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Everything posted by DMagic

  1. @Errol Depending on where I put the LES I can get some seemingly weird results, like if I put it before a decoupler and engine for an upper stage it won't show a panel for the LES stage, but it just assumes that you'll fire the LES, then the decoupler, then the next engine, so all of the dV is shown for the final stage. I think it might be treating the LES like a sepratron, and assuming that it's never used like a normal booster. In any event, I don't see it erasing the panel for the stage below (if it does, that probably implies that the simulator thinks you'll fire both stage at the same time), and I see the same behavior in Engineer. Generally I would expect people would put the LES in the last stage and assume it never gets used, then set it up with an action group or the abort key, rather than ever fire it through staging. @ZobrAA Thanks for the feedback. The panel scaling looks like it's reading the scale for the toolbar window whenever it starts, instead of its own scale. That is an easy fix. I don't see any difference in panel transparency. Keep in mind that when dragging is active for a panel it will immediately revert to full opacity until you turn off the toolbar window or cancel dragging. A vessel name readout is good, I've actually thought about just making a vessel info panel, but have never gotten around to it. I think I agree about the panel background, sometimes that stock window texture can be annoying the way it transitions colors in the middle. Changing readout order is another thing that's been on my list forever, but that I haven't gotten to. I want to do it with a drag-and-drop function in the toolbar window, but I've just never looked into it.
  2. The main interface for the toolbar uses the new Unity UI, the readout panels use the old IMGUI. As far as I know there is no way to put a UI window on top of an IMGUI window. So if you don't want the two to interfere with each other you'll have to move the readout panels. Adding the ability to drag the toolbar panel would also help alleviate the problem, but it introduces more complexity where it generally isn't needed.
  3. Like this: https://github.com/DMagic1/KSP_Science_Relay/blob/master/GameData/ScienceRelay/Resources/Localization/ScienceRelayLocalization.cfg Or you could put them is separate files, as long as the language identifier is correct, then KSP will load the correct node.
  4. @Benjamin Kerman You create a config file, that can be named anything, and placed anywhere in the GameData folder (preferably in the folder of your mod ). And you can make as many as you want, one for each language, or different files for different collections of text. Or you can put them all into one file. As long as it's in the correct format it doesn't matter: Localization { en-us { #autoLOC_*** = *** } } You can name the localization tags anything, but the most common format is: #autoLOC_modName_tagID The autoLOC part just makes it easy to identify as localization text, and putting your mod name, or any other unique identifier should prevent any overlaps. If there is an overlap I think it will just use whatever comes last in the loading process.
  5. Is there a known issue when trying to add Compound Parts to a KIS inventory while in the editor? I get an error when trying to add a fuel line or strut directly from the parts selection tab. If I attach the part to the vessel, then drag it into the inventory then it works, but there is a different exception and the volume calculation is way too high. This is the error when dragging from the parts tab to the inventory (it occurs when I attempt to drop the part into the inventory): And this is the error when dragging from a part on the vessel to the inventory (it occurs when the part is first dragged away): Full log file here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3cAprRU0gLiR1BWMGxvUnlvaUU
  6. Science Relay Version 4.1 is out; get it on Space Dock. It contains translations for Spanish by @Deltathiago98, Russian by @KerbOrbiter, and Chinese by SummerFly. There are no other changes. @KerbMav It's a typo, but in the code not the config file. So I'll just leave it so that existing configs aren't invalidated. @Rogirgg It looks like there may be a bug with KIS related to any compound parts (struts, fuel lines, EVA struts, etc...). When I try to move a stock strut into a container it fails, but if I attach the part to a vessel in the VAB, then drag it into the container it works, though still with an exception in the log; the part volume is also way too high. I'll ask in the KIS thread about it.
