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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. Most rockets just use vector thrust of their main engines and no RCS during burns. In reality, rockets are just so stable cause their ascent paths are pre-calculated, they are just playing down a program like e.g. mechjeb would do. And said program is making sure the rockets keeps it's angle of attack low during the whole flight, to minize aerodynamic force and drag, so they usually don't get into situations where they'd even need fins in the first place. Compare always aiming into prograde during ascent in KSP, many instable rockets will fly this way just fine.
  2. Do they need a patch? I just checked, and my procedural tank has exactly the same fuel ratio as the modified stock tanks. That said, it's dry weight is higher, the 9t stock tank is 1.28t dry, while a proc tank with the same amount of fuel is 2t dry.
  3. I'm not using them, aerobrakes kinda go against the fundamentals of rocket design. Rockets are built like an arrow to create the absolute minimum of air resistance in the first place, so adding brakes is a bit contra-productive, especially, when they are so overpowered as they are in stock KSP. Definitively an unconventional approach, I give you that. Would be interesting to see how much more drag an Aerobreak rocket creates! Another thing you could try is a more Soyuz style rocket, with a smaller center stack, but reasonably sized booster liquid fuel booster rockets. They should already create body lift by itself and therefor act a bit like giant fins. At least if they are low enough. Rocket unstability is caused by everything in front of the Rockets center creating lift, so you have to create lift at the back of the rocket, be it fins, boosters, or, well, aerobrakes. Booster rockets also look cool. Bonus points if you recreate Korolevs cross. Funnily enough, I found FAR to be even a bit more pleasant for bringing Bricks into space. Stock atmosphere might be generous at times, but it's got a hefty punch if you do something too crazy. That's before voxel FAR tho, so i'm not sure.
  4. I see where you're coming from. Same for me with aerodynacmics. FAR is great, but it's nice to have a simpler version in stock.
  5. There is already a antenna/satellite/dsn mod, why not just use it? More complex that what would've implemented in stock, but also deeper: Personally I'm already waiting ages for 1.1, so I'm perfectly fine with them delaying antennas. Ram-limit, performance, physics, orbit mechanic precision and some fine rover mechanics are more important for me. Antenna are more of a hardcore thing, but I already have the wonderfull realistic progression for that! Edit: Also kudos for making the thread this civil, even though the delay is visibly bothering you that much.
  6. Just compare SirCmpwn's text and KasperVld's post on last site. Seems to be more of a misunderstanding.
  7. Yeah, I don't think i've really said that either: Thanks @SirCmpwn, you did amazing work! <3 Even if it's 'just' 1.5 years, KerbalStuff made using KSP mods much sooo much easier after the fall of SpacePort, and it looks, as if some parts of your website live on in some replacement.
  8. Props for the answer. Dont understand why it's so tempting to make drama out of everything.
  9. Well, not universally hated. I'd always prefer KerbalStuff over Curse, but it's good to know we got a workable 'backup'-site while the better community efforts go up and down, like they did with KerbalStuff. Look at it this way: Without curse, we'd be really screwed right now. And as it look, the community is already going on about how to creating new alternatives. Curious what's happening there.
  10. Which is why I recommend Adblock on that site. Ye, it's weird how emotional people become as soon Curse comes into play. I was just asking what's the big issue with it, didn't expect accusations (esp not if you talk about getting rid of these ads).
  11. Maybe you should actually try the stuff you're talking about? http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220213-taurus-hcv-3-75-m-csm-system Oh look: One klick and three seconds wait. So hard. Stop it, you're trying harder to be clever than you're capable of.
  12. This looks pretty dope, the inconsitsence between porkjet engines and pre-porkjet rapier bothered me quite a bit!
  13. If you got capped internet, then you're supposed to use adblock on every site you don't want to specifically support in the first place. As for taking time, what are you talking about? Please open that curseforge link, taken from the fine porkalike rapier mod, and tell me how long you took to download it. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/porkalike-rapier Hint: There is a big, conspicious download button on the upper right.
  14. What's the issue with Curse, works fine in my experience? It's a bit messy, but that really doesn't stop you from doing anything with it.
  15. Because there are as many posters as there are mod downloads?
  16. So, how many mods did YOU create to make KSP the thing it is? Tbh, from the posts it kinda just looks like some anger about not getting free mods cause a site is down for a short time.
  17. Legal or not, I'd assume Squads word would have enough weight in the community to stop monetization. That said, I wouldn't mind a donation link for the site. It's working really well and I imagine such a service does cost quite a bit of money.
  18. I just found the M-1 engine. Good lord. Even got a sea level config. I'm in love. You need to be more careful. Like in real life, there is actually very little need for easily controllable ships in space. Your only real maneuver is pointing the ship towards maneuvers nodes, which can take a while (use physics- or normal warp+PersistantRotation mod for speedup) without causing issues. And some docking at times, but that's a very slow maneuver IRL as well.
  19. Alright, in that case it's just some minor unimportant visual issue that might or might not appear. Also no, I've never used ckan. Idk, it's probably best just to ignore it, doesn't really matter.
  20. It's actually Hammaguir in Algeria. :^) RSS/KSC switcher got some issues there, the land sometimes spawns at placed it doesn't belong, like above the camera, and the runway eats planes. I counter with the words of some old, white haired dude: "I mistook the stars reflected in a pond at night for those in the sky."
  21. Which is worrying, considering we're looking at a north african launch site.^^
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