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Everything posted by tygoo7

  1. Here's a beta of the new rodan. The attachment nodes are not really set yet so just use the offset tool once you place it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/81yrjaa6s0yym2d/Tundra-Exploration-BETA.zip?dl=0 Also the engine shroud texture is done, this is an older pic though. Opinions on the style of the F9 body? It'll resemble the engine shroud.
  2. I might release a beta this weekend. I spent like 6 hours on this, I hope you like it.
  3. No date yet, I still have the F9 and cargo revamp to do. Close, but I'm Minnesotan
  4. Well it is closer to the actual design and I wasn't a fan of having a boring cylinder as the hinge. I feel like this change brings more of a design challenge like adding adapters and stuff.
  5. Deer hunting m8. That's probably what's going to happen to me too once I start college.
  6. The new Rodan is pretty much done and the updated Falcon 9 is next on the list. I plan on making the first stage engines separate from the engine mount kind of like how @CobaltWolf does his engines. I've got limited time this weekend due to hunting, so I plan to get at least the first stage done by Tuesday. That is as far the new one will open, with the little circle things. I can't make them further without having them stick out of the pod so that's basically as far as I was able to get it. Probably since they are brand new models and stuff, especially the new Ghidorah 9. I'll put a disclaimer when it comes time to release.
  7. First of all, awesome station. Second of all, that is weird. I'll have to check the config and fix that when I revamp it. EDIT:
  8. Don't worry, it's just a small touch up and then some. Nothing drastic so it'll look close to the same.
  9. Hey all! So basically, along side Tundra Exploration, I also have some more inspiration and ideas for this mod as well. My PC is having hardware problems at the moment but hopefully I can share some stuff soon. Here's just a short list of the new ideas. -Saru: Basically the same other than new texture and new location. -Piva: An oblate moon that is being extremely stretched due to the forces of Saru. -Mobe: The same idea other than new texture and stuff. -Ensol: Ice canyons, mountains, cotton candy color, and craters along side new texture. -Hypo: New texture and details. -Tel: New texture and more interesting geographic details like rivers, lakes, and mountains. It will resemble Titan a lot more. -Glod: A distant irregular moon with interesting geographic features.
  10. I honestly can't wait to work on this mod again but sadly my computer is still preventing me due to some hardware problems. Hopefully I'll be able to get it fixed and sorted out by this week. That's actually not a bad idea. Yes master. It'll be done when it's done. As of now, the V2 is pretty much done. It's just a matter of finishing the F9 and Cargo Dragon. Not so sure about making another larger Ghidorah other than the planned ITS Booster.
  11. Apologies for the very lengthy hiatus! I've been extremely busy with work, school, and life. You know, the usual and stuff... Anyways, I plan on working on this mod this weekend again because I recently got some inspiration and motivation. So basically, stay tuned for some cool things. I think it's a bit too late for that. Indeed. Nice job! Yes. It's fixed with the revamp. But you see Mr. Turtles4Life, sometimes when the cherry is picked off the tree of the desert, it doesn't always get eaten... Am here now.
  12. Actually from a quick google search, there seems to be some nice ones out there already. Not sure about the licensing on them though, but it gives a nice idea.
  13. I've been playing the soviet career mode mod using Tantares and I'm enjoying it. I recently got the R-7 rocket I've been using printed using Eucl3d along side some other crafts from my mod, like the new Dragon. But I'd thought you'd enjoy this Beale.
  14. Like @daniel l. said, that detail could be somewhat achieved with a custom ground texture. I'm not sure how it works but if you want I could whip up a death star texture like in that pic sometime.
  15. Yeah it's just a bug with the engines being the root part. Speaking of heatshields...here's a look at the new heatshield and landing legs.
  16. Alright so, I pretty much finished everything relating textures and animations. Just a couple things to touch up on, (darkness of engines and shield, RCS textures, ect.) but other than that, the next major step is to put this thing through Unity and get it in KSP. I will release Betas kind of like how BDB is doing with their Apollo since I have the Cargo Dragon, IVA, and Falcon 9 revamp left to do.
  17. I streamed for about 20 minutes or so on the ps4 due to my pc having problems. But now I managed to fix it so the stream will be starting in about 10 minutes. EDIT: STREAM IS UP! Stream ended.
  18. More WIP So turns out I didn't have the longest time to stream tonight, BUT I will be streaming for around 4 to 5 hours tomorrow starting at 7pm CST. I hope to get the entirety of texturing done, including the trunk.
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