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Everything posted by brusura

  1. Ottimo diomedea! Per organizzare la nostra sezione pensavo a qualcosa così che ricalchi un pò il forum principale: Presentazione Discussione generale su KSP Le nostre Missioni Tutorial Costruzione Razzi Costruzione Spazioplani Sviluppo Mod ( parti e plugin ) Offtopic Forse sono un pò tante ce le creeranno?
  2. Thanks guys According to the FAQ here : Does this plugin make payload fairings and cargo bays work properly? It is set up to identify parts labelled "fairing" or "cargo bay" and apply the proper effects to them and the other parts the affect. Since all of these parts are 3rd party mods, incompatibilities may occur; if you find an issue like this, bringing it to my attention along with the craft file suffering the problem can go a long way to fix it. the name in cfg is the following: title = MK2 Cargo Bay so it should be alright, but I am not sure how to check that in game, anyway, I am using FAR too and so far ( ) I have not found anything strange.
  3. Grazie Argo Ho mandato anche io la candidatura, vediamo che succede.
  4. Ah much useful link this seems more up to date, often the wiki is missleading and hard to find the correct info
  5. Very interesting reading Temstar, I'll have to try this
  6. Are you sure is 1 meter diameter? I got confused first time in blender because when you create a cylinder the left panel ask you for the radius, so if you input 1 meter is a 2 meter diameter wich is bigger than the orange tank: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Part_Modelling_Guidelines#Standards the orange tank should be standard size 2 ? Also check the scale when importing inside unity
  7. Discontinued, seriously just go and download Porkjet work, it's amazing! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80796-0-23-5-Spaceplane-Plus-1-1 Born for my own personal need and inspired by MK3 Fuselage Expansion Pack made by TouhouTorpedo I present you: MK2 Expansion Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/78fg7cok9awtl7d/MK2exp.zip This is my first attempt at making a part for ksp, I still have a lot to learn, I very appreciate your feedback. I am still not satisfied with the collision mesh and the texture is kind over semplified, if someone would like to make a better texture is welcome. Version 0.5 News: Added reconfigured stock part: - Mk2 Engines Adapter - Mk2 Rocket Fuselage - Mk2 to size 1 Rocket Adapter - Mk3 to Mk2 Rocket Adapter Example craft: - Skylon ( mods needed: mk2, mk3, pwing. Far and tac fuel balancer recommended ) - F22 ( mods needed: mk2, pwing. Far recommended ) Version 0.4 News: Solved problem with snap to angle for surface attach ( center of mesh was offcenter for the model purpose ) Version 0.3 News: Removed nodes in .cfg for docking port and decouplers, much easier to place them on the surface ( free angle snap ) Better collision mesh Version 0.2 News: Integration with Firespitter plugin ( made by Snjo ), it is now possible to open the bay in VAB/SPH and in EVA Version 0.1 News: Fixed collision mesh for the base Added texture Added attach nodes for decouples and docking ports Problems: nothing to report yet To do: Better Texture Optimze collision mesh Normal map ? Preview: Credits: Snjo for Firespitter.dll plugin squad for mk2 texture and model
  8. Ehehe took me some swearing at the monitor but in the end I nailed it
  9. After some empiric tests I found out the problem. The center of mesh was not the center I needed for the mesh, so the wing were indeed angled at 0° but at wrong center of mesh
  10. I model one or more primitive in my 3d program close enough to the real model( i use blender ) and name it something like colliderxxx just to remember it, then when I import it in unity I set the mesh collider attribute for the parts colliderxxx and remove the mesh render attribute The attachment points are defined in the .cfg file, the coordinate are based off center point of the model you made http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation#Node_Definitions You need to set the same scale in your 3d program ( meters )
  11. If I attach those wings to this modded fuselage and they start angled at 15° , is there something wrong with the collision mesh? With angle snap Without angle snap
  12. Break it, right now there are some mechanic that push me back from using it in my missions
  13. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/78fg7cok9awtl7d/MK2exp.zip Versione 0.4 Novità: Risolto il problema delle ali non perpendicolari ( l'origine del modello non era dove doveva stare, nulla a che vedere con la collision mesh ) Versione 0.3 Novità: Eliminati del tutto i nodi per docking port e decoupler, è molto più semplice e meno confusionario attaccare le parti sulla superficie ( abilitando l'angolo libero ) Collision mesh più precisa Versione 0.2 Novità: Integrazione con Firespitter ( Snjo ), ora è possibile aprire la bay sia nel VAB/SPH che in EVA Versione 0.1 Novità: Corretta la collisione per la base usando due rettangoli Aggiunta texture ( non so perchè mi è venuta più scura della stock ) Aggiunti doppi nodi per l'aggancio ad altre parti e per consentire l'aggancio interno di un decoupler o docking port Problemi: nessun problema segnalato Da fare: Texture degna di questo nome Ottimizzare la collision mesh Integrazione con FAR ? Normal map ? Anteprima: A questo punto, oltre a qualche ritocco alla collision mesh di cui non sono ancora del tutto soddisfatto, resta solo la texture da sistemare, se qualcuno vuole collaborare per la sua realizzazione è ben accetto.
