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Everything posted by Daze

  1. - - - Updated - - - If i ever seee this in KSP + geometry of SRB i will be cry of joy
  2. Amazing works MJ! Maybe some of the best i've ever seen in stock game
  3. It's a mistery why Squad didn't implement that parts too
  4. Well as i expected you didn't understand my post. I'm not talking of nerfing or make it powerful, simply to use a coherent fuel for nuclear propulsion
  5. I know but actually the solution is really easy, he can simply "lift" a little bit the instrumentation and it will make the job. (It's beautiful anyway if it isn't clear ) EDIT: Maybe with an example pic i will be more clear, look at the real cockpit of STS and look at the KSP one, the difference is that one look "heavy", the other one that is very lightweight made of thin foil of steel
  6. Beautiful IVAs Frizzank! Only one thing: Maybe it's just me but making the cockpit instruments like this make the cockpit looks like it's made of panels of 2cm, if you look near the window you can see that basically it seems that istruments were just glued on an empty cockpit just to fill space (it seems like this only in the front section, the other part looks amazing)
  7. @EdFred please stop with this "wow you aren't enough intelligent? hihihi it was obviously hihihi!11", it don't make you better.
  8. Plot twist: Kasper was serious but when he looked for reaction on forum he decided to delete all the project.
  9. It would be nice, but what? 1% possibility?
  10. I would like to request that they edit the announcement post with "Happy 1st of April" or something similar
  11. A joke? Ok, still not funny and really really silly.
  12. I know but: "and as a bonus, you'll support modders, YouTubers and people like me' " is not a good way to calm down the users
  13. Exactly, even a kid of 10 yrs old won't find it funny
  14. Posted the poll in this reddit's post: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2zqs01/the_sense_of_forum_update/ If someone has a Reddit account bump the topic up so the devs who love reddit will see it
  15. Yes looking the big LOVE that some devs has with Reddit/Twitter
  16. Looking like some mod actually stated that's a good thing in a really serious way i won't be so sure about the joke idea
  17. This is the final step to a new dimension of the game where everything is: "HEYY I'M 12 LET'S BOOM BOOM THAN SHARE WITH YOUTUBE JEBEDIAHXD MOAR BOOSTERSXD SHARE SHARE PAYPAL" I assume it's Squad's definition of "fun"
  18. Exactly, and actually i think that this is a pretext to "close" the forum to transfer to Reddit. I hope it is. Paying for thread older than 3 months? Guys are you really seriously? This is science-fiction.
  19. Well MAYBE if Max and other devs stop posting the news and making answer ONLY on Reddit (Let's remember this quote from Max: "Nobody on REDDIT guess the blablabla" while on forum about 20 person said it)
  20. I assume that MORE AND MORE section will disappear for the sake of "vip pass"
  21. I think that if they put a "Donate Button" that simply add a nice emblem near the nickname they would earn more money and in a more "correct way"
  22. I was searching for the "first thread" but i can't find it, sorry A Mod can lock this please?
  23. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113583-Forum-Update?p=1796882#post1796882 As the title said, why call it "Forum Update" when basically it will become a social network with "vips"?
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