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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. One option to reduce it at least a bit is to remove the girder between the decoupler and the orange tank. You probably put that in to stop the nose gear clipping into the fuel tank but it serves no real purpose other than making the imbalance worse.
  2. If he had farted on Gilly he'd be in orbit by now.
  3. With the right design a plane CAN take off stably without any input. But keep in mind Aramchek did use the word 'almost'. He never claimed his planes flew without input.
  4. And how are you so sure this is 0.23 compatible? 0.23 is not yet released, do you have 0.23 already? Please elaborate.
  5. Don't want to be negative but that doesn't look like DS9. This looks like DS9!
  6. Correct. AFAIK planned and definitely suggested two or three times before.
  7. Oh yeah, that looks painfully familiar. Burns from 10% look nearly identical. You won't get blisters but it itches like hell.
  8. Not melt it, just burn it. I work with diluted H2O2 on a regular basis in the brewery. Get the 'undiluted' 10% solution on your bare hands and you're certain to notice it. Trust me, I speak from experience.
  9. H2O2 is Hydrogen peroxide. Very corrosive (strong oxidizer) and pretty dangerous in higher concentrations.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking. If you have them installed they are very hard to miss.
  11. There is already a mod that can balance thrust. And if I'm not mistaken this will be, at least to a certain degree, one of the tweakables in 0.23
  12. Cargo bays are included in the B9 pack. They should show under the structural parts. If they're not there you probably have an incomplete install.
  13. How you call it depends on the source you refer to. What really matters doesn't change; it's artificial, man made, not natural.
  14. I don't think it's impossible but all mathematical models say all 'natural' bodies should rotate the same way. Uranus has an axial tilt of 97.77° It probably has this extreme tilt due to some extreme collision in the distant past. What if an exo-planet gets knocked over all the way to something like 180°? It would look like it's spinning the other way. Would we be able to see the difference? Possibly. I don't know. Triton was just the only one I know for sure that orbits 'the wrong way'
  15. Hold on for a minute. Hawking radiation has NEVER been detected. It is still pure theoretical. It has been detected under lab conditions in an artificial black hole but never from a natural scource.
  16. Looks very familiar. All my own shuttle have failed thus far. Though I did build a huge SSTO cargo plane once that was capable of delivering 2.5m parts with a total of 30 tons to LKO.
  17. Under normal circumstances you'd be correct about planetary rotation. Neptune rotates, like all other planets, counter clockwise but its largest moon Triton has a retrograde orbit, it orbits clockwise. It is unlikely Triton formed in Neptune orbit but is believed to be a captured Kuiper belt object.
  18. Correct. All (stock) bodies in KSP rotate counter clockwise around their axis and orbit counter clockwise around their parent.
  19. Why ask for a feature when it is already in the game? Just move your cursor to the top center of the screen, open the pull-down menu and left or right click on whatever type of vessel you want to add or remove from the map.
  20. How can 'nothing' have an 'event horizon'? You are contradicting yourself. You're saying there is and there isn't anything at the center. A statement like this might work on the quantum level but not on the macro level.
  21. Run out of places to do science??? How many times did you go to Mun? And how many different (!!!) biomes did you visit? By just doing science on Kerbin, Mun and Minmus you can get very far in the tech tree. It might even be possible to complete it.
  22. You do know that what your talking about IS a black hole, don't you?
  23. How do you run that jet engine? I don't see any air intakes.
  24. Try this in-game tutorial: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/41851-0-22-0-Docking-Tutorial-1-1-1 Or just search the forum and/or youtube. There are literally dozens of topics about this.
  25. TMS is right. Connections in KSP have a limit. The bigger the parts you use the more stress you exert on those connections. KW rocketry is clearly pushing the limits. Adding struts in the right places can solve reinforce the joints as can Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. KJR is not a complete substitute for struts but it greatly reduced their need.
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