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Custard Donut (In Space)

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Everything posted by Custard Donut (In Space)

  1. You make an interesting point, i once heard someone say that if organic beings had fully turned themselves to robotic beings (perhaps living in a virtual paradise inside their own minds) they may be found hanging around giant stars, from where they'd get their power source.
  2. Your comment reminds me of the famous pioneer plaque, if i had found that thing and all my people were as dumb as me it wouldn't have been much use, i would have recognised the humans as some kind of creature, but all the other information would have passed me by as squiggles. The humans would be like: So, you found our plaque then? Me: yes, yes i did. Humans: I see, why didn't you visit then? Why wait a billion years till we came to you? Me: Ah...well you see i was rather busy, you're not the only species flinging plaques around you know, you were in the queue though i assure you. Humans: Ah, we marked everything clearly didn't we? The relative position of the sun to the center of the galaxy and 14 pulsars.....the hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen?...Our solar system...the drawing of us naked, squishy, harmless and ripe for conquering? Me: Yes, yes, all in order i'm sure! *nervous grin* *twiddle thumbs in embarrassment" Me: Well i really must be going, nice meeting you! Humans: er..bye.
  3. He forgot he wasn't in space and can't just leave stuff hanging in mid-air.
  4. Have you tried Scott Manley's tutorial playlist? This is how i learned.
  5. In my humble opinion your first one wasn't too busy, i thought it was just perfect, they're both really good but the first one has some very nice positioning and proportion, plus the Kerbal face is brilliant. Edit* last night i ran out of reputation to give because of this thread, you guys are magnificently creative, i'l have to wait till it resets and come back again.
  6. Remember Pandemic? Star-wars battlefront, destroy all humans, marvelous little games, once EA got hold of them they went down the plughole.
  7. I liked EA when they were a sports games developer and not much else, that was many, many years ago, once they became the behemoth they are now i didn't like them anymore, their business practices are very unpleasant.
  8. I love this thread, all these flags are fantastic.
  9. F1 to send a screenshot to yuor Kerbal folder, F12 if you are on Steam and would like to upload it to the community hub.
  10. Won't it distort the proportions if i do that?
  11. Sadly i made mine 800 by 500 without knowing, damn i put a lot of effort into it too. oh well.
  12. Guys if i wanted to make a flag with paint, which is the only program i know how to use, what size should i set it at?
  13. Ah this was a very hard question to answer I'd love each and every one of these but if i must choose one then i'd go with "Better aerodynamics / weather / damage effects / re-entry heat" Basically because i've recently done a lot of tinkering with space-planes, and despite mostly failing i've found it to be very interesting. I also badly want to see some cities on Kerbin.
  14. Congratulations! Looks like a toaster with wheels, and a nice center of balance too
  15. The first planet i tried to get to was Eve, on my first attempt not really knowing what i was doing i ran out fuel and ended up orbiting kerbol forever, after installing a nuclear engine i tried again and with the help of some Scott Kermanley videos, i spent a few hours trying to figure out how to get there before finally i managing an honest to goodness real encounter with it, my first view of Eve was a magnificent experience, i orbited and landed, only in a pod with a chute however, yet another one-way mission but a very memorable one.
  16. I downloaded this today and i am enjoying it a heck of a lot, knaht uoy yrev hcum!
  17. This game certainly brings out the bad poetry in me lol If i was a good poet i could do the game justice.
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