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Everything posted by StainX

  1. Hmmm am i the only one thinking that some engines have wrong isp values? I mean the FSX2 and the FSX0 have 380(ASL) and 330(VAC)? I really love this Mod, sooo much new awesome tools to play around with
  2. Love your Mod(s)! Have you considered of adding tweakables? Like toggle RCS 90° / 180° or the engines between Monopropellant and LF/Oxidizer?
  3. Damnit if i only had a timewarp button
  4. Nice! No more no clipping around inside a rocket, thats also means no more explosions when i decouple those nocliped thingies! Give that guy all the delicious cookies he wants, and even some more!
  5. Seperation also was pretty nominal Anyway with mods like this KSP is going to get a real simulation for such crafts! Yeah.. why not just build MAVEN right now?
  6. Tried to dock to a station yesterday, there were two bugs going on: my craft duplicated somehow (before docking), and as i approach the station it jumped away from me a few times for about hundred meters each time :/
  7. you ... just... how!? I mean... in career mode? how?
  8. Can't wait to test this little beauty. Ferram and Nathan rule! Keep it coming guys, we appreciate your hard work.
  9. Its still a bit hard to build something like a Saturn V with about 3000tons take-off weight
  10. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hnk1sehwgpldbqe/screenshot13.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5i7lvtrv8sa96q/screenshot11.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/guxfjnwppt1vh1i/screenshot12.png Damn that was hard and wobbly as hell edit: hmm no dropbox pics directly on forum?
  11. I vote for NathanKell as Kerbonaut of the century! Stunning!
  12. So we have to wait for Innsewerants to come back.... or completly rebuild that plugin from scratch :/
  13. So with this mod i have to build "bigger" ships to get in orbit with the realism setting... but isn't thats kinda useless if those huge rockets still wobble and are unstable as hell (Saturn V, stock vs Realism)?
  14. So am i the only one having problems with radial attachment toggle?
  15. Can't wait to see the plugin in action... this will definitely help a lot of people out!
  16. alright, thank you sir! also, so far no other bugs occured
  17. I tried the dev version... and im starting on the launchpad without electric power and oxygen, so i have to timewarp a bit to fill em up
  18. Uuhhhh this looks great! (But im also at Work ) I prefer em to be black, to make some neat decals on my Saturn V. Anyway... a scaling option would also be great
  19. If boxing seems to be a problem... but you can use as many if's as you like after each other in an loop. Edit: U may use something like this instead: set th to 1. lock throttle to th. stage. until altitude > 15000 { if verticalspeed > 200 { set th to th -0.1. }. if verticalspeed < 190 { set th to th +0.1. }. wait 1. }.
  20. Just a little suggestion: - It would be awesome to start in the last "mounted" volume. so i doesn't have to "switch to archive." everytime i revert to launchpad. (Edit: something like autoexec.cfg ?) - Would it be possible to implement the uparrow/downarrow key to switch through last written lines? Anyway this getting better and better with every update, i really appreciate your work! thank you so much!
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