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Everything posted by Ruedii

  1. Try installing USI Core first than MKS. I know it's a pain to do things manually, but sometimes that fixes the problems.
  2. OK, I tried running it with Mono on Linux and it won't run due to "entry point method cannot be loaded." I'll take a look at the code later to see if anything stands out but you probably need someone with more experience getting .Net programs working on Mono under OSX and Linux.
  3. Yes, the visual enhancement mods will drastically increase the amount of function done per a light source adjusting your rendered light count (in the settings) to something sane (usually 8 or 16) will often drastically improve performance.
  4. How about you not question my competence to begin with? I only replied at the start to be nice. The probem IS in Unity, and if you search Unity GC issues you would find thousands of articles on it. Instead of trying to accept a person's help you are picking a fight with them, WAY TO GO!
  5. I KNEW I was forgetting something. Yes, if you don't replace the vessel type and (sometimes) the parttype KSP gets a tad confused. It works, but it treats it the same as any craft you marked as debris, and complains in the engineer's report to add insult to injury. p.s. I'd put the heat tolerance a little higher at 1000 to put it along the lines of poorly shielded parts stock. (Similarly, crash tolerance of 6-7 for the same reason). I might also add an SAS-hold function on an upgrade stage to the one that has flight engineer, with additional upgrades later, at the cost of more power consumption, but the benefit of hyphenate down to the low power consumption of it's lesser equipped peer.
  6. First, I know for a fact you are mistaken on that one. Specifically Vanguard Parachutes is not available for 1.2.2 specifically due to exception errors. There is a complete from-scratch rewrite that I provided a link to. Second, Things don't necessarily appear in the output log as far as you can tell. NRE Exceptions and bad call exceptions only appear in the Unity Player.log, not the KSP's output log, and definately not the Operating System output log. Finally, if you don't know what GC problems are, then don't question me about it. GOOGLE IT! I'm not going to explain basic computer concepts to someone. Let's just say KSP isn't the only game affected. GC operations are memory-bandwidth bound on the main thread, meaning one CPU will be running at about 1/4-1/2 capacity, shutting down all background activity by the game engine. I can go into detail about Unity's archaic GC engine but you can find plenty of complaints about that online as well, and even some articles from last (finally) fall promising a fix "soon." You may notice this is a topic that makes me irate, because I know there is nothing Squad can do about it without paying a fortune to have Unity create a replacement GC at top priority. Anyways, KSP does not support multithreading on all operations, especially with mods. (Many mods are called in manners that create world-freezes this stops all background activity. This is something that can only be fixed by the mod developer or a contributor who knows coding if the mod is open source.) As a note, for the person who is having trouble with Kerbal Alarm Clock, there is one function that can be quite heavy on KAC that can be fixed. By turning down the update times of certain things in the options for KAC you can drastically improve performance. I'm thinking of filing a request to put the mod on a timer other than the frame timer to boost performance, and to move as much of it as possible to a helper thread. I need to look up the exact timer call to completely offload it to a helper thread.
  7. There are two possibilities. First: One of these mods is obsolete and is thus throwing an exception on a regular interval. (I know Vanguard parachutes is obsolete and has been replaced with a community drop in replacement mod. This might be your problem.) This should show up in the log (Under the dubug menu, same menu as the cheats). Toolbar is also undermaintained, and uses the old "legacy" GUI which always bogged things down but now causes massive slowdown in KSP 1.2 and later. (Also, double check that you have the latest Mechjeb2 version. Older versions also use Legacy GUI.) Second, you have a mod creating a lot of garbage due to changes to the version of Unity3D (The dev-kit used to make KSP). GC Cycles are memory bottlenecked and operate solely on the main thread (thus only use one core). During this process all other parts of the game are temporarily stopped. Under normal situations these cycles are so quick you don't notice them, but when a mod is using a lot of script variables instead of using static assets, it has much more to check, and often much more to clean up. You can check if it's the GC by checking the performance tab. This will provide you with a chart of the memory usage and frame rate info. The memory should be a sawtooth pattern. If, instead you see frequent huge spikes that occur right before the stutters, that is a garbage issue. Either way, the first thing I recommend is checking that all your mods are updated. Sometimes, as is the case with Toolbar, the mod is no longer necessary, or you may need to find the community update. I have a few of them for you already: EVA Parachutes: https://spacedock.info/mod/991/EVA Parachutes %26 Ejection Seats Mechjeb2: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/ Editor Extensions: https://spacedock.info/mod/48/Editor Extensions Redux KIS (with links to KAS):
  8. Most forum software is horribly insecure, and full of zero-day vulnerabilities to various URL-based hacks. They are far from secure. I wouldn't recommend doing any secure transactions over them.
  9. This is because the encryption certificate was issued for "kerbalspaceprogram.com" not ".kerbalspaceprogram.com" Note the missing dot at the beginning. This means that browsers will only consider the certificate valid for "kerbalspaceprogram.com" and not sites like "forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com" or "bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com". The certificate still works and your connection is still secure, it is just listed that the browser doesn't know that it's for this site. It is perfectly fine to just add an exception in your browser.
  10. I always insert links after I type to prevent this bug.
  11. Spybot search and destroy isn't a problem as long as you don't use the stupid real time protection they've recently added. You just need to do a periodic scan and use it to scan any downloads you fetch. They really need software that JUST checks if the checksums have changed (use multiple checksums it's exponentially harder to keep multiple ones the same by adding key garbage data), If they haven't there is no reason to scan them. If the checksums have changed, then it should prompt you to scan the file.
  12. Kerbal engineer works fine on probe cores. I've used MM scripts that add it to all parts with command function. There are no conflicts in leaving that function.
  13. Alshin's method is a bit excessive. It pretty much replaces the whole part's config. It will also erase the current functions of the part. I think the person just wants to add the key functions. However the necessary modules to add are: ModuleCommand ModuleDataTransmit If you want SAS functionality you will need to add: ModuleSAS For a reserve power amount you will want the resource section with ElectricCharge, but I recommend setting it to a more accurate 100 or 50 for a tiny probe. If you want kerbnet access from the part you need to add that too. You do not need to remove the kerbal engineer modules from it unless you aren't installing kerbal engineer. You can also reuse the old weight section (unless you want to add more weight for balance.)
  14. About your question on Ryzen and KSP.

