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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. Uh, the last shader update brought us reentry stuff <3
  2. Of course, why not, as long as the dev team isn't totally tired of working on KSP. It's only now getting ported to another engine, and there is massive potential to build in new systems that not even mods can touch. Still waiting for the day you can IVA move thru your ships and stations and do whole missions that way ~
  3. Originally (aka quite a while ago) Squad said they want to keep working on the game, release free updates (like 1.1), and also bring expansions later.
  4. So, I'm going back to FAR right now and experimenting a bit with WW2 style fighter planes, and it seems like i've unlearned a lot of stuff. Got a bit of an issue: Plane flies ok, stability derivates and graphs seem all green and good, but as soon as my pitch AoA gets over ~15 degrees, the front wings and control surfaces basically explode with drag and kick the planes nose down again. Can someone please explain me why that happens, and how to avoid it to increase maneuvrability? Especially seems weird considering the design feels quite close to real fighter planes (bf-109 ín this regard). edit: Hm, seems like that issue won't happen when the wings are offset to the back, instead of slightly to the front. But the real planes did have them this way? Even started up IL2 to check... Pics, 2nd shows it (drag peaks even higher than here): Btw, smaller question: Doe the settings for leading/trailing edges in b9 proc wings change behaviour in FAR in some way?
  5. I think some of the prop engines are actually stronger than two junos combined, so thrust shouldn't be that much of an issue. edit: Nvm, It's of course a lot lighter!
  6. Try lowering engine gimbal? At the end of a rockets burn T/W tends to be super high and SAS is often overcorrecting.
  7. It's like a KSP variant of the Ariane 5. Props for cryo mod tho!
  8. Hm yeah, currently the internal temps of my cryo tanks i shot into space dont change at all (other than when a radiator lowers it, making it boiloff-resistant). Might just be another issue, maybe with my install. >_>
  9. Good to hear! Gotta say, I totally forgot it every time I closed the game, too. Btw, question: Are the radiators currently balanced? I remembered reading in the KSP 1.0.5 logs that the changes to it's heat system now made it possible to refrigerate parts using radiators. And since RO currently basically uses the stock heat system with some modifications, I went to test how hard it is to refrigerate people liquid hydrogen (e.g. for long range missions, nuclear engines). Turns out, it works very well and it's not even that hard to keep a cryo-tanks internal temperature at 20*k. Got a cryogenic stage (+ some radiators) circling high earth orbit and internal temperature is absolutely stable, no boiloff. Is that intended behaviour, unintended, or not yet balanced? At it's core, that one is certainly not completely unrealistic, since the concepts of nuclear driven mars missions rely on cryogenic fuel, it's just never done. Otoh, it's as well completely speculative if cryogenic tanks/radiators from the 80's could do the same with the nerva, had it been continued. Wanna make sure my nuclear/cryogenic craft don't get murdered by the next patch. TAC life support is the devil.^^'
  10. Man, totally forgot to report that one. Planned to originally. I've also got the staging gimbal issue in 1.0.5! It was fixed before indeed, but looks like it came back. Some input I can help with?
  11. When it's about earth orbit, the satellite is usually my last rocket stage. It's quite cheap to get a up to additional ~3k delta-v that way.
  12. The LR-87 has some variants with multiple ignitions, which tends to be quite useful. Go for the J2 if you need a bigger 2nd stage engine, they have 2x ignitions and have at least limited throttle. LR is in stock RO, J2 is e.g. in FASA and SXT. In my experience, most RO rockets don't need multiple ignitions tho, it's very viable to do orbit in a single burn.
  13. Thank you for the updates, it's nice to have such a fast and simple wing mod!
  14. Why bother? Kerbal Engineer and Mechjeb already bring that information. I'd prefer Squad concentrating on v1.1!
  15. Delta-V displays are coming to KSP, the only reason we don't get them is Squad wanting to implement them correctly into the campaign, and recently there have been other priorities.
  16. You can do that manually by the 'toggle' in a weapons context menu. For more comfort, add all the weapons you want to an action group. Then you can use all weapons at the same time. System is even intelligent and e.g. only fires turrets that actually point towards your mouse course.
  17. It is possible to easily check the engine fuel ratio: 1. Do you have Kerbal Engineer? Klick middle mouse button on a placed engine, it'll show you the fuel ratio the engine burns! Should be 97,35% LH2 / 6.25 % Oxidizer. At the same time a 9 ton Rockomax X200-16 fuel tank should have 9600/640 with Cryo fuel. 2. You can also check all other tanks, including procedural, with those numbers and basic math: Just take the LH2 fuel in a tank, divide through 97.35, multiply with 6.25, and you should have the amount of Oxidizer in the tank. If the number is of, then it's an issue with false fuel ratios!
  18. We had beta patches, but that didn't work out that well, so Squad went back to internal/closed QA.
  19. It was an early, more experimental vehicle, so they probably just went safe. Lower stage also doesn't look very aerodynamically stable, so that might have something to do with it. During Saturn 5 development, it turned out the rocket doesn't really need fins, so they went smaller and smaller during the decelopment process. As someone said, the next saturn-generation wouldn't even have used fins.
  20. This is great! Thanks a lot for this amazing updated (and ofc everything before too!) <3 Finally ships can shoot laser guided rockets at each other! Just watching some of my boats doing artillery duels atm. Even better, they actually use anti-air rockets to intercept the AGM's on longer ranges.
  21. Just use transfer to move people into exitable pods and everything is fine.
  22. Gotta say, having a hard time believing 64-bit is less stable than an overmodded 32-bit KSP.
  23. Strange. Maybe try reinstalling the mods? Solved some Issues with Interstellar for me some while ago.
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