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Everything posted by brusura

  1. I have uploaded a video to better explain it, the last stage just keep spinning, if you see, in the video I used the rcs to kill momentum and then let the rocket free without using asas or rcs, it just start spinning again °_° During the whole flight when I disable asas with F it always want to roll ps: I have no mods on this installation
  2. Hi dave, I missed the last decoupler yeah, but that unfortunatly do not change things a bit, the last stage seems to be the problem, the first two first stages overcome the rotation force from the central one, when the first stage is gone I start to see a little compensation from ASAS on the roll axis, then when the second stage is gone the ASAS full compensate on the roll axis, if I turn ASAS off in the last stage it's just spinning without control on the roll axis, if I turn engines off or throttle down and ASAS back on the rocket stabilze, so it's something with le cluster configuration on the last stage. I dunno how you could flight it straight all the way to orbit without noticing this uhm, maybe it's the way am I flying it? I have ASAS always on and hit F to do the course correction
  3. Well...it went way better until out of atmosphere then it starts a little rotation and when hit last stage again uncontrollable rotation, but the cluster in the last stage is symmetric uhm...
  4. Uhm...actually I think to have found the reason just now, because I am using a 3 engines configuration and the mirroring thing put the engines in the opposite direction... Uhm...answered myself sorry
  5. Hello, I have modified my launcher with the remote guidance unit instead of the 3 man command pod, but now it start spinning because the torque is not enough I think, but why the spinning at all? Here is the craft file ( stock ): https://www.dropbox.com/s/so25q5bsb7s1fm0/Lewis%20%26%20Clark%20-%20Station%20Core.craft the spinning start to be uncontrollable after the first stage edit: clustering engine is bad for rotation anyway, symmetric or not, this version without the clustering do not rotate like crazy https://www.dropbox.com/s/9pejy5mmptjvnno/Lewis%20%26%20Clark%20-%20test.craft
  6. or you can use tab and shift-tab to go back, just be sure to have engines off
  7. Yes absolutly, right now I think you can do that with lazormod and the new release of mechjeb ( adding a marker )
  8. For the cheese, what else?
  9. Maybe you have put some engine toogle in the gear action group?
  10. ALT+F12 then show debug info uhm nope actualy no, forget it
  11. right now is the only one I am playing
  12. then Jeb hates me, because he never show up first like was before
  13. It seems to me that they now spawn randomly, before the first 3 kerbals where always bob, bill and jeb and I am sad
  14. I was going to save my lifter using the sr port as root part, but look like only the jr port and the not shielded one can be used as root part, I went to the cfg of sr port and changed this: //attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 in this attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 and now the sr port can be used as root part, but is there any reason behind this ?
  15. I have not found any problem yet, just improvement, but also the 0.19 was good, I fear that those mods inevitable slow down things...I am tempted to leave my 0.20 full stock
  16. I like all the extra information mj give me so I do not have to over my mouse over some moving pixels while manuvering, also all the basic direction like prograde normal etc and position relative to target
  17. Have you tried some of the videos on youtube? Really I think you are just missing some bits of information, for example for your first attempt, have you tried to orient the docking of port of the ships you are trying to dock one facing north and one facing south? This will remove the rotation adjustment and let you focus on less things at time.
  18. Good luck! First docking and adrenaline rush good stuff
  19. I choosed Resources / mining only because Better graphics / speed optimisation were together. What I really want right now is just speed optimisation
  20. Hi and welcome you could use a lot of struct to make your rocket more rigid, anyway most of this wooble is during the ascent right? Once you are in space having asas on should not be much a problem unless you have rcs on and rcs ports are placed asimmetrical to center of mass . Also having engine near CM help too, I personally do not have all this issue with ASAS unless I turn on RCS ( I use rcs just for translation once I got the momentum i switch rcs back off )
  21. Thanks for confirmation, I removed all my large asas
  22. Hi Guys I am unsure if the big asas works better than the small on a bigger rocket, I am under the impression that is just an estetic thing since the asas is just a computer unlike the sas, the only reason I see is that big asas has more powerfull computer and so can manage more controll surface and such things than the small one. What your thoughts?
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