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Everything posted by TaranisElsu

  1. tabaal2's problem was that he/she had BobCat's American pack installed, which comes bundled with asmi's ECLSS life support mod. BobCat's Soviet pack does the same thing. If you have either of them installed, then you can delete the ECLSS.dll file to disable asmi's life support without breaking anything. It is really bad to have two life support mods installed at the same time. Unfortunately, BobCat does not explicitly state anywhere that I have seen that his mods include asmi's life support. The errors in your log file are known, and do not seem to be causing any issues. I will be cleaning that up soon. I wish that you would just post the whole file. And include a list of installed mods. There is not, but you can add "isTweakable = true" to the rest of the resources in the TacResources.cfg file. Then you can change the amount of the resource in the editor, and launch with a full container of CO2 or whatever you need. I am doing that for the next release. I want to bundle a greenhouse because I want this mod to be a balanced whole by itself. I want it to work well with other things too, but I feel that it is important that it stands on its own. Everything not listed under "Core Features" is optional. You can swap out the parts for other parts, and you can choose whether you want to use any of the recyclers or resource gathering parts.
  2. Yes, that is a new feature in the latest release .
  3. Mods are awesome! Spoken by a mod creator . Check out the ones that I created in my signature below
  4. Look at the work that eggrobin did on this. Also, he implemented a Sabatier Reactor. Both are in the TACLS thread. I will be integrating his work when I get a chance, but right now I am focused on finishing a Greenhouse module. Some of your work here overlaps with my plans for TACLS, but you are free to beat me to it. And if you don't mind, I will draw from your work when I get there .
  5. Does it happen with any other part? I.e. a larger or smaller food container, or a water container, or a life support container? What other mods do you have installed? Are there no errors in the log? Those statements are normal, just logging that things were created correctly. Most of the time, when the game freezes on me the log starts going crazy with tons of stuff logged many, many times per second. Is that happening to you? It might help to open the Debug window (Alt+F2) in game before trying again. Hope that helps!
  6. Due to the numerous comments and feature suggestions for things that are already planned, I figure that I need to better explain my plans and future direction. Here is an attempt: Thunder Aerospace Corporation's Life Support system Core Features Kerbals require resources to survive, whether in a vessel or on EVA: Food, Water, Oxygen, Electricity (for air quality and climate control). They even require resources when their vessel is not active. Kerbals produce waste resources: CarbonDioxide, Waste, WasteWater. They will die if they go without resources for too long: 30 days without food, 3 days without water, 2 hours without Oxygen, and 2 hours without Electricity. Excess waste resources are dumped overboard with no ill effect. You do lose the opportunity to convert them back into usable resources. Most crewed pods come stocked with resources. When a Kerbal goes on EVA, he takes some resources with him in the EVA suit, taking from the pod that he was in. He puts back the unused resources when returning from EVA. The system tries to warn when resources are low and again when resources run out. No guarantees. Be careful using high time warp when resources are low. Kerbals do require resources when their vessel is not active, and they can die if you leave them alone for too long. Oxygen is not required while landed on Kerbin or flying below a reasonable altitude on Kerbin. Electricity is not required while landed on Kerbin. You can enable and disable the mod on a saved-game basis. No need to uninstall/reinstall when switching between saved games. [Planned feature] Add the option to hibernate Kerbals instead of kill them when resources run out. Will lock control of the vessel until more resources are sent. (Potentially very hard because of interactions with other mods like RemoteTech2) Most numbers are configurable, so you can customize the consumption rates, time without resources, resource densities, etc to your heart's content. Resource Management CarbonDioxide can be recycled back into Oxygen WasteWater can be recycled back into clean drinking Water Oxygen can be filtered from the air on Kerbin and Laythe. [Planned Feature] CarbonDioxide can be filtered from the air on some planets (Kerbin, Laythe, Duna, Eve?). Water can be split (electrolysed) to produce Oxygen and hydrogen (not used by this mod) [Coming SoonTM] A Greenhouse can be used to grow Food and produce Oxygen. [Planned Feature] Mine ice on various planets and moons and convert it to Water. Will be dependent on the Kethane mod. [Planned Feature] Mine extra-terrestial soil and extract the Oxygen (like http://science1.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2006/05may_moonrocks/ and see https://www.google.com/search?q=oxygen+from+the+moon). Will be dependent on the Kethane mod. [Planned Feature] Some way to collect water from planetary oceans. Kerbin's and Laythe's? Any others? I don't think Eve's oceans are water, so not there... [Planned Feature] Disposable waste containers that you can eject to reduce the vessel's mass. Resource Containers [Planned Feature] Much better looking parts. Numerous others have created parts that work with this mod. Don't like my parts? Others have retextured them to make them look much nicer. Think my parts are boring? Others have created some nice looking parts. Modular Fuel System also works nicely with this. [Planned] Balancing passes on all of the numbers. Numberous times until everything feels right. Thank you to everyone that has given me input. I am reading your suggestions, and I will be refining the numbers. Now, the way forward: I am currently working on a Greenhouse module, writing the plugin code that will make it function. I want to coordinate with the Biomass people so that it is compatible with their work, albeit simpler. I will need a Greenhouse part since I obviously cannot 3D model yet (I want to learn!). I want to add resource gathering next, i.e. integration with the Kethane mod. There will be four main resources that you can collect: air, ice, dirt, and water. Not all of them will be necessary since there is an overlap between what you get from each. Balancing pass #1. Make sure parts obey conservation of energy in addition to conservation of mass. And check container volumes. What do you think?
