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Everything posted by BossSquirrelz

  1. Your post has various contradictions and poor grammar. Let me fix it: Exploration Mission 2 is the first test flight of the Space Launch System and second uncrewed test flight of the Orion MPCV. I assure you, the Saturn V will not be coming back, but it is an interesting concept.
  2. This should be interesting. For me, it's Firefox.
  3. Upon reading the title of the post: I agree. Also, .craft files should be in a completely different part of the site. They do not qualify as 'modifications' to me. Why couldn't we keep that old mod hosting site that we had before the days of .18? That had far better organization.
  4. You are correct. As far as I know, furry(ism?) is simply people dressing up as animals and appreciating animals. Many of them don't even own suits. I've yet to encounter any furries that have a 'sexual fetish' with anything. Stop discriminating, people.
  5. I like the X-71 space shuttle from Armageddon. Just sayin'. ~Explosivefox109
  6. Interesting to see another KSP fan-made site. I would really like to see something like what we had before .18 came out (it was something like 'kerbal.net', if I remember).
  7. But can it take you to the beach on a saturday?
  8. Once again, Orion MPCV and SLS are planned for asteriods, mars, and the moon.
  9. Ariane 5 would get Orion into LEO. But the space launch system is designed for deep space missions. Sorry to stop your party.
  10. Nicely named after a brilliant man. Interesting mission plan, too!
  11. Actually, satellites like the X-37 spaceplane, are suspected of spying on others, like the Chinese space station.
  12. Banned for not liking google translate.
  13. Thanks, but it looks, and functions like my Saturn V + CSM/LEM system.
  14. I'd figure something out. The mod is here.
  15. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSnorlsH3NY Feedback Much appreciated. ~BossSquirrelz/Explosivefox109
  16. I'm gonna take a step back and ask: why does KSP need multiplayer? Can someone really tell me what it will accomplish? I'd like to know.
  17. No. This is the problem. So the only reason you want squad to invest time and money into developing 'multiplayer', is so you can ruin other people's creations? I hope squad never develops multiplayer, so it can avoid the pointless grief it will cause. KSP is not MineCraft in terms of community. It never will be.
  18. This thread is gonna turn into a fight over evolution. I can tell. I'm an atheist/anti-theist, btw.
  19. I find religion to be the wrong way to look at things. It was, and in some cases, still is the source of most of the world's problems. And it gets in the way of science.
  20. The forum monster destroyed this, thought I'd bring this back for now: Download Step 1: Download the .rar. Step 2: Open the html file. Step 3: Enjoy!
  21. Considering SLS hasn't been canceled yet, and Orion is set for a test flight next year, followed by a full SLS test in 2017.
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