  7. I think ConfigNode.Load requires the absolute file location, not the KSP relative location.
  8. You want to move the camera, or change its focus? Changing its focus would just require rotating it to look at something else, which you can do with camera.transform.LookAt(Vector3 position). KSP has multiple cameras, so you might need to move more than just the main camera (or the other cameras might be children of the main camera and would rotate along with it). And KSP might also try to move its focus back. You can try to look into the SpaceCenterCamera class, if you haven't already, though I'm not sure where you can get a reference to it from KSP.
  9. @HebaruSan For the static files I don't think there is anything you can do, KSP won't like loading multiple files with the same name. You would just have to copy them outside of the KSP folder. For the text strings you could just download each of them and then change the name of the dictionary.cfg file for each language. KSP will load all of them regardless of what the file is called and it will use whichever language set is defined in your BuildID file.
  10. @Rogirgg Is there a valid vessel to send the data to? What constitutes valid can change based on your settings, which can be accessed from the stock difficulty settings window. It also needs a connection to another vessel if CommNet is on. Since Science Relays tracks direct signal connections the stock connection map lines don't necessarily match up with all valid science transmission connections. I will have to check into KIS support, it should work, but something in the config might have changed.
  11. @OhioBob I'm not sure what the problem is, it works fine for me with GPP and the latest version of Kopernicus.
  12. @OhioBob It almost certainly has to do with this block of code used to put the list of planets in order. For some reason it looks like it might not be picking up the moons of planets. In particular, it might be having problems looping through the list of a planet's orbiting bodies. @hraban Which version of SCANsat is this from? This was an issue earlier, but it should have been fixed in version 17.5 for KSP 1.2.2, or 17.7 for KSP 1.3.
  13. @OhioBob Does Kopernicus and/or Galileo support KSP 1.3? From the Galileo thread it seems that it doesn't, so test this out on stock KSP and see if you still have the problem.
  14. @Grenartia @dangerhamster It looks like there has been some change related to the terrain that is interfering with the X-Ray and the seismic hammer (they should both still work fine on asteroids). I'll have to fix it and put out another release. @kubi I'll look into the phantom forces problem, too.
  15. @OhioBob Do you mean this window isn't scrolling, or there aren't any additional bodies listed? It's working fine for me. Is there anything in the logs when the window is opened or when you try to change the body? Also, can you try to open the Color Management tab of the settings window and try to select a different body for the terrain or resource settings? Those selection menus are independent of what has been scanned, but otherwise work the same.
  16. @Moskit Releasing entire duplicate mods for each translation is probably not a good idea. Nevermind, I see that it's just the localization files. Still, pull requests are the best way to get those integrated into the mod. I would recommend getting together with @Olympic1 That project already has a few languages in progress and a method for switching to non-stock languages.
  17. Try setting its gameobject to inactive: dom.gameobject.SetActive(false)
  18. DMagic Science Animate is updated for KSP 1.3. And Orbital Science was updated a few days ago.
  19. DMagic Science Animate has been updated for KSP 1.3, as has Orbital Science. If anyone knows of others mods that use that plugin feel free to let them know.
  20. Version 0.17 is out; get it on GitHub. It is updated for KSP 1.3, and experiment resets now work based on the ScienceResetSkill (which all scientists have by default) instead of the Kerbal trait type.
  21. Basic Orbit is here, and Maneuver Node Evolved is here, for KSP 1.2. I don't want to deal with supporting any old versions of KSP for new mods, so I don't think I'll make a separate release for Basic DeltaV.
  22. Version 17.7 is out; get it on GitHub. It fixes a bug with the SCANsat resource scanners, fixes a bug that was preventing warning popups from being dismissed in some cases, and points the AVC .version file at the correct remote URL. Complete translations have been added for Spanish (thanks @Deltathiago98) and German (thanks @h0yer; you'll have to manually set KSP to German by changing the language field in the buildID files to "de"), and a partial translation for Chinese (thanks Summerfirefly), it's only missing the science results and the help tooltips in the settings menu. If anyone is able to, it would be great if you could help with proof-reading these. The actual files can be found in the SCANsat/Resources/Localization folder.
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