    More influential is the enhancements to the SSE pipeline which is used for physics on KSP 1.2 and later.

    The DDR4 memory should also see a LOT of added performance in the GC cycles, and the cache won't hurt.   However, short of about 256MB of cache, you won't see massive improvement from the cache itself.

    Finally, I didn't want to mention this in front of the Intel fan-boys because they'd claim I was BSing (despite direct notes from the Linux kernel staff having to do the same thing) but we won't see the full performance from Ryzen cpus for about 6 months because the Operating Systems need to update their thread balancing systems to better distribute for maximum performance on desktop and maximum power saving on laptops.  This will likely give a 10-20% performance increase on desktops and an equal power saving on laptops (sacrificing some of that performance increase, of course.)

    Hopefully most motherboards will properly report the power-save data so that it runs efficiently (nothing is worse than having to run in the always-maximum "performance" mode that actually cripples the turbo feature on the CPU.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ruedii


      I wasn't talking about the power-plan software.  There is only so much AMD can adjust with that.  I was talking more about how Windows distributes various programs over the various cores.

      It currently is unaware of the layout of a Ryzen system, and thus does not know the best way to distribute activity to optimally use both cache and power.

    3. He_162


      Actually, windows knows how to do that, the scheduler isn't an issue with performance, but I can set in the bios one core to run faster than the others for a short amount of time with "P states"

      So before, with my 1200 ton lifter, I would get around 3 FPS

      Now I am getting lets say, 13 - 15 FPS.


      That's a 5x improvement in FPS because of ram speed, onboard cache amounts, etc.

