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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. This is a VERY common problem and it has a equally simple answer. Your three upper engines are place in front of the center of mass. Control surfaces reverse their behavior when they are in front, engines should reverse their gimbal too but they don't. As a result they steer left when they should steer right and up when they should go down. Since you can not reverse the gimbal your only remaining option is to lock them; right click the engine and select 'Lock gimbal'
  2. I stand corrected. I did not know about that one. I did some background checking on that thing and it looks like it was greatly ahead of its time. A 'Space shuttle' even before the first moon landings.
  3. To practice landing on Gilly you can 'Hack Gravity' from the console. Hacked gravity on Kerbin is still slightly higher but very similar. Try landing your craft on some weird, inclined places (e.g. on top of buildings) around KSC. Once you've nailed that you should be able to nail both Gilly and Pol.
  4. Midnight Launch Goodbye Moho. Till next time.
  5. Slightly off-topic but don't you mean Hermes style? The Dreamchaser isn't an original concept. It started early this century while the ESA Hermes project was canceled in the early '90.
  6. I have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed and it works wonders. It drastically reduces wobble on both rockets and stations. I haven't tested it on planes yet but based on reading that topic and what I have seen myself I am confident. Before Kerbal Joint Reinforcement my Spacedock was flapping around like a fish out of water when I opened or closed the arms. Now it still wobbles but not nearly as much as before.
  7. My Bill, Bob and Jeb are currently in orbit around Moho. I planned to bring them home earlier but on arrival I realized I had enough fuel to land but not to get back into orbit, let alone get back home. Now that they took possession of a larger booster they safely visited the surface and are awaiting a window to return home. Edit: They're home again.
  8. I admit I was skeptical of yet another texture reducing mod. But after reading all the positive reactions I too gave it a try. I don't have exact numbers but it reduced the memory load by roughly 10-20%. I haven't noticed any significant increase in load times. And even if it took a few seconds longer to load I'll gladly pay that price in order to have a smoother running game. You've got my vote to get this plugin stock.
  9. Zover ik weet niet maar dankzij hugix hij weet wel van het bestaan: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57061-So-I-met-an-astronaut-today-and-asked-him
  10. Unless you made a back-up of your persistent file somehow the answer is no. Lessen #1: F9 does not load autosaves. It only loads quicksaves! Lesson #2: Even if you don't use them quicksave often to prevent accidental over-writing.
  11. Clever idea. It would make it a lot more intuitive. At the same time in might be a good idea to also add a 'Launch/Stage' button. I remember well how I was trying to figure out how to actually launch for the very first time.
  12. You are clearly controlling your rover in flight mode. Switch to docking mode or even better re-map your rover controls to something like IJKL .Doing so will control the wheels but not the SAS.
  13. No, your dream itself is sound. It is the space elevator that's flawed.
  14. That's exactly why I mentioned the Lazor Robotic Arms Pack. It has exactly what you're talking about. That 'magnet' can be turned off and on and consumes electricity when active. It's basically a docking port that can connect to anything. You could contact Romfarer and ask him how he did it.
  15. To summarize the link Sirine provided: Yes, you can deplete a 'science pool' just by transmitting. All points 'lost' in the transmission are placed back into the pool. But even if you did loose some potential points there is no need to worry, there are more science points in the game than you'll ever need. (Personally I've got a surplus of nearly 17000 points and still several 'untouched' science pools.) Just keep in mind SQUAD does have plans to change science gathering in 0.23
  16. It's been quite a while since I last used Infernal/Damned Robotics. I like the way things have evolved; more parts, various sizes and better meshes and textures. But is lacks one vital item. It was missing when it was still Damned Robotics and it is still missing now: an end manipulator, something to grab other pieces. Yes, I know you could fit a docking port on the end of your robotic arm or that you can use KAS. But what I'd really like to see is a magnetic clamp similar to the one in the Lazor Robotic Arms Pack.
  17. Then I hope your eyes are good enough to find the nearest optician. In the mean time:
  18. Forum search: Kerbalcon There is even an official posting from SQUAD with this exact same image.
  19. I like the idea a lot but it is not very original: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55339-Career-mode-Evolve-KSC-in-unison-with-thech-tree Oh yeah, now I remember why I like this so much. I made that suggestion.
  20. Correct. The higher you start from the easier it gets. The lowest atmosphere is the densest. Compare it to Kerbin, you spend roughly 50% of your dV in the first 15 km.
  21. Landing is probably hardest on Tylo as it has 0.8 gravity but no atmosphere. Taking off I'd say Eve is worst. 1.7g and a dense atmosphere. Landing on Eve is easy with the right amount of chutes.
  22. Yes, Infernal Robotics. The arms can open and close to allow easier docking or adjust for differently shaped vessels. The docking point is mounted on a gantry rail (and has the ability to rotate) so that too can be adjusted to fit the docked ship. (Concept version. Not identical to final design.)
  23. Yes, you've missed something. If you add a mod to your game that is located in tech tiers you've already unlocked they are not automatically added to the VAB/SPH. To use them you'll first have to 'purchase' them in the R&D building. - Go to the R&D building - Look for unlocked tiers that show a small number next to them. Click that tier. - On the right of your screen select the appropriate part and 'purchase' it. Now it should be available in the VAB/SPH.
  24. How long haven't you been to the forums? This gets suggested at least once a week in some form or another, there is already a working mod for this AND it is a planned feature for 0.23.
  25. Hephaestus Space Dock (With an interplanetary science vessel docked inside.) I expected the arms to be the most difficult to launch but they turned out to be the easiest. The asymmetric hab section was pretty tricky but the fuel section was a nightmare. Due to the sheer weight it took over a dozen attempts, I either lost control or the rocket collapsed mid-flight
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