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Custard Donut (In Space)

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Everything posted by Custard Donut (In Space)

  1. You found the Armstrong memorial by chance? Now that is some good luck, i've yet to see it myself at least ingame, but i hope to do so sooner rather than later, welcome to the forum.
  2. This here is a great tutorial on how to make a nice rocket and take it to the Mun, you will be able to see the parts that are used in making it and how they are put together: Welcome.
  3. Hola, bienvenido al foro! Welcome to the forum.
  4. I think i'm a space photographer, i'm always looking for the next cool screenshot.
  5. This is my first attempt at a flag using GIMP, it's quite a step up from Microsoft paint and has me more than a little confused.
  6. I'm ALWAYS late for all new news about Kerbal, trying to catch up with you guys makes me feel like you are on a train and i am running behind. After watching that video i just can't wait anymore for the update.
  7. Great stuff it's an amazing feeling, and for me one that endures because i love going going back there again and again. 5th time on the Mun and as excited as ever! http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s656/Sancho545/2013-04-18_00053_zps80c21472.jpg' alt='2013-04-18_00053_zps80c21472.jpg'>
  8. Jeb, Bill and Bob have regularly returned to once again fly in each others company after a tragedy, something i think i'm going to miss when career mode comes around, they're also the only ones to have those spiffy orange space-suits whilst sitting inside their capsules.
  9. You don't want to watch this without a handkerchief nearby, it's an emotional one
  10. I too love the community of this game, you should see the many tribute and cinematic videos on Youtube, they range from amazing to astounding.
  11. Hey guys, I thought i might make this thread because over the past few weeks i've seen a fair few Kerbal cinematic videos and on some of them i've thought to myself "Wow, how come this work of art has so few views?," i feel there's a lot of talent out there, some which has received great attention and some less, for that reason i was hoping we could create a collection together. If you have seen a video you like and it hasn't been mentioned in the thread please consider adding a link to it here. Here is what i have found so far that i really liked, i'l just leave the links instead of embedding as otherwise the thread will take forever to load: "Major Kerman" by Elgroxo: "KSP - The Journey" by Allen Schrader: The owner of this channel, Lui K. Larson recreates historical missions with KSP, here is one of their videos, "Friendship 7": "Landing on Duna" by Norun1: The famous "Build, fly, dream" trailer by Shaun Esau: "Project Excelsior" by applemacbook13: "The Kerbol Expedition : 6 : Vulcan" by StreetlampPro: A Kerbal Space Program Tribute by KSPdotNET: "Kerbal Space Program Steam Launch Trailer" (Official) by Ryan Turner: "Journey to Duna" by Nassault630: Part 2 trailer: part 2: There really is some beautiful work there and it's a real pity that some of the less seen vids haven't had more views, i look forward to seeing your finds!
  12. I used paint, but many people here used GIMP i believe.
  13. Well done, your first Mun landing is a great memory.
  14. I tried using that GIMP program, i couldn't even find the colour palette
  15. Congratulations! I tried docking but for now i gave up, i got to within a few meters but after that i flailed around helplessly, i'l try again at some point in the future.
  16. I remember hearing about an application called Game-booster a year or so ago, i tried it myself but experiencing no noticeable improvement i stopped using it, i have heard some people swear by it's potency though, i think it works by shutting down any non-essential programs while you play. Anyone else know if game-booster could help? I wouldn't use it on my recommendation alone as frankly i'm not the most knowledgeable on these things.
  17. As Vanamonde says the rocks aren't solid so they shouldn't be the cause of your problem, despite having driven a rover on the Mun i never came across something like that, i hope someone else might know what it could be.
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