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Everything posted by brusura

  1. Hi BahamutoD I had the same problems and I opened an issue on github, there are the reproducible steps, I do not think is something related to your mod. https://github.com/Biotronic/TweakScale/issues/12
  2. could you please follow my steps and confirm this? If it is not TS it is something that TS activate in KSP? PS: try also without TS and see if the bug is still present of course
  3. It's working as before NathanKell, the bug was present also in the old version.
  4. I am sorry where is the changelog? I just want to make sure that the bug is known.
  5. Any clue why the camera bug? I tryed the new version still same result as described here and here
  6. sorry that's the case look like I have no mods that actually use the toolbar
  7. I can not see the toolbar, it keep creating the window with height 0: toolbars { kspVersions = 0.24.0,0.24.1,0.24.2,0.25.0 MAINMENU { toolbar_371175031 { x = 300 y = 300 width = 250 height = 0 autoHide = False drawBorder = True useKSPSkin = False buttonOrder = visibleButtons = } } } output_log https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6lg3kjf8fbhi0m/output_log_20141009.zip?dl=0
  8. This should be fun even for you ferram4, if it is not fun anymore, why are you doing it? I like your works and maybe most us do not have the right knowledge that you have to distinguish what is what. Again you should have fun, you dont get even paid for doing this awesome works. Peace.
  9. I think I am missing something here, look like I am getting a lot more drag than 0.24, what are the changes made to the wings? I have read something about tweakable weight on wings? Can you explain me NathanKell? Thanks
  10. I think it is intentional Climberfx from what I can read in the changelog: Removed vector from CoL indicator to reduce confusion
  11. Anyone want to help me fix this plane? While flying straight it has "roll tremors" O_o KSP 0.25 FAR v0.14.2 ( stock ) https://www.dropbox.com/s/24d4u2cumojve2m/Dagger%20Mk1.craft?dl=0 EDIT: Ok I thnk I got it, at least so far no more sudden bank on the left or right, I had overlapped two new "Elevon 4" in the tail.... overlapped control surfaces bad , somehow even if they were only set for pitch, induced some unexpected consequence °_°
  12. I hope you have been contracted for some mk3 parts *_*
  13. Mi piacerebbe partecipare ma il tempo scarseggia , complimenti comunque per il lavoro e per la citazione in Modding Mondays
  14. Yeah and I'd like also an option to shutdown and start engine, right now I have to disable fuel flow to make them stop...ah and make omniwheel height configurable in the vab
  15. So you have followed these steps and you do not have this bug I assume, verifying a problem on different configuration is fundamental to try address a bug. Clean KSP installation with TweakScale 1.43 and MM 2.3.5 1. Launch craft ( at least one part must be scalable, ie Mk1 cockpit ) 2. Try to change camera, all is ok 3. Revert to launch 4. Change camera and....bug So?
  16. Maybe was bundle with another mod? Can you try and reproduce these steps and tell me your result ? Clean KSP installation with TweakScale 1.43 and MM 2.3.5 1. Launch craft ( at least one part must be scalable, ie Mk1 cockpit ) 2. Try to change camera, all is ok 3. Revert to launch 4. Change camera and....bug
  17. Since it seems that it's a TweakScale bug I'll post the output log and the steps to reproduce it also here ( view zoomed out on camera mode change ): with no other mods rather than MM_2.3.5 and Tweakscale 1.43 1. Launch craft ( at least one part must be scalable ) 2. Try to change camera, all is ok 3. Revert to launch 4. Change camera and....bug output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ecv2wb8kqu0nwk/output_log.zip?dl=0 EDIT: bug also present with bundled MM_2.2.1
  18. Got it, I tryed with only the Mark1Cockpit TweakScale and MM , only one patch is applied during loading screen and the bug is still present, I guess Biotronic could help then
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