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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. There's your answer: launch the core of your construction yard and use that to construct the rest in orbit.
  2. If you don't mind installing another mod you might want to consider Extraplanetary launchpads. You can launch the required materials to orbit in multiple launches and build that thing in orbit as a single piece.
  3. Before flight check the relation between CoM and CoL with empty tanks.
  4. I've seen video's of that one. Along the length of the rocket where three wires. If two out of three were broken it would trigger the escape tower. But in the test it would be triggered by remote. The rocket launched but entered an uncontrolled spin due to some gyro failure. Centrifugal forces ripped the rocket apart, breaking the wires and launching the tower. Edit: Ninja'd
  5. Very sad that people actually died when Space shuttles Challenger and Colombia exploded. But the reasons why they happened are pretty Kerbal.
  6. What you CAN do is use the 'SURF' part of MechJeb's Smart A.S.S. Surf is short for surface, it allows you to manually set a heading, nose angle and roll angle relative to the surface. This is pretty much what you're after.
  7. Wind? Since when is there any wind in KSP? The Coriolis effect will probably force you off course but definitely not wind.
  8. B9 is not yet updated to 0.23. Don't ask. Nobody knows when. Bac9 is working on it as far as we know. You can get the B9 SABRE's and cargo bays working in 0.23 by updating ExsurgentEngineering.dll and Firespitter.dll. You can find all info in the B9 topic or in a topic just like this from yesterday: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66020-B9-0-23-fixes
  9. Why was it moved to Fan Works? Probably because it belongs in Fan Works! If someone would start a similar topic, lets say with video's, in the general forum it would be moved to Fan Works within one or two days. Guaranteed! Why should "Show off your awesome KSP pictures!" be an exception to this?
  10. Correct. MechJeb has a 'rover auto pilot'. It allows you not only to set a course and speed but can also follow a set of waypoints.
  11. Darn. Nice necro! How on earth did you find this thread? Did you bother to look at the date before you posted? Last post September 2012
  12. That is most definitely NOT it. That's not a mod, that's a craft which is relying on, according to the description; NovaPunch, KW Rocketry, Procedural Fairings, KSP Interstellar, Near-Future Propulsion Pack AND SCANsat. You want the link provide by Traches!
  13. Finding it is VERY easy to be honest. I found downloads for both 0.15 and 0.15.2 in less than 30 seconds. How and where is not a topic to be discussed on this forum.
  14. It looks like I saw that error a minute too late. I misread a few things but was not able to delete my reply before you quoted it.
  15. Did we just make history? Did we just solved the Lagrange point puzzle?
  16. There might be a hack that does not involve a complete re-write of the basic game engine. Don't put the L-points on their own rails but instead put them on their parents rails with a distance and angle off-set.
  17. If you put them on rails in the correct orbit they will not be always in the right place. Both L4 and L5 are in a slightly higher orbit and therefor have a slower orbit. But since we're already 'faking' it you could of course put them in the same orbit as the planet and keeping them in the 'correct' position. Edit: F! Got ninja'd by less than a minute.
  18. That's what I was thinking too. Manley was either talking about Interstellar or FAR. I clearly remember he mentioned something like that in one of his latest video's.
  19. My bet is on infinity. Because that's where you'll be spending the rest of your time.
  20. I drove from KSC to the north pole once. But my most epic rover journey by far was east to west through the infamous Dres Canyon.
  21. Impressive how in a thread barely three pages long the exact same video gets posted three time.
  22. We've already passed that point decades ago. Most current launches are automated and unmanned. The weight of a single astronaut and his/her life support system could also be used to add a second (or third) satellite to the payload. The same goes for the Skylon. It saves a lot of weight and doesn't risk lives. Imagine how the public would react if the very first Skylon flight ended in a fireball killing the pilot? They'd probably cancel the entire program.
  23. You might think the more powerful would be better but you're wrong. If you would use an engine that has double the strength but half the efficiency you would indeed reach your target dV in half the time. But it would require double the amount of fuel. Actually, it would require MORE than double the amount of fuel since you'd need to move all that extra fuel too. Long story short: Time is irrelevant. Efficiency is the only thing that matters.
  24. That was probably 0.22. In 0.23 you can gather MUCH more science from Minmus. It has a nice variety of biomes just like Kerbin.
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