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Everything posted by brusura

  1. I have digged a bit in the cfg files , is there an option to have moderation always off?
  2. This is very interesting, the video show no wooble at all! EDIT: I saw the whole video, amazing...simply amazing
  3. Dont you have to install KAS to make use of the flex o tube ? KIS is not enough
  4. Well it does not happen with the stock landing gear Gaalidas ( stock in front modded ones in the back it only happens with modded one in front ) I'll have a look at attached point I will also have a go with spring constant as blowfish said I was however under the impression that model of the wheel from the mod is asymetric , no? EDIT: I can confirm the problem is due to the wheel collider/model being asymetric ? , I used the offset tool to correct this and I have reduced a lot the veeering
  5. Anyone having issue with craft veering to right during brake on landing? I had to use the stock landing gear in front for this craft http://kerbalx.com/Brusura/f-easy
  6. There is only one fairing base, I think you can resize it
  7. If I am not mistaken BahumutoD Adjustable landing gear does this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99660-1-0-Adjustable-Landing-Gear-v1-2-0-(mass-cost-scaling-tech-nodes-drag)-May-30
  8. Anyone wrote a patch for any stock tanks in 1.0.4 ( example: "NCS Adapter" is not switching )? Thanks to anyone for pointing me to the right linky
  9. I too prefer this mod + diazo one , I feel more in control of any situation instead with TCA sometimes I do not understand what it is trying to do...of course It is me ^^
  10. Nice pellinor! Thanks for the integration But Blizzy where is he?
  11. Very nice! But I dont understand, will this work out of the box with any stock pod with an iva ?
  12. hi Nils277 , the wheels works great now expect for the fact that the motor look like is inverted, if you press W they go backward if you press S they go forward, is this intented? Thanks for keep working on this nice mod! PS: also look like the new 4x storage miss the "inline" description
  13. I see Nils277 however to make it more clear, I know how to use stack instead of surface attach, what I wanted to say is that the left side of wheels go forward the right side go backward, maybe this will be fixed as you said with next versione so in this case nevermind what I said. Thanks
  14. Uhm how do I put the modular landing gear on a Meerkat and make them all revolve the same direction? I mean without use simmetry but with node attachmet EDIT: also if I use symmetry mode one side is upside down .-.
  15. I have problem with KIS Container, I can not find it in the editor, what am I doing wrong? [LOG 19:07:05.014] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'PlanetaryBaseInc/Parts/Mod_Support/KIS/tank_KIS/PART' [ERR 19:07:05.015] PartCompiler: Part config requires value 'name' is defined [ERR 19:07:05.015] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part This is how I edited the cfg file as per OP: PART:NEEDS[KIS] { // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config // A tank for KIS storage MODEL { model = PlanetaryBaseInc/Parts/Mod_Support/KIS/tank_KIS // --- general parameters --- name = KKAOSS_KIS_Tank module = Part author = Nils277 // --- asset parameters --- scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1
  16. Also I found out that it's better to avoid put it on a root part
  17. yeah thanks I figured it out , but why do I have to do the conversion? Look like an error to me. Value should be consistent...alway s west or always east dont you think?
  18. Why those are not consistent across different windows? The gui for the narrow band scanner show different value from the M4435 and Surface Scannig module, anyone can point me to a tutorial that explain how to match those values? i would expect that the map center coordinate would be the same as the coordinate read from the M4435 and Surface Scannig module , but it does not seem to be the case. Do I need to do some conversion? Thanks PS: yes I have refreshed before taking the screenshoot - - - Updated - - - OK I think I got it, but why Lon is showed West on the MapGui and Est on the part itself? Why for the love of Jebediah
  19. Carsaxy, the Ramp tweaking work only in game afaik ( not vab/sph ), the fuselage has a "texture bug" because dunno why but it automatically snap to mirror simmetry check that and be sure to install interstelllar fuel switch or you wont get any fuel
  20. I can not attach once detached part from some radial parts ie: Cubic Octagonal Struct BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point Anyone else? PS: node attachmet not surface
  21. is it possibile to disable the mouse? I tryed to empty these values but nothing happen: #Input configuration. # 0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = middle mouse button. #Or other unity values for mouse buttons. SelectMouseButton = DispatchMouseButton =
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