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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Oh, good. With some of the more recent, ahem, forum drama, when you said official my mind automatically went to a dark place...
  2. None of which can be answered. So do the next best thing and get her a Dragon 2. Gotta be someone with a worthy mod.
  3. Never underestimate the power of a negative space wedgie to change the storyverse as needed. So... no Emiko Station meets Game of Thrones, eh? Tho I’m curious about that NDA that you obviously can’t talk about. Could you perchance say if it’s a “gentleman’s agreement” or like... official?
  4. This stinks more of a clear usurpation of power. We don’t yet know the circumstances, but assuming it’s your basic hereditary monarchy, history has no shortage of inspiration to draw from. The Grand Kerbal is dead poofed, long live the Grand Kerbal! And call me suspicious but I doubt this Samantha brooks much dissent.
  5. Something borrowed... Something... blue. sorry, couldn’t resist
  6. The old blockhouse looks pretty clean, wonder if they’re keeping it?
  7. Sigh. Oh, the.... wait for it... keep waiting.... wait some more... ...humanity! Wait a sec... I wonder what the chances are that it survived? It’s presumably hollow and incredibly light, with a large surface area... might it have slowed down fast enough to avoid overheating? I remember hydrazine tanks from Skylab survived to the surface, similar size and construction...
  8. Quick (hopefully) question, assuming this thread isn’t completely dead in favor of the new one (I’m still using the last version of Kerbalism for 1.2.2 is why). Anyways, I’m trying to create a ridiculously OP active radiation shield. Because reasons. Just for my own game. I need to block like 125 rads. No, that is not a typo. Trying to dissect the included one isn’t working, as plugging in even huge numbers to the part config is only blocking around 3 rad/hr. Could someone fill me in on how that module works or what else I need to do? Thanks.
  9. Well, poop. Glad I got to see it the time I did. Was hoping for a nice photog session this summer.
  10. That... doesn’t seem right. You sure it’s not maybe the Chinese space station? I thought the HS was supposed to stay up most of a year.
  11. He means the ksp.log file in your root game directory. It’s a copy of the in-game log, and can get rather large, especially when there’s lots of errors. You can upload it to a service like Dropbox then post the link here.
  12. If you want a real mind blower, check out their S&M album. It’s Metallica backed by a full symphony orchestra. Doesn’t have Orion but it does The Call of Ktulu, another absolutely epic instrumental.
  13. Link is worth it just for the commentary. But dang, that is impressive. I drive a 60-foot articulated transit bus on occasion, and I get to see Boeing transporting wing spars in a special rig nearly this long from time to time, but these guys appear to be moving the booster without any kind of steerable trailer! That’s just nuts!
  14. Interesting take. So many those old legends passed down through the ages essentially began as the fan fiction of their day. Dig it.
  15. An SSTO with no meaningful payload or way to get back, as I recall. Heck, the booster could probably be called the same. Maybe even a FH side booster. Theoretical SSTO boosters are nothing new, even the old Atlas could. It’s that “meaningful payload” bit that’s the rub.
  16. I’m running older versions of both (KSP 1.2.2), MOLE does not seem to interfere with Kerbalism, however some of MOLE’s functionality, especially with science, is indeed quite wonky. Not game-spoiling, just expect some things not to work right.
  17. Heheh, let me introduce you to my old buddy MS-DOS, here. Want to add a new hard drive? Graphics card? Soundblaster™️? Get ready for a fun-filled day of setting jumpers, randomly guessing at IRQ’s, and spending hours on hold with Tech Support...
  18. Hm, that would be something new. Last I heard the flight abort test wouldn’t be until after the unmanned orbital flight.
  19. Today, I... ...ran Valentina over with a rocketship. she's prolly gonna kill me in my sleep again
  20. Oh good, I haven’t clicked the unclickable thingy in a while. CLICK.
  21. Funny you should mention that... Right about here. And now this is stuck in my head.
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