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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. So that's why the thread feels so small. We should overcome 0.9 level hype in a few pages tho.
  2. I like that phase. It only ends when the (pre)release is out. Or we crash SteamDB.
  3. It's a bug that happens sometimes, where loading(/reverting?) a craft will disconnect some struts. Usually happens when they go through other parts I think.
  4. Your complaint is a bit distracting in that regard. The Vector is a bit overpowered, but that's not because of it's size. Frankly, it's far too powerful for actual 1.25m stacks, and throttling down turns into a disadvantage because of it's weight. The actual reason for - and advantage of - it's small diameter is found in the application in space shuttles. Ridiculous vectoring and high sea level ISP at the superb T/W of a Mainsail (despite being a bit lighter) are what make the engine somewhat overpowered. IMO the vector isn't really a problem in itself, tho. I really like it's design, using orange tank+adapter looks like a delta heavy. For curiosities sake, I just went into the VAB, and I was remembered of what you are talking about. There is a bit of a gap between the point where 1.25m stacks can lift stuff, and where 2.5m becomes reasonable. For 5 tons, a skipper is basically single stage to orbit, while you need more complex construction with LV-T45/30. Personally I like to see the LV-T's as low tech, low complexity and low price engines. That meaning is of course a bit lost in sandbox. I'd say rather try combining the LV909/45/30 with SRB's, always had fun doing that and it really felt like the Kerbal thing to do to me: For 5 tons, use an LV-909 + FT400 tank as an upper stage, below it an LV-45 + 2xFT800. Then add two BACC's (mid size SRB) on radial decouplers. Now here's the interesting thing: If you lower their thrust limit to 60%, you can use both boosters and the LV-45 in the first stage without throttling down. Means you get full engine vectoring, and when the SRB's are empty, you just dump them. That's how many real life rocket designs work. Of course you could also just use a vector and some 2.5m tanks and get single stage to orbit with some d/V left. Easy, simple. But that's also possible with a skipper. EDIT: Just checked it out, and no, seems like you want to keep the boosters thrust limit at 100% for full efficiency. Guess this isn't reasonable, but rather Kerbal rocket design. Time in RSS taught me too much sensibility. :3
  5. Yeah, but don't you get the most efficient Hohmann Transfer when the rendezvous is directly at your apoapsis around the sun? Just be a small difference, tho.
  6. That's clever. Not always the most efficient window tho.
  7. Also transfer windows. Really weird how the game always tries to hide how you actually do interplanetary stuff.
  8. Because it overlaps with wheel brakes, and you usually want to keep up the air brakes. Especially important by the usual suspects relying on airbreaks, aka heavy, wheeled craft like space shuttles and spaceplanes.
  9. Vector isn't owerpowered in terms of thrust to weight, it's exactly the same as a Mainsail. You missed that it weighs 4 tons, compared to 1.25 and 1.5 for reliant and swivel. It's a 2.5m level engine in 1.25m size. If you want an equivalent high tech 1.25m engine, there is the aerospike which outperforms both engines (w/o alternator/vector thrust).
  10. I think Bahamuto has a nice array of high caliber performance optimization tools!
  11. Hey, Math is pretty stupid. :3 Lets just say, the game runs a lot better and less laggy.~
  12. What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over. :> When that frame is a difference of 50%, then yes, it is kinda important!
  13. He said 4 to 10 fps. D:< *nitpicking intensifies* edit: Wait, you really got dyslexia and dyscalculia is a thing, its not just a joke? In that case, sorry. ^^'
  14. *nitpick* it was 250% the framerate, not double :<
  15. I found recently out that 3.75m engines tend to be quite formidable heat shields for aerobreaking on jool.
  16. Well, you usually stage the LES away after ascent, so you still could assing some other stuff to abort. Idk, airbrakes are better not to be auto-assigned, but the LES is a border case. It's such a simplistic, dedicated part that I can't really see any other way to use it.
  17. Imo the performance issue of 1.0.5 isn't just that there is a limit, but how the performance just kinda starts to completely break down above 250 parts, while it works fine below that limit. Really weird, feels like a real issue with physics or lacking optimization. So if the limit is a bit softer now, and 200 or 300 parts obove, then we'll already a lot better of. It's not just theoretical limits, the current limit inhibits reasonable crafts, not to mention Real Solar System stuff.
  18. I like the popocorn mechanic! Looks nice, got no issue with them. It's not even that unfitting considering how much explosives rockets like the Saturn 5 carried with them. There is also an advantage in creating fairings yourself, since stock payloads tend to be a bit cumbersome. I'm generally going with these fairings for my stock style games. For Real Solar System, or more precisely Realism Overhaul, I'm using proc fairings. More scalability than a limited selection of sizes is pretty much a neccessity, and the cleaner, more realistic look fit's the gameplay more as well. The automatic shaping usually works out for the more sensible payloads of RO crafts. To me, there isn't any inherent superiority in either format, and I can report that my hair doesn't fall out on the sight of stock fairings.
  19. There was some talk about that on ricks stream, it might have just been an issue with importing crafts from 1.0.5. He had some decouplers multiplying themselves, and therefor causing lots of lag on staging.
  20. When it's an opt-in using steams beta tab, then you'll be able to revert anyway. Copying the game folder out of steam should be standard tho. For example the actual 1.1 update is gonna overwrite the old folder, even if the beta didn't.
  21. If you add the content of an update into the earlier version, then it's an updated version. Just doesn't make sense...
  22. ^What I expected. Ballistic coefficient gotta be ridiculous, tiny rover, giant heatshield, eve atmosphere. Really hope that thing can do something for my interplanetary ships! Btw, is it possible to retract the shield? Would open up a lot of cool gameplay.
  23. The most obvious improvents are about the performance of very complex ships and using multiple GB of mods. So I don't think there is much you're missing by starting with 1.0.5.
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