  14. Think I got it, my model has 3 meshes, for testing purpose I had partially unwrap only one of these meshes, for his mesh some faces were not texturized at all, so when importing, unity see one mesh with UVmap data but not for all faces of the mesh so unity create a new material out of nowhere for the faces with no UVmap. So I went back in blender unwrapped all the faces for the mesh and now unity import only one material as intended and in ksp the model is showing correct and texturized
  15. Sooo trying to narrow down the problem I made a simple cylinder 10 meters long and 2 meters large, mapped every faces of it then imported in unity and then in ksp all is working fine, what I see is that with my original model I see two materials in unity when in blender I got only one, why is that? Can I get rid of it somehow? I guess that is what causing the problem. I got the mk2 model using a plugin for blender made by taniwha http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43513-Blender-mu-import-export-addon , maybe something dirty left behind during the import?
  16. Hi, I am missing something for sure, if I import a texture and set the material in Unity like ksp/diffuse all is right, but in game it appear as it would have wrong normal ( some faces are invisible ), while exporting the model with no UVmap from blender show correct in game ( but of course with no texture ) What am I doing wrong?
  17. Sto facendo progressi , ci sono ancora alcune cose che devo capire, come sistemare le texture e soprattutto come utilizzare più di una mesh per la collisione, al momento la collisione per la base non è accurata le porte invece sono ok, c'è anche un'altro bug che non ho ancora capito a cosa sia dovuto, se provate ad attaccarci le ali non sono perpendicolari. Ad ogni modo c'è giàrasheed che sta sviluppando la parte http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64536-MK2-Cargo-Bay?p=883124&viewfull=1#post883124 , vediamo chi arriva prima ps: questo qua invece è giàbello e pronto per la MK3 , vanno solo sistemati il file cfg aggiungendo PART{} per renderle compatibili con la 0.23 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk3-fuselage-expansion-pack/
  18. Ah that is interesting Absolute Human, thanks for pointiing it out, I'll try it UPDATE: that mk3 expansion pack is very nice is just what I had in mind and even further , too bad that is not updated anymore ( you need to add the part {} in .cfg files not all parts are updated to new ksp format ). And for rasheed mk2 version why not using the stock texture? I am trying to make the mk2 myself right now I am just learning how blender works
  19. Sto litigando ancora con le animazioni in blender, questo qui è solo un proof of concept, per conoscere blender: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w00wo7glgpbvxbl/Screenshot%202014-02-14%2018.14.11.png La mia idea è di importare il file .mu stock delle fusoliere MK2 e MK3 in blender, ho visto dei plugin che dovrebbero riuscirci. E poi lavorare sui modelli originali in modo che siano quanto più fedeli alle parti stock.
  20. Ahahaha thanks FEichinger and sorry for the trick !! I very much appreciate you for the feedback
  21. al momento FEichinger non ha risposto, ma se cerca i post con il suo nome all'interno io scrivo di nuovo FEichinger magari ci nota...FEichinger , sembra quasi una evocazione demoniaca FEichinger vieni a noi A parte tutto, qualcuno qui ha qualche esperienza con la modellazione di parti? Sto prendendo dimestichezza con blender ed ho installato unity con il parttools 0.23 , ho intenzione di creare delle repliche delle fusoliere MK2 e MK3 ma invece del carburante metterci delle porte animate per usarle come cargo bay
  22. Uhm, ho mandato un pm a FEichinger, vediamo che dice
  23. Ragazzi ma che fine ha fatto la richiesta per una sezione italiana? Mi son perso qualche post addietro, è stata poi inviata o ci è stata negata?
  24. Oh yes I was looking for this specific part for a long time, how is going development? ( also the mk3 version would be great )
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