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Custard Donut (In Space)

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Everything posted by Custard Donut (In Space)

  1. Lol You could take it the other way around as well, the sad one could be the guy that's been there for many months, the happy guy excited by seeing the Mun hehe.
  2. I call my creations after characters from books i've read, i have a Quijote rover searching for windmills on the Mun and a Sancho satellite sending wise (and not so wise) sayings into deep space every few seconds, my Gimli rocket went to the Mun first and Ishmael took me to Duna, where i began exploring with my Queequeg rover. It's easy that way, just remember books or films and you'l get plenty of ideas.
  3. Imagine having second thoughts half way there lol.
  4. I'm going to go with Michael Collins, the reason being because i've always been a little scared of the dark side of the moon and i could really visualise his time in the dark there, his radio would cut off when he lost sight of Earth and he'd be all alone even though he said he never felt any fear, it always left an impression on me, i was also impressed with his humility.
  5. Nothke mate, if you are on Steam don't hesitate to upload your newspaper to the artwork section, i even uploaded a doodle i did on paint lol :)

    Warm regards, Custard.

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  6. I suppose i am religious, there's a baby Jesus statue in the hallway that we (my family) all give a kiss to if someone goes out, so i guess i am an idol-worshipper as well! I carry a picture of the virgin Mary who i love very much but sadly i fail her all too often, i'm not really worthy, these things are symbolic to me too, even if these Gods turn out not to be the ones that exist and God is something or someone else entirely i am still confident my intentions will be taken into consideration, and i won't be thought of too badly for praying at the wrong altar. With regard to science it's been nothing but a great boon for me, it's put glasses on my face and everytihng else we have is due to clever people making clever things, it's never threatened my faith because i don't have faith, i have hope, it's a bit different, and i absolutely love Kerbal Space Program, it is awe-inducing indeed. Edit* oh and much like others here have mentioned, i keep my religious beliefs to myself unless asked about them.
  7. Training for the Minmus Olympics: Sunbather-1 drinks in the Kerbol goodness: Midnight Creeper: http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s656/Sancho545/MidnightCreeper_zpsbf96f8b3.jpg' alt='MidnightCreeper_zpsbf96f8b3.jpg'>
  8. Hello, the following is an attempt at fiction by me, i've never written any stories before so there probably won't be any continuation of it, as i don't know how to proceed anyway, but no other game has inspired me to write before so i thought i'd place my small contribution here in the fan section. Orwig kerman stared glumly at the navigation ball, he went over the all too brief instructions he'd been taught over the past few days and sighed dejectedly. He still didn't really have a clue what was going on since he'd been dragged off the streets of Kerbapolis by Kerbals in black (KIB's) and stuffed into the back of a van, just like his nervous co-pilot he'd woken naked and lying on a bed in the medical quarters of Kouston space center, where he was promptly informed that he had been chosen for a mission of vital importance to Kerbal-kind. "Too many pilots have exploded, escaped or simply gone missing! We need new ballast... er pilots," explained Professor Gene kerman, "Duna! Ever heard of it? You will soon, now if you'd kindly put on these luminous puffy pants, yes...and that pink bow-tie... and follow me, no questions please! All will be revealed soon enough!" And so it was that Orwig and Egbert Kerman undertook a whole two weeks of training with the intended goal of reaching the planet Duna, a feat hitherto unheard of and guaranteed to bring them fame and alleged fortune, it involved long amounts of time sitting, some ejecting and a lot of falling, and although there was no real, right way to do these things Professor Gene assured them they had done stupendously. "Everything alright Orwig?" Egbert's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "What?" Oh yes, yes of course, fine and dandy!" Orwig smiled unconvincingly, he had learned very quickly not to make Egbert unduly anxious, he was jumpy to say the least and had gone through far more pairs of puffy pants than Orwig had during training. It's going to be great isn't it? Egbert smiled happily, "we're going to be heroes aren't we?" Squashed heroes, thought Orwig, "Oh yes!" he said, "absolutely." I just wish i'd watched those Scott Kerbley tutorials the Professor gave us earlier, he looked over at the small, unopened pack of digi-cassetes and grimaced, i can always watch them on the way he thought, the steady hum in their small command module had a soothing effect, Egbert twiddled his thumbs. "Orwig, why did we have to wear the pink bow ties during training? "Well we didn't have clearance to know that Egbert," replied Orwig, "i suspect it was for a good reas... he was interrupted by the voice of ground control crackling through the speakers, salutations kerbonauts! Prepare for launch in ten, nine, eight, Orwig and Egbert braced themselves, this was the culmination of a whole fortnight's training, three, two... one!
  9. Very nice He reminds me of someone, but for the life of me i cannot remember who.
  10. Orwig "Icarus" Kerman pushed down a little too hard on his jetpack accelerator while on the Mun, flew too high and too fast and came down again with a splat, making a little crater of his own which is now named in his honour.
  11. I had this problem when i lost one of my Kerbonauts, i had a command module and three Kerbonauts, after losing one no matter what i did Spaceport was greyed out, i had to end flight too. I currently have a rover on the Mun and if it's moving i can't go back to spaceport, i must be standing still and breaks on, have you tried putting your breaks on? It's a long-shot but i'm afraid i can't think of anything else.
  12. I like it, captures Mun's quiet vastness and loneliness very well indeed.
  13. When i first got the game i had trouble even trying to get my landing gear to work, i attached girders and struts in such a way where all the legs went wonky, getting into space at that time was a far and distant prospect
  14. Your star rocket is great, much better than anything i can make hehe :)

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  15. It's certainly food for thought, i've often wondered if other civilizations may have existed trillions of years in the past or will exist trillions of years in the future, i keep forgetting that in a universe this large time is as big a barrier to meeting other creatures as distance. For the sake of kerbal-kind i hope they never find a wormhole to our dimension, it wouldn't take long for us to stop patting them on the head and start opening them up to see how their organs work.
  16. Hey i seen those! Very useful when needing to take a pit-stop. http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s656/Sancho545/2013-04-15_00008_zpsa74d4a07.jpg' alt='2013-04-15_00008_zpsa74d4a07.jpg'>
  17. Wow! This looks really good, thanks I try the stock one because i don't have any mods yet.
  18. You know i really like this one, would be nice to think the Kerbals have made a very pleasant place in which to live, this is an alternative universe so they don't have to be quite as violent us humans, the complete lack of weapons Kerbals have seems to re-enforce their position as good-natured creatures, Kertopia sounds great.
  19. Bah Jebediah is all flash and no substance, i bet he needs someone else to tie his Mun-boot laces before every mission, Bill is the guy making sure everything runs smoothly, he probably even has to remotely contol Jeb's Mun-boots to make sure he walks in the right direction, i also think poor Bob should have his name up there.
  20. I have a large collection of folk music from around the world, i listen to it more than i do classical music (which is sometimes based on folk music, especially in eastern Europe and Russia,) wherever it comes from it speaks to me of a people's story. Going by Captain kalawang's poster i guess i'm found in the "weird" category.
  21. I'd have to go with Bill, Jebediah gets asked for his signature all the time but it's Bill that does all the hard work whilst Bob is essentially ballast.
  22. I think i prefer your idea, Kerbapolis rolls of the tongue better than Kerpolis, sounds funnier too.
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