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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. This was added when KSC was redesigned. I believe it was 0.21. If you're surprised by the stairway in that old tower you might want to spend some more time exploring KSC. All stairways and flagpoles are climbable. You can even climb all the way up to the helipads on the VAB.
  2. Check 'Places of Interest' on http://www.kerbalmaps.com/
  3. How about Large Structural/Station Components If you like it do not use the link in the first post to download. It does not have tech tree integration. Instead use this one: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64621786/udk_lethal_d0se.zip
  4. 1 large + 2 small shuttles (1x 8 and 2x 4 Kerbals) 2 escape pods (3 Kerbals per pod) 1 Debris Hunter (intercepts and recycles debris into fuel and metal) 11520/14080 LFO 240000 rocket parts 1125 monoprop Room for 52 Kerbals in 5 UDK hab modules and 2 custom UDK/EPL workshops. Capable of recycling metal to rocket parts and building/refueling new craft in orbit. Weighs in at just under 850 tons. 450*450 Kerbin orbit. It does start to affect frame rates but it's still not a slide show. More parts will be added.
  5. The kethane turbine works in any atmosphere! It is very efficient at low speed but it looses efficiency and power very rapidly as soon as you go fast.
  6. I'd like to see a radial materials bay. Similar in size and weight to the goo canister but to keep it balanced less efficient than the regular bay.
  7. Trust me, there is nothing boring about that canyon. I once drove a small rover from east to west through it and it was an epic challenge.
  8. A 720px × 64px png is roughly 35KB. He got roughly 130 thousand hits per day. 35 * 130000 = 4550000 A whopping 4.5 GB per day. I can't blame that provider for asking questions about it.
  9. In 0.21 the temple is still MIA. But since we are more than 6 months later than the last post in this thread and are playing 0.23 it is back again.
  10. You don't have to use html tags. If you'd used [noparse][/noparse] than your images would have showed. What are we supposed to look at???
  11. Check out the Extraplanetary Launchpad mod. It comes with a 'recycling bin'. Everything that enters the bin is removed and converted into metal/rocketparts/fuel that can be used to build new ships.
  12. I still have to check but I might know where the problem originates. I did not ad/remove Kerbals through EVA, I moved them with Crew Manifest. As I said I still have to confirm my suspicion. I'll let you know later today. (Just got home from work, need food first.) Edit: Actually going EVA does update the productivity correctly. It's Crew manifest that's to blame for not updating.
  13. Whatever it is, there is a simple solution: Automatically kill time warp. Several other mods (Kerbal Alarm Clock and MechJeb to name just two) can do this. It should not be too hard to implement a similar feature to EPL.
  14. Found another bug but it could use some confirmation. (I've got a lot of mods installed so it could also be on of those.) In orbit you do NOT want to be time warping at the moment your build finishes! If your new craft spawns during timewarp it will be ripped clean from your station/ship. Possibly destroying your construction yard/vessel in the process.
  15. I did as you said and checked the productivity and I might have uncovered a minor bug in the process. One of the pods was indeed negative so I moved both Kerbals to a module that does not contribute to EPL. Right clicking on the now empty command pod still showed the negative productivity. Logic dictates it should be zero. Only after reloading the station (switched to other craft) the pod showed the correct productivity again. This minor bug might also explain why I had no productivity at all. At first I loaded my station with empty command pods and moved my Kerbals after I started construction. When I cam back I loaded the station with filled pods and the productivity was calculated correctly. Edit: Would it be possible to add an overall productivity number? Perhaps on the dock/launchpad part?
  16. OK, here's the situation: I've got an orbital Construction yard with plenty of fuel, rocketparts and currently 16 Kerbals. Obviously it does not have a workshop. That's the part I wanted to ad. My station is build mainly out of 'Large Structural/Station Components' so it does not contain hitchhiker or lab modules. It does however has a few Mk1-2 Command Pod's. I have already moved as many of my Kerbals to all possible command pods (including the B9 pods on the docked shuttles) and already had the latest version of ModuleManager installed. Nothings happening when I try to construct something. The bar stays at 0%. Edit: No this is really weird. The problem seems to have solved itself. The percentage is slowly going up. All I did was leave the station for the Space Center and come back a few minutes later, re-loading the station.
  17. Thanks for the info. Good to see it will be fixed.
  18. Some people are at least going to try it. Not sure if they'll succeed but they will try.
  19. It looks like EPL has problems building reaction wheels in orbit. Over and over again (with different designs) reaction wheels are misaligned after building a craft in orbit. Not that the reaction wheels don't work, the craft does work properly. But the reaction wheels and adjacent parts get shifted out of place. The central KW tank should be nice and flush with the conical tank. In this case only the central KW tank is misplaced ,the reaction wheels are actually in the correct position, as is everything else. It always happens near or at the reaction wheels and most of the time the wheels are wonky too. Edit: I did some additional testing and it might not be related to reaction wheels. It's the root parts that gets misaligned. On other designs the reaction wheel was the root part and on the picture it is the KW tank. The reaction wheels just happened to be in the same place.
  20. It might be possible to shed some more weight by using an EVA parachute. You'll no longer need to launch the fuel needed for re-entry.
  21. With enough parachutes anything can land on water safely. You might want to disqualify parachute landings.
  22. If you mean Bahamuto's 3D printer then the answer is simply no. It doesn't actually 'print' anything. It just converts the resource metal into the resource rocketparts. Those rocketparts are what you consume to build ships. The actual building of the ship is exactly the same as it is when launching from KSC. If you want to limit the use of certain parts then simply don't use them in the VAB/SPH.
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