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Everything posted by malkuth

  1. Yea its still possible. Not to much time to do it right now. I think I actually got the old Mission Controller to actually work in sandbox. Not much needs to be changed really just a few things. It would be sandbox only though. Let me see what I can do.
  2. Thanks Glad you enjoyed the Contracts. I myself had great fun with the Apollo Contracts. I have many plans for when I get back into modding KSP for new historical contracts. Pretty sure that in all future updates I will be only adding new historical contracts to the mix. Also maybe even future contracts. So I will take a look at your suggestions. - - - Updated - - - Most historical contracts require a Tech Level Upgrade. I don't think I updated this information in awhile. Tiros 1: FlightControl Tiros 2: SpaceExploration and Electrics and FlightControl Tiros 3: Advanced Exploration + Above. All Mariner: FlightControl + Tiros 1 Done. Voyager need Advanced Exploration and all the Mariner contracts done. Apollo Missions Require: Field Science, Advanced Landing, Heavier Rocketry. SkyLab Requires: Large Electronics and Specialized Construction. Agena Requires: Specialized construction and Voskhod 2 to be done. After this you are at the mercy of the contract system for these to show up. More contract you have in game the less things tend to show up since they all share the same pool. Also most contracts require you to have at least decent Standing. - - - Updated - - - I would have to look into it. But I have a feeling its because I used a work around for the landing not to trigger on launch. (which it will if its not) So its possible what I did is not being triggered by you SSTO when in space. So that objective can never be done.
  3. Have not touched the config yet for rss. Sorta on a little hiatus from ksp for a few months to take a break. - - - Updated - - - Yes and also some tech unlocks to make sure you have technology to do some of contracts mostly low tier stuff. Most should be listed on front page. - - - Updated - - - Must have repair panel for selection as repair contract. For stations must have panel and be classified as station. I might of also added classification for satellite also can't rember.
  4. Have not heard of this one before, but 2 reports so far you and 2 above. take a look when I get a chance. I do need your Output_log.txt file located in your KSP_Data folder. - - - Updated - - - What needs updating? What values? - - - Updated - - - I will try to figure out what this might be. I have a report from you and another guy. I guess at this point all I need is Output_log.txt file located in your KSP_Data folder. PS. Can't reproduce this in my own game at all don't have all the mods you do like mechjeb or chatterer. But pretty close. I will most certainly need to see that output_log file.
  5. Not really since in some circles its actually spelled with a K anyway.
  6. Version 1.11.1 Released. Added Apollo Program Historic Contract covers Apollo Test and Final Moon landings.
  7. So with this release I really wanted to get 1 more Historical Contract out, but in the end it just was to much testing with the latest release. So now that 1.11.0 is out of way I can finally work on this new historical contract. Think you guys might like it. If all goes well I will release next week after many many hours of testing. Will cover 5 of the Apollo Missions. 7,9,10,11, and 15. All pretty big milestones in the Apollo Program.
  8. Version 1.11.0 Mission Controller For .90. Please delete your whole MissionControllerEC folder before installing this update. 1. Added 2 new Historic Contracts Covering the United States TIROS Program (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) (3 Contracts) And the United States Mariner Program. Mariner 2 (Eve) Mariner 4 (Duna) Mariner 10 (Eve and Moho) and Renamed Mariner 11 and 12 (Voyager 1 To Jool System). 2. Added the ability to Add your own resources to the Station supply Contracts. These Resources can be changed or added in the config file. What it looks like. SupplyResourceList { Item = LiquidFuel Item = Oxidizer Item = MonoPropellant Item = XenonGas Item = Food Item = Water Item = Oxygen Item = Kibbal } You can either change the Item or Add a whole new one like this. SupplyResourceList { Item = LiquidFuel Item = Oxidizer Item = MonoPropellant Item = XenonGas Item = Food Item = Water Item = Oxygen Item = Kibbal Item = NewStuffAdded (has to match the resource name in the resource.cfg files of mod, or game) } 3. Fixed and issue with the Jr docking port in Agena Contracts. This was actually a bigger problem that had nothing to do with the Jr docking port so this fix actually fixes many issues that this was causing. 4. Fixed an issue I thought was only with SkyLab Docking in Contract 2,3 and 4. But again this was a bigger issue with some of the Parameters not working correctly with ID changes. Now The Docking and the Time start for these types of contracts have been changed to first check the docking Id, and if those fail to check the vessel name. This should pretty much kill any more issues with these types of Contracts. On a plus side if you do end up having issues you can now just change the name of the Station to match the Contract Docking name and things should work if you need. 5. Fixed some typos in some of the contracts pointed out earlier in the thread. - - - Updated - - - The historic missions are saved in your persistent file, you can reset them by opening up the debug menu (its and option in the settings menu From the icon from the Space Center overview screen) every single historic contract has a set to false in the debug menu you will have to press them all to reset them. Also the new historic missions just added to 1.11.0 have a new numbered system that also can be reset from the debug menu. Now not sure why your historic contracts would not be showing up in a new Game.. Or showing up as finished... Actually if you were playing your old game where they were all unlocked and went to a new game the issue might be that the internal Non saved buffers for the bools were set to true and never got reset, so when you went to the new game they were all still at true. So when you changed screens in the new game those internal bools saved as true to the Persistent file. Only thing I can think of what might of happened. But they can be easily reset from the debug menu like I mentioned. Edit. I don't think I have resets in game for SkyLab contract though. (I will add them later) but the only way to reset those is to: 1. first backup your persistent file. 2. Open your persistent file with NotePad. 3. When file opens in note pad Select Edit then Find. 4. When the Find window opens up type in this without quotes. "missioncontroller". 5. You should be brought to part of the file called missioncontrollerData. 6. You will see a list of Bools (they say either true or false). Like Agena1Done and SkyLab1Done. Those are the flags for the historic missions. If they say true, change them to false. 7. Save file and load it back up and you will have your historic contracts back. (make sure you don't change anything else. Only change the true to false.