  7. My plan is to add a simple food greenhouse to TAC Life Support, while making a greenhouse module that hopefully will be useful to you guys. I like what Chris did with my TacGenericConverter module, but I don't think it works as well for your purposes as something made specifically for greenhouses. My thought is that people can use my greenhouse if they just want to keep it simple, but replace it with yours (or add yours?) if they want the complexity and greater realism. "Dang it Jim, I'm a programmer not a plant biologist!" The following is based on my limited understanding and the work that Chris_W did. I would like to make it into a single "Greenhouse" part. Composter/MicroBiome * Converts waste into Fertilizer/Nutrients: Waste + Oxygen -> CarbonDioxide + Fertilizer [Chris did: Waste/WasteWater/Biomass + Oxygen -> MicroFlora -> CarbonDioxide + Nutrients] Food Greenhouse * Respiration: Fertilizer + Water + Oxygen -> CarbonDioxide + Water [Chris did: BioMass + O2 -> CarbonDioxide + Water] * Photosynthesis: Light + Fertilizer + Water + CarbonDioxide -> Oxygen + Food + growth [Chris did: Light + Nutrients + CarbonDioxide -> Oxygen + Food + BioMass] Additional comments: Plants die if inputs are missing, and are converted to Waste for conservation of mass reasons. Also, excess growth is assumed to be pruned and converted to Waste. Note that I prefer the name "Fertilizer" over "Nutrients". I am not having the plants "eat themselves". Should I add in some continual plant death in addition to that caused by missing inputs? Since I want the module to function even while the vessel is unfocused, I was thinking of saying that Photosynthesis is active between 50-75% of the time and calculate everything based on that. I want my greenhouse to require Kerbals to take care of everything. What do you think? And thanks in advance for any help. EDIT: Based on some further reading, including http://www.ext.colostate.edu/mg/gardennotes/141.html, I think that I should change the above to: Food Greenhouse * Respiration & Transpiration: glucose + Oxygen + Water + Fertilizer -> growth + Food + Carbon Dioxide + Water * Photosynthesis: Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light -> glucose + Oxygen I might need some way of tracking the glucose production/consumption, but I don't really want to make it a resource.
  8. The OP has several links to retextures and other parts made by other people. Please figure out the licensing before posting anything publicly. Some people don't want you redistributing their work, others want you to ask permission first. In any case, you need to abide by their license since it is their work and not yours.
  9. A small request if you don't mind: please reorganize the files within the zip so that the only files under GameData/000_Toolbar are the ones needed for running. I would prefer the changes, license, and source zip to be next to the GameData folder. That way I can copy the GameData folder into my install directory and I would only have the files needed for the install. Also, please add the last updated date to the thread title. Thank you for making this mod. It really turned out nice.
  10. More information please: Are there any errors in the debug window or the log file? Would you upload the log file to somewhere that I can look at it? Like dropbox or pastebin? You can find the log file at {KSP}/KSP_Data/output_log.txt. What mods do you have installed? What do you mean "immediately"? They should live for 2 hours after oxygen runs out. Are they really dying instantly? Have you changed any of the settings? Can you recreate it reliably? Or did it only happen once? Or with only one ship? What steps can I do to recreate the problem? It really sounds like you have a conflict between some of the mods that you have installed. Try uninstalling some (temporarily move them out of the GameData folder) and see if the issue persists.
