pics at the moment since, well, it's 2am. Thanks! Don't be afraid to post pics either! Yep TAC compatibility is planned. I'll have to look into that. The next update will include some compatibility things like TAC, USL Life Support, ect., and New Horizons of course.
  6. Nice end to an epic voyage. Since I got 5,500m/s and the reentry was 5277 m/s, does that mean I get to name the next lander? I beg to differ, I don't believe the pack is stable enough for a mission, since it's still very wip.
  7. New New Horizons mesh. Should the instruments be a separate part or built into the craft? They were modeled built in, but I'm on the verge of making them separate parts.
  8. Poll Alright StrawPoll created. Yeah that's probably what I'm doing first anyways. I didn't include them since they are much closer.
  9. Is there a way to add a poll to an existing thread? The old forum could do it but I only see the option when creating a new thread.
  10. Alright here's a new version for you guys. It's 1.0.5 compatible, so colliders and stuff are working now. -Added Igel probe (Hedgehog thing) -Fixes for 1.0.5 Now to talk about the future of this mod. Here are some of the new plans for parts and other things in the future. I will put up a poll to see what you guys want first. -New Horizons parts -Rosetta and Philae parts -Cubesat parts -Vega Rocket -Dnepr Rocket -Falcon X and Falcon XX -Rover parts (probably not wheels) -Revamps for Rodan, Gigan, Ghidorah, and Staub. I feel like I can do better. Yep, that looks like a lot but I feel like I can do it. @NeoMorph Glad to hear you figured it out! EDIT: That is if I can figure out how to add a poll.
  11. No news yet, I've been really busy with stuff but I hope to get it updated soon.
  12. I'm gonna get ninja'd but here. http://www.spacex.com/webcast/
  13. There's some on the OP. I would still suggest trying on a stock install and see if the problem persists, other than that I can't help that much if you have a lot of mods.
  14. I have no idea, all I know is that it's causing problems that might not even be planet related.
  15. Can you try with only Kopernicus and this pack installed?
  16. I removed the poll since it was over and the OP shows the future features. I may make the other Falcons in the future though. Eh, I probably won't do that since it would mean more dependencies. I just thought of the name one afternoon so...yeah.
  17. Logs? Otherwise I can't help you that much other than say reinstall.
  18. Working on it! I'm hoping to have some of the bugs that KillAshley pointed out fixed.
  19. No idea. I would guess it would but save a backup and try it. Well no promises, but save a backup and tell me if it works or not.
  20. It's in the KSPData folder. Upload it to dropbox or something.
  21. Thanks you for the feedback! This is just what I was looking for! I did expect to have some issues with Ensol and Tel reported since those are the only bodies I was having problems with. I did not know there was negative altitude terrain on Ensol, I've landed on it in some parts but I didn't really pay attention to the altimeter. Could this be caused by the heightmap? Speaking of heightmap how could the seam be fixed? Just cut out that part of the texture? Yeah, the biggest problem I've had with Tel was the atmosphere. I will have to check out that atmosphere calculator, could you PM me that? I will have to check out the shininess on Tel's texture, didn't know you could make the land not shiny by placing an alpha layer over the water. I'll change up some of the file placements to save memory like you said and I'll check out some of the terrain noise mods. Do you have Kopernicus? Can you try on a stock install and send me your output_log?
  22. Well, download is on the OP! Please let me know what you guys think or what bugs you find! This is still an early version so expect a few strange things.
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