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Everything posted by malkuth

  1. Before .90 KSP I decided not to do the stage recovery thing because money was just too easy anyway. But I tell you what, Hardcore .90 KSP with all the upgrades and buildings.. It might even be considered a grind fest at this point.. Still playing but stage recovery is going to help at this point. When some building upgrades get into the 5 Million range... WOW.
  2. I'm guessing that the new Skills must work like Modules now? The new Experience Folder has a file called Traits and Traits are written like Modules and have a effect hook that seems to be the reference to the actual Trait Effect. Have not broken it down that much more, can't seem to find out much more. You can check out Experience and Experience.Effect to see a list of things. But as for how to write a new trait... Not sure yet. Actually seems to be a lot more traits then are used, unless they use each other. But so far looks like some of the options inside a trait are including the old engine trait that they dropped earlier I believe. GetDefaultValue() GetDescription() OnRegister(Part) OnUnregister(Part) The its own actual Code and experience use. Experience like most other values is a float.
  3. Version 1.8.0 1. updated to KSP .90 Beta Than Ever 2. Please note this is packed with a older version of ToolBar. Seems to work fine in .90 so far. When toolbar updates to .90 suggest updating it manually.
  4. Dam Arsonide that was pretty awsome of you to set up that way. Thanks a bunch. Thumbs up man.
  5. Version 1.10 For KSP .90 Beta Than Ever Released. 1. Updated for KSP .90 Beta Than Ever. 2. Fixed an issue with Vessel Must Survive option being triggered when other parts of vessel are destroyed. (Thanks Steven Mading for pointing issue out and the fix) 3. Fixed the Agena Contract 2 requiring Docking Port Jr. This been changed to just require a docking port of any kind. Please note that this version of MCE will not work with .25. Some changes occurred in code again on KSP side that had to change that is not available in .25. If you need a .25 version you will have to still use the older versions below this one. I do have a version with these fixes for .25 available if you need it just PM me if interested.
  6. Hey arsonide, just a quick question have they implimented your waypoint system to all contracts or still just yours? And is the waypoint system Mod accessible for other contract addons? Before I have to dig to deep..
  7. Hey steven be glad to know that your fix for the Vessel Must Survive works great. Also anytime you want to do a Pull Request if you see something wonkey or have a better idea then what I have implemented don't be afraid. I use to have Nathan to keep me in line before he moved onto his other projects. Anyway be ready for KSP .90 pretty sure we will be seeing that in next week, or maybe 2.
  8. Ya that one is on my list for a little bit now. I'm afraid to change it though because might cause another archive wipe so saving it for the ksp .90 update.
  9. You have reset the vessel. So before you dock if you control the ship you want to be agena target vessel, you then press the debug button to set current vessel as agena. You might have to change scenes ie go back to space center, then go back to your crewed vessel and dock. Should accept it then. If not you can just alt f12 and go to contracts tab and press com button to just complete contract. Sometimes this is just easier.
  10. Debug from settings is actually in settings. You have to turn it on, and you will have a new menu option called debug. All debug tools are located in that window.
  11. thanks for pointing this out Steven no acess to my pc to look at this issue but thinking about it you must be right I have to check the event origin vessel as active vessel. The way I have it I'm checking active vessel after the event fired which should return true 100% of time. Which is bad.
  12. Sorry bevy like I mentioned to Steve when I get some time I will fix the issue. I suggest just turning it off for now. When I added this I added the ability to turn it off in settings just in case I missed something or it had a bug. Which seems to be the case.
  13. Like I said very possible it's wrong. I have not experienced this bug yet, but I also don't have time to play and check right now. My first thought when you reported this issue was that this problem should pop up well before you get to the nun and stop dropping stages. It should also happen when you launch and start dropping your stages from launch. I'm suspecting that when a part of vessel is destroyed via the 2.5 m distance this bug is not showing. But a direct in gsme vessel destruction via hitting ground is showing the event, which in my case would explain why never seen this bug. In most my ship builds most my stages are destroyed via distance destruction, and not direct destruction. If this is the case then I will implement your idea and hopefully will be done with it. For now I suggest turning it off until I have time to fix it.
  14. I will test things out when I get chance. Fightglobals.active vessel does the same exact thing your code does only difference is your matching an event vessel name with flightglobsls.activevessel. When flightglobdals.active vessel checks to make sure current vessel is player vessel. Everything else in flightglobsls is not. So if indeed this was not working correctly what you describe would happen. But this should not be the case. But like I said I will check it out and see if I can reproduce your issue.
  15. Must be the issue with right clicking and disappearing? I actually know how to fix that if it's the case.
  16. You can shut the failures off in settings. But anyway the failures are completely a default kernel space program system. Mce is looking and watching for the vessel destroyed event. Noticed it will be fired if anything on vessel is destroyed while contract is active. Which is why I added the option to turn it on and off. The feature truly is pretty hardcore and I have lost a few contracts because of hard landings. The good news is that this feature is only part of civilian contracts (they are meant to be hard) and satellite deployments.
  17. Yes, not sure why this is the case. Not asked blizzy about it yet. I might add it back and see what happens.
  18. Uninstall cit kert. Won't bf able to transfer spare parts anymore. Unless whatever dang it uses will work.
  19. Never seen this happen. No code exist in mce2 that even touches code for camera. A output_log file might help figure it out though.
  20. They are the same part. Not sure what would conflict though spare parts is part of the community resource pack. It's the equivalent of my part uses liquid fuel and so does a lot of other parts. My part does not make the others not work. .
  21. Have not gone to deep into the code but I'll keep an eye out to see if I can see remnants of it someplace.
  22. The main issue for most contracts is that any vessel at any time can complete any part of contracts. With fine print and now mce we combat this with vessel switching trickery and vessel launch times. It helps but still it's an issue. I have messed around with using vessel Id's also, but that in itself does not guarantee anything ( docking changing id's) and the fact that you can grab as many contracts as you want make it almost impossible to predict how a player plays. It's a great program and reminds me of original mission controller .txt editing missions. Feel free to check out mc2 parameters I wrote them to be pretty universal, which allows me to write contracts pretty quick if need be. Your also going to have to cope with issue of contract archive resets. Any contract in the mc archives has to keep the original contract in place if not then the system gets reset, and the old saved contracts get wiped from the persistent file. And it's very touchy when it's looking for its values.
  23. I would not really support the idea anyway. If it did exist I'm glad Blizzy Removed it. Science is already way to easy with the new Admin Building basically making it easy mode.
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