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Everything posted by StainX

  1. Same/similar problem here! (Linux Mint 15, x64, 0.25) Load in Vessel (Command Pod Mk1+ RT-10 SRB) -> booom [Warning]: [Part]: PartModule ModuleAeroReentry at solidBooster, index 3: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg. Looking for ModuleAeroReentry in other indices... [Error]: ...no ModuleAeroReentry module found on part definition. Skipping... [Warning]: PartModule is null. ... [Error]: Scene::raycastClosestShape: The maximum distance must be greater than zero! ... [Warning]: [FlightPersistence]: Vessel Untitled Space Craft not saved because it was dead. Flight Event says that there is a structural failure on linkage between RT-10 and Pod. Edit: This happens with FAR + Stock x64 (Same Warning/Error but without Pod going poooooof): Edit2: Log (FAR+Stock KSPx64) Edit3: Same Errors and Warnings in x86 without the kabooom and freaky numbers on screen, but on launchpad i get this flight Event: [00:00:00] Joint between RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster and Command Pod MK1 failed due to aerodynamic stresses Edit4: Aerodynamic Failures disabled (in x86): Flickering of Surface Speed... seems to want to stick to 0.0ms!?
  2. New KSP version, new (old) Life Support Thx 4 the work! Edit: is there a way to reduce EVA Propellant usage on eva... seems a bit much to me? :/
  3. Yeah, i really think squad should keep their eyes focused on the simulation & graphics & "smoothing stuff", i mean stuff like: life support, reentry heat, clouds, wind&weather, more space centers, vessel info, editor handling,... I mean, i love Squad for developing such a great game, that i already played for infinite hours, but i think the updates are going a bit the wrong way here (although new plane parts are awesome), the game is just getting easier with each update. My personal last "exciting new big feature" was docking... back in 0.18
  4. Well, the unrealistic overpowered reaction wheels also help maneuvering in atmosphere So its just a matter of preference.
  5. Sadly, i think i have to stick with 0.24, at least it's stable now with all those mods (that will not be available to 0.25 win_x64), and i kinda feel more relaxed to know that my launchpad won't explode :/
  6. caught a 0.25, am i allowed to keep it!?
  7. They see me rollin' they hype me, i try to keep me calm and space on!
  8. That post was already 9h ago! Maybe in a few hours, we all have to leave the hypetrain at station .25 and go over to the "is this mod working in 0.25" train
  9. Maybe this would work with infinite fuel cheat and kOS
  10. oh you mean the radial attachment bug, so that you have a hard time attaching one docking port to the node of the other!? If so... you may try the radial attachment toggle with Editor Extensions mod or wait for 0.25 (Alt Key radial toggle integration) Or just fiddle around until it fits... also what i did before was to put the docking port of the ssto somewhere on top of the ssto and build the probe with docking port on top of it... then move the whole thing to the right position.
  11. Jup, every plane flies a bit differently,... i still try to build a spaceplane that can hold high AoA during reentry, for the some info on almost everything look at this awesome tutorial by keptin.
  12. Oh ok, so everything is nominal Thank you! And also a big thanks to you for working on all that awesome mods!
  13. Quick question: Is it a feature or a bug that intakes don't produce drag anymore (closed or open, doesn't matter), even the stock ones. Or is this caused by FAR!? Do they open and close automatically now? Shouldn't be there at least be some amount of drag when open!?
  14. Jups, plugged it in, changed sensitivity and everything worked well after binding the buttons and axes. Also my thrustmaster is kinda bigger and have some extra buttons, but it shouldn't matter. Didn't changed much on the deadzone settings. So if this is only a KSP Problem, could you post you crashlog and output_log.txt ?
  15. Oh, i also got a MS thrustmaster... no problem whatsoever :/ So, did ya test that thing in windows control center!? What you could try is to rename your settings.cfg so the game creates a new one and you have a backup...
  16. I had some hard time with FAR/DRE constantly overshooting/undershooting by far to much, so i started to experiment with huge airbrakes, which is working out pretty well. So what i did is... put on some extra "Standard Control Surface" on top and bottom of my wings used as spoilers with positive value on top and negative on bottom, tadaaaaa... awesome airbrake. Back to Topic, i never got a "Space Shuttle" like reentry with 40°AoA in KSP too , the maximum stable AoA i get out of my planes in mid/lower atmosphere is about 10°, maybe i just suck at spaceplanes anyway^^
  17. OOHHH MYYYYY!!!! Thank you so much! This is the feature i always missed in KSP!
  18. Hmm on LazTek's mod, the reentry looks different than on that spacex video (engine first).... Also it seems you have no monoprop on board, that would also help a lot, i guess
  19. Wow, looks awesome so far. Now we only need a hardmode (optional) and some snack containers
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