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Everything posted by brusura

  1. Powered hinge if attached to a root part they do not rotate, instead, they act like a piston, is it know issue?
  2. Anyone with double toolbar icon? ( using the stock toolbar no blizzy ) Partially overlapped with resource icon and not working, when I add IR parts I have a second icon, this time working
  3. I like every parts of this update ....well you know, not the farings..no no, hope you guys change the way they separate in release !
  4. I agree with you, memory is an issue for me, too many crashes.
  5. Great mod will you consider integrating it with stock toolbar at some point?
  6. Regarding the camera bug....Just a thought I had last night while not sleeping , I use procedural fairing that allow you to resize the fairing base, but with this method there is no camera bug....not knowing anything about how it works....but would it be possible to use procedural fairing method for rescaling?
  7. I'll do right now, thanks! - - - Updated - - - pellinor's dev build of Tweakscale and Module Manager 2.5.10 Camera bug is still present
  8. I can still reproduce it clean install containing only TweakScale 1.50 and ModuleManager 2.5.6
  9. Well no I think is balanced this way Duxwing, this is more efficient 1500 vs 800 isp
  10. I have found some strange behaviuor , that might be indeed a stock problem that is just more explicit with the high gimbal of nuclear lightbulb... With gimbal on and sas activated the ship fight to keep the attitude and the lightbul shake a lot, nothing strange so far bu if you let it run for some minutes the orbit start to decay , I was on a return trajectory from mun and the periapsis was set to 50km after some minutes the periapsis was 45km , I raised it up again to 50km and again after 5 minutes 45km . Then I raised once again to 50km and disabled gimbal on the engine, no more orbit decay. Anyone else noticed this behaviour?
  11. Sorry I do not seem to find if it is already a prolem but Small and tiny wheel collider are bugged? They just go deep in the terrain and do not work
  12. Is it possible to click on the globe in map view mode and set waypoint?
  13. Thanks DKnight54, this mod invaluable for building spaceplane with a stable CoM for me
  14. Uhm is there a tail cargo bay that can be used with stock mk3 parts?
  15. Same here, craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hmm8u0mad6hwvl8/Hawke%20I.craft?dl=0
  16. Well I was annoyed when ksp 0.25 came out by the fact that everytime I launched ksp a message was saying that firespitter was not compatible, when it was working perfectly fine and I was wishing there was a flag to toogle ( like in every program ) reminid me later/never remind me again/remind me when new verion is out , give me the choice to choose, I got it the first time thank you. Maybe the way of Khatharr was a bit blunt, but I can not deny that served its purpose to change the way CC is working.
  17. Thanks Biotronic, that was really unexpected, hope Squad will fix this bug. Thanks again
  18. Hi Diazo, how do you unbind the Z from the mod? I tryed editing TWR1.cfg but the mod did not show at all in the toolbar, even if it was loaded as an assembly. Thank you
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