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Custard Donut (In Space)

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Everything posted by Custard Donut (In Space)

  1. I do, it is the Crystal Palace which used to stand in Hyde park, London. Sadly no longer in existence as a great fire that was visible across eight counties destroyed it in 1936, the same year that civil war broke out in my own country. I hope you will forgive me for quoting wikipedia a little, it was made of cast-iron and plate glass in order to house the great exhibition of 1851, 14.000 exhibitors gathered from around the world in the Palace's 990.000 square feet of exhibition space to display examples of the latest technology developed in the industrial revolution. On the night of it's fiery ruin 89 fire engines and 400 firemen battled to save it without success, 100.000 people came to Sydenham hill to watch the blaze, among them Winston Churchill who said "this is the end of an age." What is your favourite building?
  2. Oh dear, i do hope most of these easter eggs don't disappear, i have yet to visit any of them apart from a Mun arch i found.
  3. I feel humbled after reading all this, i have memories of what the universe and the night sky look like in my head, but when i see it in photographs it becomes far more overpowering, those galaxies looking like stars are pretty incredible.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised at all, this game can really capture the imagination as it's so unique, i'm far too useless for anything other than having an XL firework strapped to my back and fired upwards for fun, but there will be a lot of young players that may well end up if not astronauts, then astronomers, physicists and the like, yep wouldn't surprise me at all if Kerbal was a catalyst for some people's future careers.
  5. There was another small patch recently, could it maybe have fixed some of the bugs you were experiencing?
  6. Thank you guys you left me very happy, you right mate, if a mod could transport this over there i'd be grateful, i didn't know we had a place for mission reports.
  7. Every time something like that happens i feel sad, i've been scared of putting my kerbals in aeroplanes ever since i killed one when trying to land a plane on the runway, i make ejector cockpits for just about anything i fly now, rocket,plane or otherwise, that's the great thing about KSP, if you want to take your Kerbal's safety seriously you can.
  8. I don't use it, i got so used to the vanilla style that learning how to use mechjeb scares me.
  9. For me it was about 4 weeks of trying before i managed to dock, i have to give all credit to Scott Manley, it was his tutorial that got someone as frankly thick as myself to finally understand.
  10. Hey guys, I realise a Mun rescue is no great shakes in the world of Kerbal, but for me it was my first ever rescue attempt where before i just used to end mission if something went wrong, i decided to try this after the new ability to add and remove pilots made me realise i could send up a two-man pod with just one Kerbal inside it. Earlier i had flown to the Mun with a pre-update rocket and to my surprise i ran out of fuel just as i landed, it was a design that had safely returned me to Kerbin many times before, perhaps it was unfamiliarity with the new ASAS or simple lack of practice, none of that was of much importance to poor Bobly Kerman however, all he knew was that he was now stuck on the Mun with nothing to do but climb up and down his ship's ladder and read his own flag plaque. At the launchpad: Whether by skill or good fortune, Barbus manages to land within a couple of Kilometers of Bobly's landing site, all that remains is to let mission control tell Bobly help has arrived. Without any need for further prompting, Bobly takes off with his Jetpack in the direction of the rescue ship. An overjoyed Bobly finds his rescuer, never before in it's ancient history has the Mun witnessed such an occasion. Time to leave for home: The Mun in all it's pockmarked glory: I had a mad amount of fun doing this mission, i'm really happy with the new update, if you've read this far thank you for your kind patience.
  11. It's amazing how much character these little guys have.
  12. I'm not sure about ship lights but Kerbal helmet lights didn't seem to shine on the ground, they only hit the ship.
  13. Are you a Steam user? You should upload that screenshot, i think it will be a big favourite
  14. I climbed out the smallest rocket you ever saw with Bill, it fell over with him on top, something exploded and Bill immediately accelerated to hundreds of meters per second out toward the sea, that's the silliest thing i can think of.
  15. I had a rare screenshot of a smiling Bob, well it wasn't a smile exactly but the corners of his mouth were tilted upward ever so slightly, he was standing under a tree and well away from any contraption that might cause him fear.
  16. Like my other hobbies i usually know it's time to stop when i start seeing double.
  17. ...is the Mun really dark now or am i mistaken? The craters look really good but i miss the bright surface from before the patch, i kept looking upward to see where Kerbol was and it surprised me as it was right above, yet all around me is pretty dark, do you think the Mun is too dark now? I did a small poll to see what you guys think.
  18. Ah wonderful, last time i went to Ike i couldn't see a thing!
  19. Mr Manley's videos put me into space and landed me on the Mun, yet when there was a poll some time ago saying "would you want Scott Manley to do the tutorials for KSP" i inexplicably voted no, i think my reasoning at the time was that i wanted the Kerbals to have those Kerblish voices they have in the update videos, and i thought that should be how the tutorial was presented, but in retrospect Scott's inimitable knack for teaching even someone as dim as me to understand KSP is a very valuable resource. So, in the unlikely event that Scott is reading this, thank you Scott and sorry, i should have voted for you because you are top when it comes to explaining KSP.
  20. A few of my thoughts after having gotten to the Mun in the new update: I immediately noticed the game ran smoother on Kerbin when i took to the skies in a stock aeroplane. The burning-red jet engines look great. The craters on the Mun are spectacular. A rocket which used to get me to the Mun and back with fuel to spare now barely had enough fuel for a one way journey there, which is kind of alarming. The mountains near the space-center look like a Kerbalised version of Skyrim's mountains. The Mun seems darker to me than it used to. The space center looks great, and the night-time lighting there gave me my first glimpse of what lit up cities might look like on Kerbin's dark side. I got a Kerbal recruit called Mitler, he was one letter away from not being allowed into the space-program. The strange, intermittent sound-skip/mini-frame-skip is still there. Orbiting the Mun is somewhat of a rougher affair for my PC as the game struggles a little more to render the new surface. The Asas problems that some are mentioning have not affected me, it doesn't grip my rocket as hard as it used to (pardon the innuendo) but it's a smoother feel altogether and much better on the aeroplanes. I really love the inside of the hitchhiker module, but it just makes me want to walk around inside it. The game is still awesome, just more-so than before.
  21. Despite unfounded rumours of a balls-up at both the design stage and at factory level, the recently renamed Ballerina landing module is in actual fact a risque fusion of science and the arts, deliberately designed from the very beginning to perform Swan lake on the Mun. (Or the Nutcracker, we haven't decided yet.) http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s656/Sancho545/2013-07-25_00001_zpsfc35e6a1.jpg' alt='2013-07-25_00001_zpsfc35e6a1.jpg'>
  22. This is the part i can't understand, in order for a balloon to be blown up it must have space around itself it can expand into, you couldn't inflate a balloon with your hands clamped around it.
  23. To say the universe is finite doesn't make any logical sense to me, it may well have an edge but if it keeps increasing in size then i assume it is acquiring new space from outside of itself, i have had this conversation before on at least three different occasions and each time it ended the same way, by being told that my question of "where that new space is coming from" is irrelevant, and frankly i find that answer to be unconvincing.
  24. I think the new Mun looks pretty good, to be honest though i think it's the Eve surface that needs a little attention, it feels like sacrilege to me to even criticise KSP as i like it so much, but dang, Eve surface is like featureless plasticine.
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