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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. From the description it sound like it doesn't do anything for DX11, which was my experience testing it (seems to make memory usage even worse?). DX9+DTL can't even load my save.
  2. How did I miss this? Looks nice a nice pack, thx for your work! Those textures make building RSS/RO rockets so much more fun ~
  3. Btw, is there a way to stop the constant leaking of memory? Just after loading my game tends to be around 3gb, going into VAB and loading a vessel takes it to 3.45, then going back to spaceport is 3.3gb. Similarly, every scene change and everything I do increases memory load. Just common unity/KSP/garbage garbage collector stuff or something unusual? Did save a lot of ram by removing the FASA/KSX LFT's, but the memory growths seems to be almost the same.
  4. Tbh, you NEVER should just play in the steam install folder. Always better to update only when you now it works, not that some hotfix just kills half your fleet. Steams updating system is not very good.
  5. I think the idea is more stuff like being able to do a complete mission from IVA. Doesn't seems fun to you?
  6. Darn, that's sick! Mb Squad is actually going for Free IVA's?
  7. Had a similarly bad experience trying the former demo, i think around 0.17? Might be earlier. Was easier than what you are describing, but it really lacked some central part that made out the Kerbal rocket building (mind that one had 4500+D/V to orbit). I think radial decouplers and struts were missing or so. I don't think super-restrictive demos are a good practice. A good demo should make you want more, not resent the lack of features or feel the game is worse than it actually can be. EDIT: Yep, while many important parts are there, that demo IMO should really have the LVT45 and the small upper stage engine. Gimbal/differently sized stage engines are so important parts of KSP, it shouldn't be left out. Otherwise at least sandbox seems fine to me.
  8. I wouldn't bet on everything working fine, but the whole UI, including the map view had to be rewritten, it's supposed to be more reliable. As for the jumping, that's caused by a shifting center of mass. I don't think that's gonna be entirely fixed. You might want to try the Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod, that will at least somewhat countering the issue by making your ships more robust.
  9. Windows would be dope! Makes me wonder why nobody yet did such a thing... Otherwise, don't really think the internal view is that much more than a 'why not?' feature cause stuff is being rendered anyway. Gonna make a bunch of modders (and users) quite happy, there are a bunch of Space Station parts with full IVA support.
  10. And there you just go full blizzard. So excited tho.
  11. Not necessary. I've got a nice I5 4k, everything above that rises astronomically in price while giving very little performance gains. Tbh, even that I5 is kinda OP for almost every game. Graphics card is somewhat outdated and needs to be replaced, but an GTX660 still manages most modern games in 60fps and should be just fine for KSP. CPU is most important for a game like KSP anyway, and I'm quite well off in that regard.
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/49nsry/screenshots_of_11_are_the_interiors_a_feature_or/
  13. Not sure if it's just me: The NK33/43 (Bobcats soviet engines, didn't yet test other engines of the pack) and advanced AJ10 (SXT or FASA, think it's the former) don't have any Plume-effect in thin atmosphere/orbit? Other engines seem to work fine.
  14. Yeah, big heatshields, less ablator is the next thing I want to try. My interplanetary probe campaign is coming to a close, after another jupiter mission, next one is unmanned mars landing (+trying those sexy advanced AJ10's). Gonna experiment after that with more reentry'ing. Thanks for your help, that gives me a whole bunch of ideas to experiment with! edit: Yeah, seems like I was also forgetting what kind of eve-alike atmosphere venus has. Reentered a 1.1 ton mars lander with a 3m shield at 60km PE, and it took like 3 points of the ablator. Didn't even get to see reentry effects. Seems like aerobreaking my mars mission is still on the table. :3 Jupiter aerobreaking doesn't seem to be viable either, tho. Oh well, assuming my program continues at this speed I'm getting warp drives around 2001 anyway.~
  15. Yeah, I've just thought about ballistic coefficient and stuff. How does 1.4 tons sound? :> Thing is, I didn't really want to put down a lander, but to try out aerobreaking, never did it before in RSS. So is aerobreaking even possible? edit: Tested a bit more, 560kg after dropping fuel and correction stage. As you said, doesn't work. Man, now i'd really like me some 10m inflatable heatshield. Although that's probably more for thin atmospheres. Really didn't consider the ballistic coefficient at the beginning. Without it, the heating felt kinda arbitrary.
  16. 'HeatShield1', I think it's pretty much a copy of the stock heatshield in 2m format. It's only lunar-rated, but I couldn't find anything better. Reentry was at 14km/sec, yeah. Tried different periapsis, 120km didn't do much but heat the shield, i think 110km was possible, but it didn't slowdown the craft in any way, 100km was suicide.
  17. No clue about venera, I've went for a supergeneric planetary transfer, I think it was just the lowest d/v in transfer planner/mechjeb. 14 km/s, tried different periapsis, but the heatshields just exploded in no time before even being able to slow down the craft. Is there a way to transfer with lower entry speeds? Also thanks for the updates, always lovely to see!
  18. Game was wonderfull tho. Not medieval 2 level, but throughly unique.
  19. Are there no heat shields for interplanetary use? The lunar rated shield just instantly evaporate in venus atmosphere, which is kinda weird tbh, and I don't see anything stronger. I mean, shouldn't the tech be there years before the moon program, looking e.g. at the venera probes? E.g. the 1970 venera 7 was even pretty over the top in terms of survivability, being able to survive much harder reentries and environments than the venus could ever deliver.
  20. u play till u crash, one way or another but it is too fun to stop
  21. While you won't be likely, as syntax said, to get more than greenlit statements cause NDA, they did say even the first, unoptimized Unity 5 port of KSP had 'surprising' performance improvements. Besiege also run a lot better with the new engine. It's not just a better use of ressources, but a more efficient physics engine.
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