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Everything posted by superm18

  1. I finally did it thanks for all the help!! the setup ended like this: green= gimbeling engines red= non-gimbeling engines and the core (thw white center) like this: Thanks again for all the help!!
  2. Okey that makes sense ill try when i get home
  3. Okey, but there is a decupler between the lifter and the tricoupler
  4. i think you found the problem!! i have two line comming out of the first stage, wich is the 4 stacks in the corner's
  5. yes i have a tricoupler with dockingports between payload and lifter...but the payload has no active engines
  6. No your craft dosent become 10 times heavier under 10g...it's just that the pressure on everything in and on the craft increeses 10 times under 10g...the total mass and thus the thrust needed to moves said mass remains the same.
  7. This is great for new players and veterans alike! could very well become a sticky
  8. My problem is NOT wopple, spin or anything like that...if you tryed the craffile you would see that it flyes straight(press 0(zero)to disable gimbel on the engine that matter) My problem is that each mainsail engine uses different amounts of fuel, so that the stages becomes unequel!...i tryed with the fuellines at the bottom...
  9. what are you saying? that i can't use fuellines
  10. on a side note...i allways put the fuellines at the bottom and this is the first time i set them at the top, but moving all of them didn't help!...also i've tryied different stage-setup but still the same problem with fuelflow!
  11. Hi all, I'm launcing an interplanet tug in one go. i'm used to a circular-asparagus like this: but find that with payloads that BIG it tends to wobbel spin or something else, so i started using square-asparagus like this: but somehow i cannot explain the difference in fuelflow on the mainsail's! they consume different amounts of fuel and therefor the waight ballance gets worse and the stages dont match in symetry! I checked the fuellines again and again and i'm pulling my hair out any second now! plz help!! here's the craft file: http://www./download.php?tt5ret3gdcq2l12
  12. small scale mission=wing it big scale=plan it
  13. great! thanks now how do i change the tread icon to "answered"?
  14. yes of course but i'm only asking about the engine as a singel unit
  15. okey, so the LV-N has 60 trust and a mass of 2,25 = 60/2,25 = 26,66.....7 so does this mean that pr. sec. that engine puts out 26,66 m/s?
  16. Hi all, I'm a pure vanilla player and as so i don't use any UI enhancer. My question is: Is there any way of calcuating how many m/s an engine puts out pr. sec.?? I could just test all engines but that would take longer this Thank's all in advance
  17. look at this: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/04/10/nasa_fusion_engine_fast_mars_trip/ Fusion engine that also uses a series of small "explosions"
  18. I hate mods and play pure stock with skill
  19. Fedt med flere danskere "Nice with more Danes"
  20. Pure stock player here! Practice makes perfect, i've gone through a dozen saves or so and the only way (i to be good at it is without help from mods!
  21. it allways happends if the kerbal you are trying to bord with, has the same name as one of the kerbals allready inside!
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