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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. This is also a whale, tho: Not all of them are shaped like a biological battering ram. M8, my whole post is about looks, not technical design. I'd think the designers were rather busy creating a working plane, and less worrying how it hold up on a fashion show. We're just very used to many silly designs, which is why we're accepting them so easily and even grow fond of more silly elements. Also, my fanboy-sense are tingling, the offense is conspicious. How do you feel about the sentence 'the a380 is longer than a b747'?
  2. It's the fat nose, looks like a flying whale. Also, look at dat tailfin. A380 at least compensates with badass wings and landing gear! Not that it would have a hard time getting a job as bell-ringer in Notre Dame.
  3. Fitting. 747 looks kinda dumb too.
  4. Thought so too, but that would be a bit absurd tbh. Real life crafts use dedicated RCS for a reason, w/o that distinction you'd never use RCS/monoprop in KSP.
  5. Got a silly stubble nose with a bumb cockpit above it, underdeveloped wings, a ridiculously large tail fin and short legs. It's super-pragmatic, form follows function, like everything in space. I mean, just look at that mad scientists maze that is the ISS. But we love the design because we got used to it and what it stands for, it became iconic in a non-ubisoft way.
  6. Well, the space shuttle looks pretty silly and it didn't hurt one bit!
  7. Can only to recomend to get something like this: http://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-Freezer-13-Multicompatible-Sockets/dp/B0048F64DU/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1457971592&sr=8-2-fkmr2&keywords=arctic+cooler+freezer+v2 Cheap, holds a small eternity (if Arctic's quality didn't severely go down), and will make your CPU run cooler and quieter at the same time. Even works for different mainboards. Also, cooler CPUs are theoretically also faster. Really something with next to no downsides, it's kind of a waste to run such an expensive, OC'd CPU with boxed stuff.
  8. Hope you don't use a stock cooler anymore, do you? Tend to be loud and weak in comparision to more decent coolers, cutting down CPU lifetime if you got bad luck. Got mine for 20€ like 6+ years ago, used it on 3 (4?) different CPUs of AMD and Intel, and runs just fine up to this day.
  9. You could just go with a large heatshield with minimal ablator. Mars atmosphere is super tame. Could probably even reenter with a fairing base, those are tough.
  10. Lol, just go play something else until KSP is updated.* We're already at conspiracy theories. *Or play Real Solar System. RSS/RO/RP-0 rules. Gonna take half a millenium to update all that stuff to 1.1 anyway.
  11. Btw, where does the idea that KSP only uses 2GB come from? Afair even WinXP 32bit allocated up to ~3.5GB. Also yeah, it's 2016. Not sure how relevant that is tho. And only if you follow some heretical calendar, tho. Maya's dont even have time anymore.
  12. Nice. Following the protons history, that thing had me kinda worried.
  13. Well, if RP0 uses AIES for parts, why not RSB too? Most of the part packs, even FASA, are somewhat stylized in many regards.
  14. EDIT: Quick comparision in pictures of working and bugged LR-91: http://imgur.com/a/4gUSV Btw, I find it kinda confusing how the context menu in the part selection shows the vernier stats first. Never got to use the engine in my career because i've only looked at the verniers without scrolling down and was confused why i'd ever use the LR91. But it's actually a very fine engine, that would've been perfect for my moon rockets. Can't replicate it. Engines works just fine on standard config for me, it's just switching won't actually change the engine. Always stays on Kerolex AJ3 with the same stats. Noteworthy is, I only have 1 'switch gui' option. All other engine+vernier combos like the vanguard booster, or the working LR91's, have the option 2 times, 1 doing nothing and the other one working normal. Picture above shows the difference!
  15. Btw, are there no download-links for KSC-switcher and kerbal renamer anymore? Links point to Regex thread, but it itself only links to KerbalStuff.
  16. I wasn't sure if I wanted to write 'using AZ/NTO' or 'using an AZ/NTO mix' and went for a compromise. Brain thinks to much. ;D Interesting. Took another look, seems like AIES' small 8ft LR91 is just bugged. Switching configs doesn't do anything for the engien, so it just stays at the RP1 variant. Also misses any info in the switch GUI.
  17. Small (but weird!) bug: The bigger, 10ft FASA LR91(fasageminilr91) is using an Aerozine/NTO for everything but the first config, small one is ok tho. Same for AEIS' LR91 (liquidengineorbit2)!
  18. I think I can explain that one. Somtime the updated weight lags behind, seen it with procedural tanks, seen it when changing a tanks fuel via the bar. For example, you increase the size of a proc tank by one rate and the VAB/Kerbal Engineer/Mechjeb only registers that change after the next action, which then is delayed until the next one, etc. Best way to figure it out, when you're close to the limits, is to make a super tiny change to the craft before starting so you are sure the checks are updated.
  19. Edit, wait a second. What exactly are you controlling the craft with? Do those upper stage engines have gimbal? Because a lot of the earlier ones havent. ----------- That's weird, no clue whats up with it... Last guess, do you use that antenna mod? Mb its out of range or so. Would check the craft for you, but I don't have those fuel tanks.
  20. Did you check aerodynamic forces with F12? That one often tells you the culprit if its just the aero. Otherwise, maybe its a lack of avionics on the upper stage, do you still have control? Btw, how do i start the space station contracts?
  21. Yeah, was a bit to general as an exclamation, that was pretty much what I was assuming: I've got a 2GB graphics card, which is probably more than enough.
  22. Intersting, might take a look at that one. OGL comes with a heavy performance impact tho. :/
  23. Thanks, but the mod description already says the mod doesn't do anything for DX11 users. Or do you use DX11 and had improvements with it?
  24. Cool stuff, would fit RP-0 campaigns super well! There is an awesome saturn 5 style pack (i think from ferram?), but otherwise not that much in terms of historical textures. As for subreddits, I didn't even know those existed. Don't seem to be very active. I think the best way to get word of your textures out would be to put some pics on the normal KSP reddit, and to make a post with pics in the RO thread when you get updates out. Think a lot of people would very appreciate some Thor/Able/Juno style stuff!
  25. I'm telling you, my memory usage is worse with that mod. DX11 is 3GB in spaceport, 3.3GB with dynamic loader.
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