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Everything posted by Ruedii

  1. The most annoying repetitive issue for me is the complete ignorance of orbital mechanics in space flight.
  2. I think the various parts just need to be tweaked a little along with the original parts. A big part of the tweaking needs to be done in adding the upgrades module. The upgrades module still doesn't have complete functionality, currently relying on a hackish and non-user-friendly GUI.
  3. I'd change out the retro-rocket for a monoprop-retrothruster to reduce weight and resource count (increase total RCS fuel to compensate.) I'd also add a view-port inside the docking clamp to serve as a window for the IVA. (I would add a second display panel above the kerbal's head in IVA as well.)
  4. Well the mission builder still has some kinks to be worked out. It feels so limited. It needs more parameters for event triggers, to be honest, as well as more logic controls. However, it is my hope that such things will come in later patches.
  5. Many of us don't bother finding out what an acronym stood for. Many times acronyms are just mostly arbitrary cool sounding names.
  6. A million thanks! Yep, all westerners were raised with North as their cardinal direction, and think left to right.
  7. I notice you moved to using Unity's settings website for analytic function opt-out. Is there a way to disable it in-game as well, or is that no longer possible with updated Unity3D versions?
  8. As a note, the RLA agency needs fixing to display properly. It's a low priority, and I might take a look at it if I feel the need to do something productive.
  9. I had noticed some issues with RCS effects creating streams in the wrong direction on some older part mods. If someone knows what causes this and how to fix it could they please post the info.
  10. It's more than satisfactory, and worth the money if someone wants a "mission mode" feature. The new parts are incredibly well designed, however the original stock parts need balancing against them.
  11. I was thinking a cool idea for the next set would be one that is 0.625 wide and 1.25 tall. Since this would be a fixed downscale of the recently added one it would be easy to make.
  12. Is there a way we could have a way to turn on and off Steam Cloud for individual saves and craft files (sort of like Terraria does with worlds). Also, could you make a modder's shim for allowing more interfaces than just Steam Workshop for craft sharing, and cloud interface.
  13. I believe you mentioned that fusion engines and fusion reactors were when a viable prototype was made. Recently there have been prototypes of both (as well as smaller molten salt reactors by NASA). The fusion engine is by NASA and it's a simple pellet engine, like everyone thought would be the first out the door. A nice big yoke driver coil acts as a fusion augmented mass driver on the fusion pellets. The functional fusion reactor is by Applied Fusion in France. I can see why you waited, they are lot different than earlier non-viable prototypes. They utilize an a plasma injector into a molten metal well, and then compress that well with steam pistons. This allows rapid reset, self powered reset and an net output of roughly 5-50MW on the final design (less for the smaller prototypes they are working with now to fine tune the process). It also has no reliance on manufactured fuel pellets. It's pretty neat looking too, the reactor is this sphere with massive pistons sticking out from every angle and one massive plasma injector yoke. It's all supported by a huge super-capacitor bank to drive the injector and of course a steam system to drive the compression pistons.
  14. Personally I wish Unity3D would add SLang shader support to it's stack. That would provide so much better translation to all major render paths.
  15. I meant the one when you right click on the part in flight. However, yeah, added info in the VAB part info box would be nice as well.
  16. Any chance this could get added to the recycled parts mod?
  17. So basically 1.25 width and 1.875 height! Oh, perfect for those medium sized planes. Any chance we could get some round 1.875 parts as well? I always hate how the 1.25 parts are too small and the 2.5 parts are too big.
  18. I love this mod but some of the parts seem to have their lengths a little off. (For instance the elbow joints have one side longer than the other.)
  19. After playing with this mod, I find it makes the absolute best relays. It could use an expansion, though. Specifically some Xeon engines, a science storage module, a reentry shield and a parachute.
  20. Is this currently working for OpenGL?
  21. Suggestion: Could you integrate some of the basic functionality of this into the right click menu of the antenna. Obviously the full window would be needed still for the advanced features.
  22. Thanks. I'll download it! It seems a lot of people are busy and/or overwhelmed this spring. I wonder if it has to do with the political chaos in both the US and Britain being so distracting. (As well as several other places, but the US and Britain Trump all on it, pardon the pun. ) As a note, for planet packs, you can make the contract pack check for cases other than the normal stock planets and switch to a second mode using the variables pulled from contract configurator. (Contract Configurator supports this function.) You could also rely on complete auto-generation based game on provided planet names, but this means using the auto-balance system by default and removing hand tuned stock balancing, something I would advise against, because hand tuned balancing is almost always better.
  23. Does this work fine with the 1.4 series. I know your @linuxgurugamer is probably busy right now. I'll be testing these out later if nobody beats me to it. Right now I'm giving up on CKAN working under Linux and installing my mods manually which can take a long time. (CKAN is busted big time since the rush to support newer TLS version on Windows. I probably should just run it under Wine as it probably works in WineMono which is mostly .Net 4.6/4.5.x compliant.)
  24. Thank you for finding such a beautiful 0.35 sat pack to revive! I've always wanted smaller sat pieces!
  25. The last forum update seems to have broken all the topic links. Can you fix them in the main post?
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