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    Wrestles with Krakens
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  1. Well… this is awkward… Also: And all joking aside: Speculation that the lox tank suffered a mild existential crisis resulting in oxygen ice getting scattered.
  2. There is not. The thing about all this is, the FAA has seen the footage. And likely from every prior flight too. They have digital reams and reams of data us spectators never ever will, and yet, somehow, they continue to (ahem) “allow” SpaceX to continue as they’ve been doing, as if the FAA itself was somehow (mostly) satisfied SpaceX was actually acting in good faith towards the public interest. When they have been less than satisfied, they’ve been fairly clear on that, and have advised SpaceX on prudent measures to correct such, if such were even necessary. And the vast majority of this has been under a “hostile” regime, too. So I’m going to trust the people who actually have the data.
  3. Oh halla-muh-freakin-looyah, praise the lawd & hail science! Y’all had a bunch of guys ready to turn blue out here we’re breathing again! I was about to finally break out the voodoo dolls & put a whammy on someone.
  4. Full statement from SpaceX: https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-7 Also, more context: And while I’m at it… It did not blow up, it was blown up, deliberately, by the driver via fireworks and gasoline in the bed.
  5. [Narrator] that confidence was misplaced. …anyone else still up?
  6. It is weird how many new rockets have been going up in the middle of the night. I’d think especially for a maiden flight they’d want daylight for better video data, if the payload doesn’t demand elsewise. SLS, Vulcan, now Nooglin….
  7. Welp, not necessarily. The header tanks are in the nose for balance as much as anything else. When you have tons of “permanent” living space there instead that alleviates some of that extra ballast.
  8. Not to mention they get to test and iterate societal PIDs for Mars... If you want a really thrilling ride there's always Ares I...
  9. As the parent company is effectively defunct, said contact is probably a now-former employee doing this in their spare time and quite likely with their spare budget as well. I think perhaps the forum has devolved to some rough equivalent of highly-limited low-propriety “free trial.” So basically, we are lucky to have this forum at all and it may or may not wink out of existence at literally any moment not unlike the universe itself. Then let us eat, Kerbal, and be merry, for tomorrow we may diet. 502 error incoming in 3… 2…
  10. Yes, the boostback burn deliberately ended early since they aborted the tower catch.
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