    4. Ruedii


      I know that Linux actually saw that 10-20% in the following months.     It still is recieving updates.  The new SchedUtils power manager on Linux is particularly seeing gains.   However, it too needs updates to reduce latency.  I really think

      When my Ryzen Quad Core (8 thread) motherboard was working I saw a 25%-45% performance gain over my faster clock speed 6 core FX processor, especially on large craft.  This was even when under-clocking it drastically.  (Damn that bad bios, though.  Now it locks in an endless boot cycle.)

  15. Any chance you could make improvements to the terrain hight-maps in this as well? I've been looking for a mod that would get rid of the jagged edges.
  16. They are too perfect. They are likely bitter rivals. Val's probably dating Bob or Bill to make Jeb jealous.
  17. He should have done "Version 1.04" instead as part of the joke. As a note, the video was likely using Kopernicus mod to add the hidden planet.
  18. OK, yes, my statement was a little oversimplified. eBay had bought PayPal shortly after it's IPO when it was still a rapidly growing tech firm, and helped it maintain it's rapid growth that gave it an actual leg up on traditional banks that were entering the online bill payment industry. It's unclear how much of the company was invested in by eBay and it's backers before the IPO. eBay had hedged it's bets in the online billing industry before that point, and wanted to insure at least one high quality service would prevail. They had associations with at least 4 major providers including PayPal and a small service they had created called BillPoint. BillPoint was merged into PayPal when eBay bought PayPal and the BillPoint trademark was later sold to a new subsidiary of Wells-Fargo.
  19. Yes, You can pay with credit card through paypal. This is more cost effective for small companies, because PayPal's fees are less than those for processing the credit card directly. It also saves on website setup, as handling credit card and other bank information is actually quite expensive if you bother to do it properly, because it requires significantly more expensive encryption handling. Finally it is more secure for the user to use well known and trusted third party to handle credit card transactions. Paypal was created as an offshoot of eBay expressly because of the need for such services online. (eBay was being held back at the time by the lack of good payment options.) (Looks like LinuxGuruGamer beat me to the first line of my post.)
  20. Generally you want to fly into orbit first, not straight up to the mun.
  21. I don't know how many players have Vulkan drivers for their graphics cards/chips. I know the Intel chips were the first to get it (followed by AMD.) Considering Intel and AMD were primary members of the standards board on it this is no surprise. Meanwhile nVidia snubbed it initially, hoping the would be able to maintain their monopoly on PhysX.
  22. EVA Parachutes finally? WOOT! Any chance we can get deployed in command seats and open cockpits in a point release? Also, it would be nice to have some added "support" content in the main game. Much like Overkill adds some community content for all players to promote each new DLC release (except I recommend giving more paid stuff with each DLC release than Overkill does.) Personally for US pricing I recommend to have the DLC under $5 and possibly divide it into three "companions" packs for $2 each available as a set for $5 and with the "upgrade deal" on Steam that deducts the price of each purchased DLC from the set.
  23. I've run into a bug. It seems if you recover a science container with no probe core, that contains the science, it doesn't properly register as recovered by this mod. This issue may be upstream in contract configuration. If you are having trouble replicated the bug or need a detailed report, just ask.
  24. I'd recommend adding the whole debug menu on console. That means of course adding controller options to navigate it, but it would be quite useful.
  25. Bonding KSC to itself would work well as well. However a virtual "foundation object" under KSC would work even better. This is similar to using a mounting block to improve precision in engineering. It is a simple way to reduces rounding errors and makes everything snap together nicely. The way I would actually mount them is each section (e.g. Runway, SPH, VAB, Lauchpad, etc) get it's "foundation model" mounted to the main foundation plane. Then other models are attached on top of that foundation model. The foundation models used for each section, which handle the leveled ground, should have very slight slopes at the end to reduce problems with any smaller seams that still do occur. Every ground or foundation mounted object should have a base of some sort that runs below the ground to prevent visible seams. They should be mounted quite a ways below the surface of the object they are tied to, much like real life construction. This isn't a graphics performance concern like it was in the past. Modern graphics drivers handle culling fully occluded objects nicely, often a lot better than game engines.
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