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Everything posted by BossSquirrelz

  1. KSP needs smoke like the smoke in video.
  2. Made another KSP cinematic: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24727-Delta-II-Rocket-Launch-%28HD%29
  3. Found KSP while browsing a list of space games on a gaming website.
  4. Some of you might remember me. Sadly, my account was deleted. The forums being down got in the way of this, but here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z4g84QEnpI Yes, I do realize the delta ii seperates the fairings after the second stage burnout, not when the first stage is firing. Feedback would be appreciated. ~BossSquirrelz, AKA, Explosivefox109
  5. But how's the SRB, OMS, and SSME going? Damn DDOS attack deleted my account.
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