Hello, the following is an attempt at fiction by me, i've never written any stories before so there probably won't be any continuation of it, as i don't know how to proceed anyway, but no other game has inspired me to write before so i thought i'd place my small contribution here in the fan section. Orwig kerman stared glumly at the navigation ball, he went over the all too brief instructions he'd been taught over the past few days and sighed dejectedly. He still didn't really have a clue what was going on since he'd been dragged off the streets of Kerbapolis by Kerbals in black (KIB's) and stuffed into the back of a van, just like his nervous co-pilot he'd woken naked and lying on a bed in the medical quarters of Kouston space center, where he was promptly informed that he had been chosen for a mission of vital importance to Kerbal-kind. "Too many pilots have exploded, escaped or simply gone missing! We need new ballast... er pilots," explained Professor Gene kerman, "Duna! Ever heard of it? You will soon, now if you'd kindly put on these luminous puffy pants, yes...and that pink bow-tie... and follow me, no questions please! All will be revealed soon enough!" And so it was that Orwig and Egbert Kerman undertook a whole two weeks of training with the intended goal of reaching the planet Duna, a feat hitherto unheard of and guaranteed to bring them fame and alleged fortune, it involved long amounts of time sitting, some ejecting and a lot of falling, and although there was no real, right way to do these things Professor Gene assured them they had done stupendously. "Everything alright Orwig?" Egbert's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "What?" Oh yes, yes of course, fine and dandy!" Orwig smiled unconvincingly, he had learned very quickly not to make Egbert unduly anxious, he was jumpy to say the least and had gone through far more pairs of puffy pants than Orwig had during training. It's going to be great isn't it? Egbert smiled happily, "we're going to be heroes aren't we?" Squashed heroes, thought Orwig, "Oh yes!" he said, "absolutely." I just wish i'd watched those Scott Kerbley tutorials the Professor gave us earlier, he looked over at the small, unopened pack of digi-cassetes and grimaced, i can always watch them on the way he thought, the steady hum in their small command module had a soothing effect, Egbert twiddled his thumbs. "Orwig, why did we have to wear the pink bow ties during training? "Well we didn't have clearance to know that Egbert," replied Orwig, "i suspect it was for a good reas... he was interrupted by the voice of ground control crackling through the speakers, salutations kerbonauts! Prepare for launch in ten, nine, eight, Orwig and Egbert braced themselves, this was the culmination of a whole fortnight's training, three, two... one!