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  1. Is this updated for Ckan to update or are you still maintaining/updating this in general? or has it been superseeded by somethign else?
  2. Interesting Idea for an Addition. Instead of out right randomizing new or changing atmos, a option for randomly reassigning the atmos of a different body to another. AKA, Taking Eves atmo, and randomly giving it to some other planets/moons(Jools mains) and such. and the same for the other bodies. Second I think this needs a re-base to the newer textures... (Would love 1.9.1 version esp) Orbital view is borked for all bodies otherwise. https://imgur.com/a/RZlJLQI
  3. Is there a DV map around for these planets? Combining next post and a third point Harvest appears to be at kerbins L5 not L4. Third point, Have you considered adding support for the Final Frontiers mod?
  4. Checking in, Any issues with this and 1.9?
  5. Im also considering this for a run (probly not kerbin though)
  6. Made this Zeplien of sorts, Still needs some refining but it did all i wanted it to do. Top speed of ~80m/s, sustained top speed ~70m/s. Major remaining flaw is its only got 500-550m altuide on the airbag(whole rover wieghs in at 5.4 tons). Also made my first Unmaned landing at the abandoned airfield with it (~7-10 Min flight time ~90% of the way full speed)
  7. For the biggest time flying FSX(Flight sim) i had an issue with not letting the plane react. it really counts when landing; and extends to ksp. What i recomend is to picture a kind of glide slope approch, say at 10 KM out be at or below 5000 M; by 5 KM out you should be at halve that and roughly lined up, and aim to be at a safe landing speed (45M/s decent on stock landing gear) by the time your about 1 KM out and 750-500 M up and as best lined up as you can be. on final approch, flare about 5-10 degrees and drift to the runway keeping your vertical speed controled aim for a final vertical touch down of less than 40M/s. Dont aim to touch your wheels on the numbers, this dosnt happen as often as you think. once you have yoru wheels down start breaking but not so hard to snap your front down, and let the front come down from teh flare and then once all wheels are on the rwy, apply full breaks.
  8. would sending a second craft with kethene scaners along side (same window) be ok? didnt leave space atm for them in my current design. Current progress http://postimg.org/image/k2xhvb77x/ 76 tons already, mostly empty on fuel, (just the small tanks have any fuel, cause i forgot about tweakables)
  9. woops didnt see how messed up i typed that . thanks for the response. im still working towards all the parts i need in career mode, almost done that part then the building part of this will start.
  10. Im thinking om gonan try this, first is does jool have to be first or can it be say second (thinking going eloo and inwards)
  11. thing i learned about docking my first time, was; it takes time, dont try to over drive into it, or youll have a harder time. Just like flying an aircraft IRL, you need to let the craft react.
  12. Looking for some feedback on this idea . Anything i need to explain better etc.
  13. Hello, Heres my idea that kinda come off from The civilization 4 tech tree but think it would work out ok for KSP. A Cost reduction if you have multiple researches pointng at it researched. For Example Tech A leads to tech B and C. B leads to Tech F and E; C just leads to F ->E ->B | A | =>F ->C | Base costs are A Costs 10 B & C cost 20 F & E cost 30 A, B, C and E all have just one tech leading to them so theres no change to cost, but if you have Both B and C researched F would get a hair cheaper, say on the order of 5-10%. enough that it matters but not enough that its cheaper to research both before. The reasoning for the idea is if you researched both before hand you would have more knowhow relating to that branch to formulate the next tech faster/cheaper
  14. my first visit to jool was a pair of probes that were destianed for duna but due to getting a sligshot coming into from ike, the first one didnt have the braking power to come to a rest in the system (even if memory serves a 5 KM high airbreak wasnt enough) so i instead boosted onto jool, (its sister was sussessful in gaining orbit...) But in both cases, a major design miscalulation give neither probe enough Dv to atually get into a stable orbit, The Dunna probe lasted about 5 orbits before being deorbited by Ike. The Jool probe lasted 4 and never got out of jools athmosphere on Pe, tranisited the three closest moons during those 4 orbits, eventualy getting a orbit ajustment from vall into Lythes seas.
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