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Everything posted by DMagic

  1. @kubi Resource scanning is a bit wonky if you leave stock scanning on, but still want to use SCANsat maps and do SCANsat resource scanning contracts. The best way to handle it is to disable stock scanning. SCANsat science data does not work like other science. It is doing something that KSP's science system doesn't really like to calculate how much science to give for a scan. After SCANsat science is sent home it is basically unavailable for any other use. When using Science Relay you should be able to transmit the data to a lab first for processing, then to home, but not the other way around.
  2. I don't think you can initialize your settings in the main menu like that, since there is no current game. That might be wreaking havoc with the stock parameters somehow. Try waiting for another scene once the game has loaded. Other than that, maybe the static for DebugParameters in the Core class, or maybe make sure the parameter classes are public. I can't see anything obviously wrong with anything else.
  3. @Teilnehmer The two lists serve very different purposes. The first simply allows players to find mods that are translated into their language. The second allows translators to find mods in need of translation. That's why the links for the respective lists aren't the same.
  4. I think the problems with the contracts recognizing orbit might stem from using the OnOrbit event, which is used for the progression rewards, instead of a more generic event, like Situation Change. The other problem is that the contract doesn't communicate what it's doing properly. The general rule is that one contract parameter should track one thing, but here, the part request parameter is tracking both valid parts and the vessel being in orbit around the target planet. If tracking the orbit worked seamlessly then it wouldn't be a problem, but obviously it doesn't always work right. @ioresult Hollow colliders are a real drain on performance. You can't really make hollow, or concave colliders, so really what happens is that you have to use lots of simple convex colliders. Since the SIGINT fairing shells aren't customizable in any way there is never really any need to interact with the shells, so they are left as a simple collider. To further complicate things, the aero-effects triggered by the folded up dish absolutely destroy performance during launch, so the mesh and its colliders are actually turned off when fairing shells are in place. @Kerbal101 That looks good. You should also set the "noAntenna" field of the DMSIGINT module to true. That will hide any fields and events related to the antenna functions. You might also want to disable the antenna on all of the soil moisture parts, those are basically large arrays of communications antennas and so also have the same functions, and the same "noAntenna" field.
  5. @Starfire70 Both. 17.5 and below are for KSP 1.2.2. 17.6 and above are for KSP 1.3. The old versions have some bugs, the worst is probably that the big map can be opened multiple times when using the toolbar menu. The best workaround is probably to disable the toolbar menu (in the settings window) or use the Blizzy toolbar.
  6. New updates for Basic Orbit and Maneuver Node Evolved are available. Maneuver Node Evolved has fixes for errors that prevent the windows from closing in some cases, and selecting points of interest when creating new maneuver nodes using a localized version of KSP. Basic Orbit has a few new readout modules, one for the current vessel name, another for the time to the next equatorial crossing node (this is off by default and also turns off when in a very nearly equatorial or retrograde equatorial orbit - <0.0001o). The radar altitude readout module now uses a version of the method used in Diazo's Landing Height mod to show the altitude for the lowest part of the vessel above the terrain. It also has some updates to the UI to better match the styling for Basic DeltaV. It improves handling of target vessels with very long names, and properly indicates when a docking node is selected on the target vessel. It also fixes a bug in loading the readout panel UI scale.
  7. Hmm, widescreen is great and all, but I maintain than portrait mode is better:
  8. Did you try making the font size bigger? Just to be clear, the desired result is to have green text of the same size as used by the stock maneuver node readout, but with a thin black outline to aid readability? That should be possible by playing around with the font size and the outline width (which is a float that can be set to less than 1). The TMP object font size can be changed at any time, and you can also set the font size with TMP rich text tags.
  9. Basically all that you have to do is set the TextMeshProUGUI.outlineWidth to something greater than zero, and you can change the outlineColor. The problems that might arise could come from instantiating the new TMP object from an existing object in KSP, rather than a new object. And from setting the material. There are materials that seem to be specific for outlined text, but I'm not sure how important that is, you can try just leaving the material alone and see what happens. There is also some very odd behavior that I've seen in SCANsat when trying to change the outline width.
