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Everything posted by Daze

  1. I really think that this is a beautiful suggestion and Squad have absolutely to look forward for this. Especially for the thing of non-controlled craft
  2. Exactly. Ahaha i would love too to see others space agency to compete with
  3. I really like the idea for camera, it would apply a real "new dimension" to the way we play
  4. Guys someone can upload me the 3 lens flare? My connection today is slow and to re-download the entire pack it ask me 4 hours..
  5. Wow amazing work benjee, your style of modelling remember me the stock style of KSP and it's amazing!
  6. Secret project was announced later than that Squadcast
  7. I've said "wwii planes" because in the 40' there was more planes with protruding gear than nowadays, not because all the old planes nave protruding gear and viceversa the modern one Edit: anyway even on C17 that has sort of external gear you can see how they seem to be "fused" into fuselage and not being stucked like in KSP
  8. Regarding the secret project i hope it's something of really interesting
  9. I was referring to the fact thar actually (especially with jet or very fast airplane) the gear tend to reenter perfectly into fuselage. Now the model presented by Porkjet doesn't really look like they can reenter (at least without offset) Hope to be more clear
  10. EXACTLY this! Also i think that if they add russian parts they will be more likely 1.875 mt (so basically it's a new dimension)
  11. This, 100m/s is perfect to start gravity turn. Sometimes i use even higher velocity for interplanetary probe
  12. Hoping that the email with Roscosmos weren't only for Valentina..
  13. I think that with the recently rumour of email from Squad to Roscosmos is good to up this thread
  14. Maybe not too much like a plane or i can't use it on Space Station ahahah
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S7LRH8P0OI#t=34 Time to start with a fresh install..
  16. Yes it should... It would be amazing to see some new surprise
  17. Hoping for station parts (it doesnt matter if it's russian/american/joolian, just that is station parts) Also i really hope that Squad take advantage of Porkjet collaboration to make more and more overhaul and addition. He has a magic touch for stock parts
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