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Everything posted by StainX

  1. Hmmm tried my first mun mission in 0.24... when suddenly after timewarp ( 80000m above munar surface) my craft disassembled itself, saying "To much gforce, oh and i will also take that kerbal in that capsule with me, muhahaha!" ... well the summary said max gforce was 2.2 so... Oh i have a few mods installed so its also possible that NEAR or something caused that, i will have an eye on that :/
  2. Hmm NEAR sounds exactly to be what i need.... FAR was always to complex for my stupid mind
  3. if i do a regular update on steam, will there be x64 in it?
  4. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/multiplayDwn.php on line 132 Nooooooooooooo!
  5. So the test team (and devs) checking out the new experimental version atm... so i give my F5 a rest for an hour or two
  6. Oh yeah... didn't get that macro thingy... that was the problem! Thank you very much for that mod and all the work u put into it!
  7. Heyho! Nice Plugin, love it! Oh im also on the german client and have some problems with a few commands: "Schubkraft 20 Prozent" Makes a popup on toolbar: Set Throttle (77.7) But doesn't set it to 20% or 77.7% at all, here is what the debug says: [Error]: [VoiceCommander] error while executing command: ksp/throttlePercent [Exception]: KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. Also That Mechjeb things don't seem to work that way you used to that on the video: "Vertical Plus 2 Komma 0" Well if i say that it sometimes tries to set throttle or toggles landing legs. Part of output_log.txt: [VoiceCommander] packet received: (SPEECH_RECOGNIZED) command=ksp/throttlePercent|confidence=0.7766844 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53) [VoiceCommander] command received: command=ksp/throttlePercent|confidence=0.7766844 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53) [VoiceCommander] error while executing command: ksp/throttlePercent (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53) KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at VoiceCommander.KSPFlightCommands.throttlePercent (VoiceCommander.VoiceCommandRecognizedEvent event) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at VoiceCommander.VoiceCommander.handleSpeechRecognized (VoiceCommander.VoicePacket packet) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) VoiceCommander.VoiceCommander:handleSpeechRecognized(VoicePacket) VoiceCommander.VoiceCommander:handlePacket(VoicePacket) VoiceCommander.VoiceCommander:handleQueuedPackets() VoiceCommander.VoiceCommander:Update()
  8. awesome! would be cool to have a all in one zip file though Anyway... lets see if im able to build somthing out of those parts, thanks so much for your work!
  9. This would fit well in some multiplayer mod
  10. Anyone else having crash problems while trying to attach some landing leg in SPH?
  11. Maybe you could also have an option to set throttle to 100% on the lauchpad automatically... yeah im lazy as hell
  12. Always try to start building with docking ports not those command thingy's.... saves a lot of time and nerves Oh and there also was a handy mod around where you could choose a new main part... let me take a look... ah here i don't know if this still works in 23.5 :/
  13. ♥ this mod! I just wish that there would be some more data available...for things like rendevouz with stuff in an high eccentric orbit. Maybe something like map view.. i donno...
  14. Hey guys.. haven't used this awesome piece in awile now. But multiplayer is so much more fun than play that all alone... So is there a server chart with mods or something... or do i have to read through all the posts here? And also if the server uses mods... do i have to download them separately? what if mod version doesn't match? This sounds tasty!
  15. I always used one single uncomplicated method for comsat network: A kerbin day is 6hours... so i launched every hour to an ~50° inclined HKO (in range of omnidirectional antenna) and same orbital period. After that same thing with geosync orbit every 1h and sat-dishes. Not very mathematical i know, cuz i suck at such stuff
  16. Well welcome aboard, or so Now, how about some pics/vids on how your progressing in ksp? Well, i guess i need to find some friends that are more interested in science than in shooters or arpg.
  17. I got the demo back when i read through the reddit's AmA of StarCitizen (which appeared on kickstarter back then) and someone was asking something like: "Will there be realistical orbital mechanics like in Kerbals Space Program?" 20mins after trying the demo i bought it... just few days before 0.17 was released. Most played game > 1000h! So, dear gods of kerbin, bless that wonderful person asking that question back in that AmA!
  18. You need TWR > 1 for nice ascent to stable orbit ( i feel most comfy with TWR between 1,10 and 1,8). If your in an orbit... TWR doesn't matter that much, ISP is more important, but also calculate in a good engine for descent To the engines themself: ISP and Thrust are the two things that are most important for my choices for stage/altitude! You should also consider clustering them to get to an comfy looking TWR EDIT: Oh, i also don't use the NERVA... cuz the risk of radiation holocaust is just to high
  19. Would be even better to have another solar system we could travel to...
  20. Ohhh that Purple Haze skybox looks nice! I really love your textures, i appreciate the work you put in it! Oh i thought there was a config in the zip, sry my fault... well i gues i have to play around with some tac values, but thank you!
  21. Welcome aboard! Yeah we all love those little green man to death xD Na dann noch viel Spaß!
  22. Nice Mod! I uninstalled all non-procedural tanks, even the stock ones... no problems so far... thank you for the work you put into this!
  23. Finally some nice & procedural models for TAC LS, thank you sir ! And Questioning time: I put your Service Module LS container under the MK1 Pod.. similar the size of an heatshield... and this plate already provides Kermans with 42 days of Life Support, seems a bit overpowered to me, compared to the one day that the pod is providing. Did i something wrong or is that nominal with default settings TAC.. (i always used eclss before)? A note to myself: You need to use that skybox... looks amazing!
  24. Hey! Welcome aboard, Kerbonaut! The firsts are best moments in the game, in my opinion at least! Now go an conquer the whole galaxy with awesome stations and bases all around! Greetings from Austria
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