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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Indeed, currently there is no real benefit of sending a probe instead of a Kerbal. But I guess in the future things will be a lot different. Once economics enter the game it would surprise me if loosing/stranding a Kerbal would have a significant negative effect on your annual funding.
  2. Did you even bother to check the date on this? It is OVER a year old!
  3. People, please stop digging up those old, long dead topics. There is absolutely NO reason to reply. This thing has been dead for over a year! But the recent explosion in necro-posting did get me thinking: What on earth are you guys searching for when you find these threads?
  4. Question: Did nobody notice or did nobody care? We all know what the OP meant but this is not what he asked. He asked about EVA but every answer is about IVA!
  5. You could use a Klingon Font. Very sci-fi and just as easy to find and download.
  6. 30-40 minutes corresponds with Low Kerbal Orbit. Anything orbiting should go round in roughly that time. A properly designed jet-plane can most certainly get round and back to KSC within the hour.
  7. Try searching the forums for the word 'cycler' and you get more results that you'll know what to do with.
  8. And what if you actually want to restore to your previous quicksave? Too bad, you can't, it has been deleted. No thanks! A better option would be an automated second quicksave as soon as you quickload. If this turns out to be the wrong quicksave you can always go back to to just before the quickload.
  9. That's how a probe core receives samples from a Kerbal. I believe Leonassan is asking how to pick up samples.
  10. Make sure 'corrective steering' is turned on in the Ascent guidance. Without it all the ascent guidance does is guide you instead of autopiloting.
  11. Why bother with discussing whether landing gear has mass or nor? IT DOESN'T MATTER ! Even IF mass was calculated for landing gear it wouldn't have any significant effect. If a plane can't fly with such a tiny vertical imbalance it wasn't going to fly anyway.
  12. I am afraid you'll be re-launching many vessels unless you can manually replace your current persistent.cfg with a backup. (The unmodded game does not make backups.) Even if you don't use quicksaves to correct for failed actions it is still wise to make quicksave every now and then just in case something like this happens. (Or if you persistent.cfg gets corrupted.)
  13. If I recall correctly all but one Kerbin anomalies are Munoliths. And the one that is not a Munolith is something completely different. You'll recognize it instantly when you see it.
  14. Since your craft has a relatively low profile it wouldn't surprise me if, due to fuel drain, the center of gravity ends up behind the cente5r of thrust. Aerodynamic control surfaces reverse their behavior if this happens, engines do not. As a result your engines will steer right when the should steer left and left when the should steer right making it nearly impossible (or at least very hard) to control.
  15. Please! For the sake of all that many consider holy! Please, please don't turn this game into 'Kerbal Space Tycoon'!
  16. Then just install MechJeb. P.S. Autopilots are on the 'What not to suggest' list. You might want to read it.
  17. Can you make a manual Quicksave? If you can do that you can try loading that to force a reset in the physics.
  18. You've obviously not unlocked the preceding tier yet. Just keep doing research, the next tech tiers will become visible soon.
  19. A few things can cause this. Make sure you are: landed, not moving, not under acceleration whatsoever (shut down SAS) and of course the most obvious, throttle down.
  20. Laythe: Tidally locked to Jool, fairly similar to Kerbin just a bit smaller (oxygen atmosphere, lower atmosphere height and a bit less gravity (0.8g)). Vall: Tidally locked to Jool. Not unlike Mün but with a bit higher gravity and a lot smoother surface. Tylo: Can be a pain to land on: 0.8g gravity but no atmosphere e.g. no aerobraking. Bop: Gravity similar to Minmus but without the nice flat frozen lakes. Bop is very uneven and has deceivingly steep hills. Pol: Tidally locked. Very low gravity, simply walking on the surface is not possible. If you want a ground base I'd suggest either Vall or Bop but personally I'd build my base in orbit.
  21. Since you already have MechJeb why don't you just let MechJeb do its thing and observe? Launch your Duna mission up to a stable orbit. If you stay too low you can't time warp high enough, if you go too high you'll lack the benefits of the Oberth effect. In this case I would go to roughly 500*500km equatorial. Target Duna, open MechJeb's 'Maneuver planner' and select 'Transfer to another planet'. Create and execute the node. Sit back, relax, keep a close eye on Protractor and observe what MechJeb is doing. Next time you can do it all on your own.
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