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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. For a long, long time EPL is one of those mods I would really like to use but can't bring myself to actually do it as it is at the same time one of the very best and very worst out there. In concept it's brilliant. It offers a feature that KSP desperately needs. But in execution it fails horribly. When I look at the models the hex-cans makes me want to puke. And they are among the best looking parts in the entire mod. The models for EPL have been far below anything that's out there from the very start. And sadly they still are. And that's despite a large number of excellent model makers in the community. So I beg you @taniwha, on my bare knees. Please, PLEASE strike a bargain with one of them and update the models. Look for example what @Nils277 has done for KPBS with EPL. His models look great, very stock-a-like. Not something that belongs in the recycler. Please don't get me wrong; the mechanics behind EPL are great. I've used it in the past and I really want to use it again but the models always have kept me from installing it. I am actually considering installing EPL and stripping it bare to it's core and just use the KPBS parts instead.
  2. The closest thing to what you're looking for would be Kerbal Terrain System. Unfortunately the development thread has been lost in a forum screw-up half a year ago. (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/146598-kerbal-terrain-system-thread-bug/) But I was able to find it on GitHub. https://github.com/StollD/Kerbal-Terrain-System. However that too is almost a year old.
  3. I must admit I had NOT expected you to actually answer the first two questions. If you had actually read the FAQ you already knew the answer to your problem. You're running 64bit and have 4MB RAM. If you look at your log you'll see you only have 119 MB left. That's not nearly enough. You're simply running out of memory and that's crashing your game. "But why does this happen only after I installed Mark IV Spaceplane System?" I hear you say. "It must be Mk IV Spaceplane that's to blame." Well. Yes and no. Mk IV Spaceplane may be the cause. But you lack of RAM is to blame. Mk IV Spaceplane adds a lot of parts and textures. That's a lot of extra memory required. And that's simply what's pushing you over the edge.
  4. Three questions: How much memory do you have installed? Are you using 32 or 64 bit KSP Have you read the FAQ? Read the first two items.
  5. Variable wings are nice for aesthetics but for aerodynamics completely useless unless you're using FAR. KSP will not calculate lift and drag differently on straight or swept wings.
  6. @eloquentJane I understand why you feel this way. I even agree to some extent. I've always been prepared to answer question or offer help and assistance. But there is one thing I will NOT do. And that is spoon-feed people an answer. Especially when the effort to ask the question here is more than is required to find the answer yourself. Instead I will point people in the right direction where they can find their own answer. And yes, that can sometimes be rather direct or harsh. But it will teach a lesson of self reliance. In this case simply google-ing "KSP community space station" would have answered the question for the full 100%. Next time @Imanukekaboom knows where to find his answers. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll feed himself for a lifetime.
  7. Trust me, it was autostruts. It has been mentioned MANY times before on the forum and I have experienced it my self a few times. Add autostruts and you'll wake the Kraken. Remove them and all is quiet. Add them again and all hell breaks loose again. If you've never experienced it I envy you. When your station suddenly starts doing the Kraken dance you'll do good to remember my words.
  8. I've said it MANY times before. And I am going to say it once more: Autostruts are evil! They are the spawn of the devil. Use them with extreme prejudice. Use the [Alt]+[F12] debug menu to visualize them and remove ALL autostruts from your station. Nearly guaranteed this will subdue the Kraken.
  9. In the top right-hand corner of your screen is a small window called "search". I'd suggest you use it. Search for "Community Space Station". But since the forum search is pretty crappy you'll get better and faster results using Google instead.
  10. There are plenty torrent options out there. But non of them are legal so I will not go into that. As @Streetwind said a download manager or FTP client would be a good option. And it doesn't even have to be free-ware. A 30 day trail for premium software would work too. Unlikely your connection is that crappy it will take more than 30 days to download.
  11. OK. I never tried any other resolution than 256*160, as far as I knew that was the required size. Since @nukeboyt confirmed 512x320 works just as well I will withdraw my comment.
  12. Do you know your link directs to THIS very topic?
  13. A reasonable collection. But I am sorry to say not very useful. For KSP flags need to be 256*160. And for KSP you do not need to add the wrinkle overlay. The game does that for you.
  14. If you say so. But it doesn't exactly look like a monolith now does it? In case you actually do think it looks like a monolith I would like to suggest a visit to your local optician.
  15. Since I had to Google what the hell TMA-3 was supposed to be the answer is wrong. All I could find Google-ing TMA-3 was a 2003 Soyuz mission and a landmine. Neither looks anything close to my image.
  16. Look what I found in deep space. First one to name it correctly earns a cookie.
  17. Stock, no. With mods literally anything is possible. It's just code after all.
  18. Exactly. As long as the atmosphere is dense enough to get compression it should not matter where the fuel and/or oxidizer comes from. Either one (or both) can come from a tank.
  19. When you're no longer impressed by any of the 'serious' answers in threads like this. The troll answers just get ignored.
  20. Use a probe capable of biome scanning through Kerbnet. Then place a waypoint. No mods or dumb luck required. Correct, Splash down and then come ashore and you're 'splashed down on land'. Land and go sailing and you're 'landed on water'. By properly exploiting this technique you can double the science on Kerbin. But you can milk Minmus dry for a lot more science with roughly the same amount of effort.
  21. Never knew there was a term for this but is exactly what I was talking about. Add to this a cornucopia of idioms, proverbs, synonyms and homonyms, and the interspecies linguistic minefield is complete.
  22. Yes, that too. I forgot to mention the power supply. Reminds me of a funny story from 10-15 years ago. I had my brother over and was showing him something on my PC. He works in electrical engineering so he's very familiar with the smell. "Your PC smells like fried circuit board" he stated. He had barely finished his words when my power supply literally exploded with a loud bang. Blowing the circuit breakers and plunging my home into darkness. The fan had ceased from dust and muck.
  23. That would waste a lot of dV in first raising and then lowering your orbit. Most efficient technique is to make a short burn prograde at the correct moment to raise your Ap. Next orbit you'll do the same: at Pe a small burn prograde. Over consecutive orbits you'll increase your velocity. This is however pretty difficult to plan since the last few orbits within your current SOI could take multiple days.
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