  10. The only part of KER that uses the new UI is the window that pips out from the toolbar. The HUD and all of the other readout use the old UI. For BBT the Text Mesh Pro object used to display text supports text outlines. You can set The outline width and color so that it stands out from the background (SCANsat does this a lot). I'm not sure how easily it would be to set it when working only from stock assets, but it might be worth looking into. http://digitalnativestudios.com/textmeshpro/docs/shaders/
  11. @EBOSHI, no problem at all. No one else is working on Japanese that I'm aware of. And I don't foresee any changes to the localization in the near term.
  12. @Bit Fiddler No, it only checks for the orbit parameters and the parts if it thinks the vessel is in a closed orbit around the target planet (specifically, when the OnOrbit event is fired, which should happen any time an escape orbit, or sub-orbital trajectory is changed to a closed orbit). So if id doesn't recognize that it is in orbit for whatever reason then it won't check anything else. It's not a new problem, so it almost certainly an issue of recognizing that the vessel is in orbit. There are a couple of fallback methods that are used when there is either an error in recognizing that the vessel is in orbit when loaded, or if the contract isn't tracking any vessels when it is loaded. But, again, all I can do is guess without log files.
  13. @evileye.x Sometimes weird things can happen with the KIS connection nodes. Like if you connect something and then disconnect it the node might not appear until you pick up the part and deploy it again, which is obviously a problem if you have experiments already running. As far as I know this is a KIS problem. The only thing you can do about it is to make sure you always leave a few connection nodes open, and always pack a few connection extension parts.
  14. @Bit Fiddler It looks like it doesn't think you are in orbit for some reason. If you had any fuel I would say to try breaking orbit (go into an escape orbit) for a second, then go back to closed orbit. I guess you could turn on infinite fuel for a second. Otherwise I can't say much without log files.
  15. @Kerbal101 So it does. I'll update Basic Orbit with a time to equatorial node readout (just for the next node, like the target relative node readout), along with some changes to the UI to match Basic DeltaV a little better, and using some, ahem, borrowed code from @Diazo's Landing Height to show a more accurate radar altitude value.
  16. @Kerbal101 Do you mean time to equatorial ascending and descending nodes? I never thought to add those since KSP never really does anything with them. For the target nodes that information is there, it only shows the time until the next node, though. The staging windows get rebuilt whenever something changes, which causes them to flicker. I'm not sure why just mousing over the buttons would do anything, but then again, the staging system is complex so it's not that surprising.
  17. @OrionSpacey Maybe try it with just Orbital Science and US and see what happens.
  18. @OrionSpacey Have you tried it without Universal Storage? There doesn't seem to be anything obviously wrong with US or Orbital Science, and they work fine for me. The only thing I can see is that Interstellar (and Interstellar Fuel Switch) has a lot of Module Manager patches pointed towards the US parts. These are the patch files that seem to be affecting US parts (both normal US and my US parts): From Interstellar Fuel Switch: IntegrationLiquidFuel IntegrationLiquidFuelOxidizer IntegrationXenon From Interstellar: OreTanksFix Those config files should all be found in the Patches folder of those two mods. Maybe they are doing something weird.
  19. Version 17.9 is out; get it on GitHub. It should fix the strange text corruption bug when using the planetary overlay maps and defaults to the non-localized biome names when the localized field is empty. The KSPedia entry has been updated to reflect all of the changes made from version 17 on. It also has a few new pages that describe the actual maps and their functions. It is not localized, since there is a ton of text, and I don't have a really good way of handling translated KSPedia files that doesn't involve significant increases in file size. The Russian localization has been completed by RarogCmex. Barring any major bugs this should be the last dev version (Japanese translations will probably have to wait ). I hope to have version 18 out by next week.
  20. There is an option in the settings window to make the windows close if you right click when the pin is turned off. And I guess I'll need some more robust methods to make sure that orphaned windows don't stick around. Also, for now, you can disable the "Pinned Windows Open In Flight View" option and the windows should go away when changing scenes.
  21. @Next_Star_Industries You can add any language for a mod. The languages provided by stock are those you have listed, but you can add others. If someone starts KSP using a non-stock language then it will use English as the backup for any text that hasn't been translated. There are a few work-in-progress stock translations for other languages linked to at the top of the first post; French, Polish, Dutch, etc...
  22. @Tuko The icon only appears when there is somewhere to send the science to. Depending on your Science Relay settings (found in the stock difficulty settings panel) this can be limited to vessels with a relay antenna, a science lab, or a crewed science lab, and in all cases it requires that the vessel have a science container of some sort on-board.
  23. @Streetwind Go through a different link to the youtube stream and you can go back.
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