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Everything posted by toric5

  1. some mods just come with that. been seeing those for a while. the akita seat message is actually just module manager doing exactly what it is supposed to. as for the website loading, its probably because of the two full sized log files it contains. sorry about that. as for the stock tweaks thing, it shouldn't affect anything, as everything you have stated so far (except for the temp dir permissions) happens on load of the game, not upon loading a ship. also, i have no unnamed nodes in stock_tweaks.cfg... heres the code. // Reduce the effective torque of all reaction wheels @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] { @PitchTorque *= 0.1 @YawTorque *= 0.1 @RollTorque *= 0.1 } } //Allow deflating inflatable heat sheield @PART[InflatableHeatShield]:AFTER[Squad] { @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { @allowAnimationWhileShielded = true @disableAfterPlaying = false } } //Empty monopropellant from new pods/cockpits @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]]:FINAL { @RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] { @amount = 0 } } // Default fairings to Clamshell @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleProceduralFairing]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleProceduralFairing] { useClamshell = true } } // Add angle snapping to Squad Docking ports (12 increments as on textures) @PART[*]HAS[@Module[ModuleDockingNode]HAS[snapRotation = false]] { @MODULE[ModuleDockingNode] { // If you want X degrees margin, use cos(0.5*X) as captureMinRollDot // 0.5 degrees = 0.99999048 // 1 degree = 0.99996192 // 2 degrees = 0.9998477 // 3 degrees = 0.99965732 captureMinRollDot = 0.99996192 snapRotation = true snapOffset = 45 } }
  2. no luck. log after updates and after giving full permissions to /tmp/ new log: https://gist.github.com/toric55/9dec6d0cebd4066b6080b3db648a1b23(again, very large)
  3. huh. ksp avc isnt complaining at all. ill reinstall the usi suite. ill see about opening up /temp/ as well.
  4. reinstalled, added mods back in, same problem. intresting thing, 1 file seems to be deleted and will be reaquired by steam if i run the game. (validate file, everything is ok, run the game, it crashes, validate files again, 1 file is fetched.)
  5. having a crash that looks suspiciously like an out of memory crash, only when im launching certain ships. (an Apollo replica ive been trying to make. part count isnt that high yet) other ships, even one with large part counts, do not seem to be affected. at time of crash, only 7 GB of the 16 installed (not counting swap, another 20) is in use. here is the ksp.log: https://gist.github.com/toric55/8f17c424d1b367b4102c5f81b027dc56(warning: VERY large)
  6. you are easily one of the best artists making mods for ksp. i dont say that lightly. I find myself going out of my way to use your parts simply to make my ships look good.
  7. nice. the python version doesnt seem quite right though. it will only let me calc to the mun.
  8. do the new planets have full CRP resources on them? (including exosphereic and atmospheric?)
  9. what load balancing feature? google does not show anything, nither to any of the forum threads, or in-game right click menu. reveal to me your secrets!!!
  10. i know that, im thinking about something along the lines of: @PART[*]HAS[@Module[ModuleDockingNode]HAS[snapRotation = false]]
  11. how would i appy it to any docking port that does not already have snapping defined?
  12. the mod says it adds new obgects. do you add any new obgects yet? if so, is there a way i can get only the reworked terrain? will community resource pack still work on the new planets?
  13. no, i think scansat is. accepted it thinking i could get away with the magnometer. no big deal.
  14. posted this as a github issue, but may as well post it here. (dmagic does not seem to be too active there) in both stock and SCANSAT, the max altitude for the magnometer for ore scanning is 60 km. this is lower than kerbins atmosphere, and as such, it cannot be feasibly used to scan ore there. is this intended?
  15. Is there any way i can turn off the considering of stupidity/courage when calculating productivity? I would like it to be solely based on the stats and types of kerbals. Using MKS, if that makes a difference.
  16. does that mean you are opposed to the idea, or that it is low on your priority list?
  17. i meant too sci fi as in physically unplausible, technobabble, star wars and star trek. i would be looking for something more out of atomic rockets. railguns and space capable missiles, not blasters and photon torpedoes.
  18. in CTT, WAYYY far. like, unified field theory.
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