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Everything posted by tygoo7

  1. Change the model from flat to smooth and then go to the modifiers tab and add the edge split one, it shouldn't change or add any tri's at all. PM me if you want more help!
  2. Very nice start! For the smoothing, add an edge split modifier. I look forward to see how this mod develops!
  3. I too have the double cloud issue. From the looks of the alt + 0 menu, the cirrus clouds are assigned to the same texture as the low clouds.
  4. I don't mind suggestions, in fact, they are welcome! I will have to see about that, I'm not to keen on making those separate because it's not that stockalike but we will see. The adapter, I'm not too sure about, perhaps with the revamp. I don't know, we will have to see once I get to the Dragon revamps.
  5. Not sure if this has been asked before but is there a way to disable clouds in the tracking station, sort of how scatterer is disabled there?
  6. So I have this strange "bug" where the camera seems to act weird when zooming in. When it gets close but not close where you would expect it to clip into the object, it clips. I'm really not sure how to describe this but it's not a big problem, just wanted to let you know. It's mostly visible with EVA kerbals.
  7. It should work already because of the way Kerbalism works. Not sure what you mean by this, is the throttle up and the engine is active? I'm not really looking for people to develop this mod at the moment but you can send me a PM. I'll check this out. I don't think that is possible without any plugins because the stock system can have only 2 modes so it was either 1 or 3. I don't know anything about realism overhaul configs but you could ask the people over at that thread to see if they can make one.
  8. Hey all! Sorry for being a bit quiet here, I've just been taking a break from modding. I got a bit burnt out after the Rosetta parts and I just finished making some Kerbalism parts you should see soon in that mod. Due to finals, KSP career mode, and going on a trip to Germany, I won't be able to return to modding until early July. Until then, have fun with this mod and please post pictures! I love seeing them! I'm not sure what you mean. Yes, but these are basic legs. The Falcon 9 is due for a revamp very soon. If you are talking about the V2 legs, then they will probably stay that way. Yep, thanks @CobaltWolf for linking that image! That is in the plans, I am waiting for them to reveal it because I don't want to make any assumptions. Those are most likely coming in the next version.
  9. Like stuff you put in the KIS inventory. Does it still not show up if you have only this mod installed? To me it looks like only the Cargo Dragon pod is missing.
  10. Hmm, are the other parts in the VAB? Yes they are. The trunks do not have KIS/KAS space because they are meant for depressurized payloads while the capsules have KIS/KAS space for pressurized payloads.
  11. Update 0.8.5 is available on Spacedock! -Added Rosetta parts -Added Philae parts -Updated for 1.1(hopefully) -Updated NearFuture Solar plugin So some things were left out of this update. The science parts and BEAM. I could not finalize designs for the science parts so I left them out for now. BEAM, well, I had many problems with the animation and lots of other things. So, yeah, I left it out. On to some other things regarding the future of this mod! If you haven't been following the roadmap, the next update will be the Falcon rockets. This includes a revamped Falcon 9, Falcon X, Falcon X, and Falcon XX. But, this mod will be on a short hiatus until mid May due to working on some other mods, school, and my KSP career mode.
  12. At the moment, no. Probably next update.
  13. No I mean this update I'm working on.
  14. When the next update is done. Not at the moment. That could be a possibility in the future though.
  15. I updated the roadmap which is including a BEAM and some other things like science parts.
  16. Stream starting in a few minutes. https://www.twitch.tv/tygoo7
  17. @TheEpicSquared yeah, basically what @CobaltWolf said. Sooo, I have a somewhat major problem. I worked on the config stuff a bit again, you know just your average trial and error stuff. I was also playing with the parts a bit making sure they work how they should. I then realized I had some high graphic mods like EVE and Scatterer installed and I wanted to do some testing on 32-bit, so I selected the folders and deleted them and emptied the recycling bin. Now here's where the problem is......I sort of also selected TundraExploration along with EVE and Scatterer. What this means is that I have to do the config work for Rosetta and Philae all over again... Anyways...I'll be streaming tomorrow around 12pm CST.
  18. Is it Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TundraExploration\(things like Flags, Parts, ect.)?
  19. It should work just fine in 1.0.5 and somewhat fine (just from my experience) in 1.1 if you don't install the NearFuture part.
  20. This mod will be picked up again soon, I've just not got around to it yet. There's some techniques I use. Shoot me a PM sometime. Exactly.
  21. I'll be streaming in a few minutes. https://www.twitch.tv/tygoo7 Double check you installed it this way. KSPDirectory\GameData\TundraExploration EDIT: Stream ended. So quick update on the update. It appears that NearFutureSolar is not yet updated to 1.1 and many people still don't even have 1.1 because they bought it through the store. What this means, is that I'm probably going to hold the update until 1.1. I'll then be able to work on the other things that were planned like the science parts and update some of the part shaders.
  22. Just to speed up progress. To be honest, I really want to play a stockalike Rosetta/Philae mission in 1.1. No worries. I don't mind really, just messing with you. I can see how some authors will get stressed by it though.
  23. It's larger. Philae is 0.625m so that gives you some scale. Hey now, no breaking rules, but honestly I think it works fine.
  24. Thanks! Philae stays on the ground with it's claw landing legs but Rosetta staying near it, that's up to the player.
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