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Everything posted by superm18

  1. I have the same "problem", the flickering pixel is gone
  2. i've had trouble locating easter eggs since .20 the flickering pixel was what i allways looked for when orbiting somewhere and the spots i know are not flickering anymore! but before this i had to be below 70 km.
  3. i see alot of "i've been around since this and that..." when and what version was the very first to get publiced? who was the first one to download that version? is he still alive??!
  4. I try to have him on every manned launch, test flights, building interplanetcrafts, landing on varius palnets and moons ect. so i guess he's really an all-rounder-type.
  5. That my good man is a great idea!!!
  6. i'm not a moderator, but please keep it civilized
  7. If you have more than óne fuel line comming from óne fueltank, that's your problem ONLY one fuel line pr. fueltank
  8. corret me if i'm wrong...but, doing an engine combo is the same as the two engine besides each other ONLY just to negate the centre of thrust?! (i'm NOT gonna edit any partfiles )
  9. wow never seen this before! engine-combo nice!! no need for mods or debug-tool??
  10. I'm not gonna vote. Becouse nothing is hard! (not to sound like i'm invinsible or on god mode or anything ) and why??! IMO it just takes GOOD planning and patience, a calm mind and hand, and an iron will to get things done right the first time!
  11. That's gonna be sooo helpful
  12. http://youtu.be/3-B2cuFH6oc Pogo - Wizard of Meh (10 hours) Drives my girlfreind crazy
  13. AWESOME!! can i have it in 1680x1050? epic
  14. hey i just became subscriber no. 400!
  15. OMG he allmost made me fall down my chair laughing!!
  16. i allways use the same actionkey-setup so that it fits all crafts
  17. Hi all, I've spent a good few hours watching different videos on Youtube about Kerbal Space Program. BUT i have also skipped a lot due to being bad in some way or another. So what is your favorite video? and why? I like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCiKZ9Ja5FezMz66m8yndwyg DrJonez. He has a way of telling how things work, that really made me get the hang of it all, back when i started This video is very good at showing direct acent: http://youtu.be/WRoCXYOOT4M To the point, not to long, detailed tutorial and "easy listening"
  18. I don't know if it is possible, but if you would like me to help i can play the game through Teamviewer and show you how it's done! send me a PM if your up for it
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