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Everything posted by StainX

  1. Love kOS and im excited about future releases! So, please keep it up!
  2. Best mod idea ever! The Fairing decoupler don't work for me :/
  3. naaaahhh KAS is too easy Do a stock part challenge
  4. Jeb was here. Your ad here. Stupid kerbal engineers. If i ever come back, i gonna kick some asses!
  5. May use landing legs as claws and tons of fuel! You should upload the save file and make a challenge of it
  6. Ouch, that hurt^^ Just wanted to test around with it, and not send up a satellite network again Aperture Science, we do what we must, because we can! Isn't a debug menu not a good idea anyway? :/
  7. my stock antennas are now retracted in v2... is there a debug menu to temporary disable RT2!?
  8. Yeah, and you can stare in it like forever in every maneuver you do
  9. hahaha, that description! nice one!
  10. Joystick attached.... but not used it in new version yet, no sas problems so far! Also, i had some joystick/gamepad issues with older game versions, where the joystick was not calibrated so the craft always pulled in one direction slightly.
  11. Damn buddy, i miss your KSP steams
  12. Arrr, Happy lithosphere breaking!
  13. If EA would buy up Squad it would end like Bullfrog, Westwood, BioWare, Maxis and so on....
  14. Scary and funny at the same time... Damnit looks like the forum is about to get *nom nom nom* from the kraken again...
  15. So much devs working on it, they should get payed well for their awesomeness! Also those servers won't run for free i think. I already put so much time in KSP that those 18$ i payed are almost like stealing from them... so i would have no problem to pay for expansions.
  16. Thank you! Its just a little reminder for the devs.... still waiting for some female kerbals (if they exist)
  17. Where is this official news in which they said that the expansion stuff will be free for "backers"? And yeah... every update eats my patience up like those snacks in the capsules
  18. Welcome to the forums! Hope you have the same fun here as me So welcome hugs to you! *hug* I'm not Scott Manley, but fly safe anyway!
  19. An welcome aboard from austria! You may also try an eve probe... really easy with aerobraking cuz of that thick atmosphere there. Also if you like realistic mods... have a look at deadly re-entry mod! And yeah... as Scott Manley would say: "Fly safe!"
  20. I'm excited bout your upcoming stream! yeah, so welcome aboard and have fun!
  21. Lots of docking, without loosing all of my RCS fuel to ASAS wobble! Take a deep look at the new designs of buildings and stuff.... and recruit some kerbals depend on how much of that career thing is implemented... And of course write some bugreports with my outdated plugins i don't mention in my reports
  22. why not use a heatshield? like nasa's messenger?
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