  11. Agreed, and I think that NASA tries when sending stuff to the ISS. You cannot get rid of all of the packaging though. You need some to preserve it and keep meals separated so the wrong flavors don't mix. I also assume that most packaging should be reusable with a minimal amount of work.
  12. Do you have a link for that? Because http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_support_system#Human_physiological_and_metabolic_needs says the crew need 0.62 kg of food per day. It might be a difference between the amount they actually consume and the amount with packaging and inedible bits (orange peels, bones, etc). I have been thinking of increasing the Food mass and Waste mass by the same amount to represent that. I feel that the food requirements are a little light as they are.
  13. I did similar math and came to the conclusion that Kerbals weight ~32.5 kg on average. Plugged that into the equation here: http://equation-of-the-month.blogspot.it/2012/06/kleiber-law.html, and came up with the ~51% consumption rate for Kerbals.
  14. Well, that makes a big difference. Then my containers are 106.1% full.
  15. So I did some more work on figuring out the volumes, with the result that I think my containers are only ~13% full! That is not counting packaging or structural volume, or the tank for holding compressed oxygen (at 200 bar/20 MPa/~2900 psi). Given those calculations, I do not think my containers are too small. If anything, they are too big. Lots of wasted space. The smallest container is a cylinder with a 0.625 meter radius and 0.25 meter height. The total volume is 0.307 cubic meters or 307 liters (v = pi * r^2 * h). Ten days of supplies is: 3.2 kg of food, 18 kg of water, and 4.3 kg of oxygen. Water is 1 kg / liter and oxygen can be compressed to 0.3 kg / liter. Food, I have no idea . Those add up to ? liters of food, 18 liters of water, and 13.8 liters of oxygen, much much less than the 307 liter volume of the container. Please do
  16. The number of units per container are kind of arbitrary right now. I made those parts before I worked out the volumes for the various resources. In fact, I am still figuring that out (anyone want to help?). But while the sizes are arbitary, the masses are all correct according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_support_system#Human_physiological_and_metabolic_needs. And in rocket science, size doesn't really matter but mass matters a lot. The extra mass is what requires you to bring extra fuel to get the same dV. As I linked earlier in the thread, most of my math is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aioc9ek3XAvwdGNsRlh3OVhlbTFBR3M4RW0zLUNTRFE&usp=sharing
  17. Changes Fixing bugs in enabling/disabling staging. Added ability to abort the self destruct. Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-self-destruct-2/ @DennyTX and @Galileo Kerbonaut, please test this and see if I fixed the issues that you found. I'm hopeful
  18. Changes * Now works with the Toolbar mod from blizzy78. Not required, but if you have it, the icon will be added to the toolbar instead of being by itself. Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-part-lister-0-2025may/
  19. Changes * Now works with the Toolbar mod from blizzy78. Not required, but if you have it, the icon will be added to the toolbar instead of being by itself. Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-life-support/ Thank you, jfjohnny5, for the button texture!
  20. Changes * Now works with the Toolbar mod from blizzy78. Not required, but if you have it, the icon will be added to the toolbar instead of being by itself. Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-fuel-balancer-v1-0/ I need to make another button texture. For now, I just resized the old one to 24x24. Any volunteers?
  21. I think you need to do: @RESOURCE[LqdWater] { @name = Water @amount = 4065 @maxAmount = 4065 } or !RESOURCE[LqdWater] // removes the LqdWater resource RESOURCE // adds the Water resource { name = Water amount = 4065 maxAmount = 4065 } I would prefer the second way.
  22. Are you running out of electricity?Rayder is on the right path. Dying of "air toxicity" means that you are running out of electricity. Make sure that you have enough batteries and power generation parts (solar panels or RTGs).
  23. Release 1.2 is now available! Changes Added to the tech tree Updated for 0.23 Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-atomic-clock-v1-0/
  24. I need more information: How is it not working? What do you see? Did you launch the rocket or plane? It does not do anything while sitting on the launch pad so that you can time warp to your launch window without worrying about the crew. Are there any errors in the debug window? Can you upload a copy of your log somewhere that I can see it? Like dropbox or pastebin? What other mods do you have? Which OS are you using: Windows/Mac/Linux? Can you post a screenshot somewhere? Like imgur or photobucket?
  25. Release v2.2 is now up. Changes Updated for 0.23. Download from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-fuel-balancer-v1-0/
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