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Everything posted by Athlonic

  1. This is the issue I had as well. (contracts orbits spamming each time going in/out sattelite view) As a workaround I did some file editing and some persistence file surgery to disabled/remove DMcontracts while waiting for the fix. If you don't have DMcontract active or primordial vessel out in space with DM Orbital science parts on it, you can remove the mod for now and continue your career.
  2. I guess you will soon have to rename the mod as "Deadly RealChute" ^^ I put "as they should" in bold, before the storm coming in this thread. Our poor Kerbals will suffer for sure, but it is for science ! Who would have imagined that Nylon burns up when heating otherwise ? Thanks again a lot for your time put on this.
  3. Actually when ship are finished you have to roll them out. There is a button on their right side in the queue, once their are on the launch pad you launch them via the same manner I think the stock launch button put you in simulation mode, if I remember correctly.
  4. Thanks for the update. Concerning vessel rendering feature, I always used it with 0.90 (I wasn't aware it could cause issues actually ^^ ) never had a glitch, I even set "ignore debris" to false. I use this option again with 1.0.2 but I restarted a career from scratch, so I must have something like one debris + one probe up there for now. ^^ Of curse ^^
  5. Oh this sounds like music to my hears ... Keep up the awesome work Chris
  6. Yep still there, you just have to check "Show advanced options" under the settings tab and you will be able to add more beeps at your will Also I just wanted to be sure 1.0.2 didn't break anything here, seems good so far but I will upload a recompiled version very soon anyway. EDIT : And done.
  7. You sure ? Tested in 1.0 / 1.0.1 / 1.0.2 and didn't see any issues here, what sort of issue do you have ?
  8. That was fast ! Excellent. One question, does KSP load .dds over .png when both are present ? Because .png files are still there.
  9. Seeing this issue as well. Plus one of my probe couldn't send science data, manned pod apparently can send data though. Have to recheck to be sure.
  10. Your are welcome Max Little update released, just a refresh to be on the safe side. Changelog :
  11. Bienvenue àtoi. Cool un Alsacien de plus
  12. Yep, using LES here along with no respawn/no revert in career mode. I even put chutes on my plane's cockpit (which has separator also) and I use to program safety sequences to the ABORT button. ^^ It may sounds paranoid but most of my Kerbals dies of old age.
  13. Yep, it doesn't work, it spams : Should help : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116893-Answered-1-0-atmosphereScaleHeight-of-CelestialBody?p=1870095&viewfull=1#post1870095
  14. Really interesting. I always wished a failure mod for ascents only, this will actually provide a mean for escape tower systems and safety planning And because I like pressure, when you know something bad can happen at anytime...
  15. And what if you flip the .png before converting them ?
  16. You are welcome guys Here you go : I also put a new item on my todo list : - Feminize voice when female Kerbal is speaking
  17. I think this is your issue. This directory is protected like a King of world's castle by windows, you should install your game in another folder (ie. C:\Games\, or if using Steam go to parameters/Download/Steam folders -> add folder and create one on any drive root). Hope this helps.
  18. Second devbuild version here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/r2kq36xs8p6pewp/Chatterer.dll?dl=0 UI should be fixed. Let me now if everything works fine, if it is a go I will upload it officially tomorrow when I wake up ^^
  19. Ok so we are getting the same behavior, thanks for the report here is a devbuild with log spam issue fixed if anyone want to try it : new link 2 post below Will try to fix the UI asap.
  20. How come ? You sure ? Here I already noticed the following: - Applauncher button not showing - Log spammed because of deprecated maxAtmosphereAltitude method But I am on it Please can you check your log just to be sure you don't have lots of red stuff (ALT-F2 in flight), thanks.
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