  9. Hmmm take it that if you took the default config and multiplied the values by 3.2 that would or would not work?
  10. Yes, so many new Life support mods I have to update the file. Might look into having the ability to add your own.. Hmmm. - - - Updated - - - Yes me and both the dangit developer are aware of the situation. Can't seem to figure out what it is thats causing it at this time. - - - Updated - - - You got me on this one. What is jumbo 32? - - - Updated - - - It's possible that could be the problem yes. I will see if I can add a check to this in a future version.
  11. Career only, it gets disabled to an extent in sandbox. - - - Updated - - - Ok thanks I will check it out then. I could make the part for the solar panel in config, the biggest issue would be that there are so many of these that the config file would become some bloated as to not be very fun to write. But I can see what I can do.
  12. It should be any docking port, the contract is only making sure your using a part that uses the ModuleDockingNode. - - - Updated - - - I will fix these up for next release.
  13. I have a debug feature that you can use to set any craft for the skylab vessel. Open up the debug menu (Has to be opened in settings) keep the window open (don't close it) go to the vessel you want to be the Skylab vessel (the window will disapear but come back when your in flight mode) and when you are in control of the vessel select the Choose as Skylab option button in debug menu.. Should be all set after that to launch and have expeditions to the vessel. You will have to reset the contracts though, you can do that by just getting rid of them like you do with any other contract you don't want in mission control. - - - Updated - - - Skylab missions are based on real time from the real mission. Since its an historical mission I really don't count these as everyday contracts that happen like the normal ones.
  14. hmmmm not sure what might be going on here. I will have to look into it. If a kerbal never does this should never fire. - - - Updated - - - I will see if I can reproduce this. Didn't think I had the time set this long on these contracts.
  15. By itself mission controller with RSS has its own config file. But RO is not set up to play in Campaign games yet, unless it has changed recently once it does then I have no reason to believe that Mission Controller won't work with its included config file.
  16. Indeed I have been wanted to work on More historical missions. And using Venera and going to Eve was one of the missions I was thinking of. Might even do the whole line of Venera like I did with the SkyLab. Well at least the most important of the probe missions to venus.
  17. Nope, works best if you start it with a new game because of the historical contracts. If not then you can just turn the historical stuff off if your game is pretty far ahead. - - - Updated - - - I plan on it eventually after the holidays.
  18. Yea tried to install the txt file on my github guess didn't work.
  19. ToolBar has not updated, and you need it to play it so no choice right now. Once toolbar updates I will change it.
  20. Ya its a little tough in that part of the game to get contracts that can get you going. Once you do the 2 Altitude and orbit contracts you usually don't have enough money to do the upgrades to get to better stuff. You can actually do the survey contracts with a kerbal. Launch a cheap rocket to the first waypoint and land. Get out and do the other 2 or so waypoints. Its a little bit of a grind cause you have to do a bunch of these to get out of that hole. but after this the game takes off a little bit. In my own mod I added a contract to fill this gap, then it goes away once you open up the Satellite contracts.
  21. Both links in my sig are updated. MCE 1.10.1 Achievements 1.8
  22. Hell even the stock game doesn't work well with 64Bit anymore. Just read the ksp reddit about people complaining about upgrade building being all messed up in 64bit. Don't expect mods to do much better wish they would can it for now. 't e
  23. Version 1.10.1 1. Updated Landing Parameter again, I think I have eliminated about 75% of the chances of this event firing while waiting to launch. It still happens in rare instances but its about as close as I can get. 2. Added new contract Early years. This contract is to help out what I think is a huge hole in the early years of a campaign game. The basic idea is to launch a vessel (rocket) with early tech and land in a specific Biome on kerbin. Once landed conduct any type of research to conclude the contract. A lot of the early contracts are very difficult (hardcore mode) because you don't have the tech to do the fineprint contracts in early years without it being a grind fest. This helps if you turn off PartTest contracts and rescue kerbals to fill those gaps. The contract does not pay huge amount so you won't get rich off it. Once satellite contracts start popping up this contract does not appear anymore! 3. Fixed agena contract showing up to early in game. Version 1.10 1. Version KSP .90 Update.
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